Toxic Media. E-Cigarettes And Journalism.


Journalists. They spit out low quality fairy tales as fast as an e-cigarette study hits their untrained eye. Such articles give one an eye-opening glimpse into the many “amateur hour” hacks pretending to be “writers” they really are.

What a BUNCH of kumquats. I would be embarrassed to attach my name on such a lack of “efforts” in “journalism” I’ve seen. I can only refer to the skill in which these articles were written as piss-poor. Most of these reek of the kind of stench you find in a port-a-john in a late summer fair full of experts.

With all the articles I see on e-cigarettes in a given week from the “press” and “reliable sources”, MOST are written as if they were made up by the half-assed skill of an 11-year-old child. Still, after all this time e-cigarettes have been on the market, most journalists show very little fact-checking skills and write about them with little to no knowledge of e-cigarettes.

The problem is, those who don’t know better…

may believe them.

These are irresponsible and unacceptable misinformation machines.


Media today can barely put a comprehensive report out on e-cigarettes without sensationalism. They boldly publish and promote false statements and outright lies without apologies, without evidence, without integrity. There is evidently no pride lost in slinging their feces…

They squealed about “formaldehyde”, which was false, but very few put forth any effort to type about Public Health England?


I am an amateur blogger. I’m not a professional writer, yet I put most of you to shame (both sides of this blog and previous posts for PLENTY of content) with the proper information for a smoker contemplating e-cigarettes and what they need to know.

Sadly, I write better than most of you, and I’m not a writer by profession. Most of you proudly show a lack of intelligence with each new “story”. See – that’s the thing, most of you are just telling stories. You’re specializing in e-cigarettes. E-cigarette fiction writers. Almost ass-hat like.

Am I being condescending? Yes, yes I am. Patronizing? Fine, if that’s how you feel. Some of you refer to e-cigarettes as smoking, so….we’re not on the same page. Work on that.


Some reporters are obviously too stupid or unable to put two sentences together coherently, they string a reader along by almost always starting off by describing an e-cigarette. Most of it is “expert copy & paste skills” from what I see. Regurgitating the same thing over and over and over again…. each article seems to have a theme.


Requirements, evidently, for being a piss-poor journalist:

Mention gateways and children, but rarely mention “the children“.

Mention flavors, but rarely mention that “adults like flavors”.

Mention nicotine is addictive but never mentions “nicotine“.

Mention approved methods, but don’t show “those methods aren’t as successful“.

Mention chemicals, but rarely mention “Chemicals“.

Mention health benefits, but never mention “health benefits

Mention we don’t know enough, but never mention that “Research is available here and here.”.

Mention laws, taxes & bans using the above descriptions but NEVER mention the truth on “Regulations, Restrictions, Taxes, Bans“.

Mention experts are on the fence about e-cigarettes, but have never talked to people on or along “experts on this side of that fence“.

They almost NEVER mention reaching out to talk to ANY organization.


Research, in journalism  – or at least this type of journalism isn’t acceptable to the public.

They rarely retract a story, when they do it’s barely mentioned in unrelated news or withOUT fanfare like the original story was bled to death.

Almost incessantly they will either allow comments until they don’t like them, will not allow certain comments, will delete them all or not allow them to begin with.

They LOVE exploding batteries. Here’s Christopher Russell on that:


Update on a 2nd one from Christoper Russell:


These wannabe’s take objectivity out, add in a five-gallon bucket of drivel, DON’T check facts, add in their own stupidity and use scary words like toxins – and makes a half-assed story go full ass.

One of the consequences of *#DailyPropaganda:

(*Thank you, Alan)



According to Wikipedia-(a source evidently not concerned with standards in facts):

Journalism has developed a variety of ethics and standards. While objectivity and a lack of bias are of primary concern and importance, more liberal types of journalism, such as advocacy journalism and activism, intentionally adopt a non-objective viewpoint. This has become more prevalent with the advent of social media and blogs, as well as other platforms that are used to manipulate or sway social and political opinions and policies. These platforms often project extreme bias, as “sources” are not always held accountable or considered necessary in order to produce a written, televised or otherwise “published” end product.

Fergus Mason has his view of

Wikipedia, and why it matters.


Please, keep in mind  -whether you are the largest major news corporation or the smallest, I AM talking to YOU.

Do as you wish, “journalists”. Follow the pack, parasites. Keep going with your “hard-hitting” fluff that your friends admire. You must be proud of that degree in typing.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

~Joseph Goebbels

There’s something controversial coming soon. It’s going to sting. This information you’re going to see in this trailer isn’t a secret. It may show that you are truly inept at research, that you are unwilling or unable to use your alleged education in journalism, or you’re just plain stupid. This could have been your story.

You, and all who have “Plausible Deniability” or who are “experts in tobacco control” might want to be attentive to this video from A Billion Lives.

It is a documentary about lies. Media, Government, Pharmaceuticals, Health and more. You know… all of you who should be paying attention instead of lying your full asses off…. or you may get da ishonorable mention in this.

Here are just some of the unedited comments  “Real People ~ Real Answers” from the latest survey, unedited on question #34:

What is your opinion on reports you’ve seen in the media ?


Tired of seeing ‘know nothing asshats’ pretending to be experts on vaping.
Tuesday, Oct 6th 5:24AM

A lot of media coverage on this is made by people who have not done their research.
Wednesday, Sep 23rd 8:18AM

It’s a mix in the UK these days
Wednesday, Sep 9th 12:29AM

Media used to relay the facts, today they only care about what sells. They have clearly taken a side before any interviews have started, some have affiliations with other companies or political views and stick to that no matter what truth is presented to them.

The honest truth should be shown on ALL media outlets, they should not be allowed to have a bias in any direction, the facts are what are important.
Sunday, Aug 16th 3:11AM

I tend to look for articles on ecigs and see many that talk about benefits and share them with others, but my sources are usually ecig positive, and I ignore the negative media reports from outside my sphere.
Saturday, Aug 8th 3:07PM

It seems hard to find legit studies and information that prove or disprove anything. More independent studies from sources that are not affiliated with smoking or vaping would be nice to see.
Sunday, Aug 2nd 8:00PM

The reports filled with blatant lies against vapor products were making me angry, so I stopped reading/watching them.
Those that are lying should be held responsible.
Saturday, Aug 1st 7:59PM

i find the media headlines negative aspects of vaping and e cigarettes way over the top. E cigarette and battery fires, exploding batteries etc are usually due to lack of knowledge and misuse.  Any battery powered device can a do explode, set on fire etc, but the media don’t report these instances the same way they do with e cigarettes.
Friday, Jul 31st 6:56PM

The amount of biased/ill informed propaganda circulating both in media and on social network is, in my opinion, disgraceful!
Thursday, Jul 30th 2:03PM

To the last point “I’ve seen more experts than can possibly exist” it’s more like “experts”. People who let others think they know what they are talking about
Wednesday, Jul 29th 9:50AM

I have seen news which are made up to make e cig sounds bad, but truly it has nothing to do with e cig.
Tuesday, Jul 28th 3:02PM

The media know fuck all and need to a few lessons in vaping!
Monday, Jul 27th 12:59PM

i have seen and heard way too many lies by people who are “experts” saying that its bad and targeting kids. i want them to support vaping rather than trying to get rid of the only actual effective way to quit smoking
Sunday, Jul 26th 4:30PM

most of the reports are outrageous and test the vaping device at levels that no person would actually use it at, because at those levels you no longer have the actual taste of the e liquid you have nothing but a burnt taste
Sunday, Jul 26th 1:11AM

 The never ending saga of a biased media and their sheeple.
Saturday, Jul 25th 11:55AM

its unballanced and there is too much scaremungering going on from very ignorant people
Wednesday, Jul 22nd 8:47AM

Big tobacco money talks
Tuesday, Jul 21st 11:52AM

It is very confusing trying to figure out what is information from real studies or reliable sources as opposed to what is made up on a non fact based opinion. That goes for both positive and negative information. I have stopped reading anything because I don’t know what to trust is from an accurate source
Sunday, Jul 19th 10:45AM

It seems only the sensationalist, biased reports get the big headlines!
Sunday, Jul 19th 11:12AM

The media is attracted to negative stories.

From memory, there are 10 million smokers in the UK and 2.6M vapers. Of the vapers about 1M don’t dual use. I’m sure there’s plenty that don’t do either now. There needs to be a Panorama-type program to tell the good news truth about vaping and the money and power behind FDA and EU bans.
Wednesday, Jul 15th 6:33PM

The propaganda is profoundly intellectually dishonest & scientifically incorrect.
Wednesday, Jul 15th 9:37AM

Most of what is out there is propoganda and when there is the side of vaping shown (pro vaping) it is far too often denounced. There are reports that show vaping honesty but they are few and far between because the govt does not want vaping to be seen as a good thing
Monday, Jul 13th 4:45PM

Junk science that is published them later pulled is stupid and irresponsable once it’s out there people believe it’s gotta be true when it isn’t
Monday, Jul 13th 2:11PM

There a a few unbiased reports out there, but most are fear-mongering.
Monday, Jul 13th 1:27PM

In the UK, I’ve seen both positive and negative coverage. But in the US it’s much worse, probably because of those vested interests. I do object to pharma companies putting signs in GPs offices saying ‘Don’t vape, stop smoking for good’ as it’s likely to put people off vaping. Vaping can save lives so why tell people not to do it? Insane.
Monday, Jul 13th 11:54AM

Heard some ridiculous stories. Battery safety is down to users, same as of you use a mobile phone, I have yet to meet anyone who has had anything more than a slight reaction to the pg. They simply used a Lewis worth more vg.

Monday, Jul 13th 3:30AM

Much of the media coverage (print and broadcast) reminds me of reports from the 80s and 90s suggesting that violent video games, television and rock music were responsible for teenagers committing serious crimes. Responsibility is being thrust on industry, rather than on parents, which is borderline atrocious

Sunday, Jul 12th 5:12PM

Very seldom do I see fair balanced reporting on the subject and when I see articles they are usually biased and slanted against Vaping and are chock full of misinformation and propaganda. The only fair and balanced information I have seen have been from the vaping industry itself.

Sunday, Jul 12th 2:33PM

This is true of a lot of the reports on the news, but I have seen lots of good studies done by professionals based on REAL SCIENCE and accurate reporting standards. I would never say vaping is 100% safe, but some of the reports on the news are just irresponsible and dissuade people from switching from stinkies, when they aren’t even true.

Sunday, Jul 12th 2:15PM

The real issue is the indoctrination the media has both received and repeated for the last 50 years from anti-smoking lobbies. It is because of this that all consumer nicotine products are demonized, regardless of potential benefit.

Saturday, Jul 11th 6:43PM

There have been both sides of reports on vaping, depends on who is making the statement in the perticular article, I’m sure there will be debates for quite some time, I could care less, I smoked about 40 years , now I vape, I think it was a smart choice for me, I’m not concerned about health issues cause it can’t be worse than smoking, either way I’m apparently not going to live for ever , I’m pretty smart, smart enough to try vaping and get off cigarettes.

Saturday, Jul 11th 2:57AM

The impact of what is reported is much more detrimental to those who don’t know any better or TRUST the media.

That’s why I’m here.

If I had relied on media reports for information I would have been too concerned with the long term safety of e-cigarette use to try them and I would still be smoking today.

From New York, this individual’s complete response to this survey is here.

“Popcorn” lung came up again in the news.

I suggest a tall glass of liquid to hydrate due to the high salt

The WONDERFUL folks over at Vapers.Org.UK

released a Special Edition on 12/12/15:

I suggest a tall glass of liquid to hydrate due to the high salt content!

A Bucket Of Popcorn.

The FDA has deeming regulations in progress at the moment.

Go here and do something about that.

Then go here as well.

E-cigarette Research is HERE.

MORE e-cigarette research is also HERE.

 Medical Professionals at MOVE are HERE.

Always a work in progress-

please visit my website here.

More to come!

Keep ON #Vaping On.
