Tag Archives: Activism

Vaping In The News – April 27th, 2019

Man your posts.

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

Leaked | Public Gets Long Overdue Look at Youth Vaping Study ~
Moral Panic | Diagnosing the Youth Vaping ‘Epidemic’ ~ FDA remains committed ~ What part of vaping is the most harmful? ~ REMOVE all doubt ~ Why Big Tobacco and Big Vape love comparing nicotine to caffeine ~ New Mexico Smoke Free Alliance Defeats 12 Anti-Vape Bills ~ Politics and Tobacco Harm Reduction: Things Congress Mix Up ~ Q & A With Vape Shop Owners ~

Leaked | Public Gets Long Overdue Look at Youth Vaping Study

Funny, I don’t see any ambulance chasing attorneys lining up for this…

Withholding information? For “who’s” monetary gain and benefit? Huh. Racketeering, Embezzlement, Extortion, Money Laundering, Obstruction of Justice… and more falls under the R.I.C.O. Act in the United States.

A “Cease and Desist” type letter from the University of Waterloo – to Regulator Watch… “It has come to our attention”…

Leaked | Public Gets Long Overdue Look at Youth Vaping Study

Moral Panic | Diagnosing the Youth Vaping ‘Epidemic’

Brent Stafford talks with Dr. Mark Tyndall about this.

Moral Panic | Diagnosing the Youth Vaping ‘Epidemic’

FDA remains committed to increasing the predictability and profitability of tobacco.

Yes, it’s just a tweet… my title corrected the FDA’s typo, Jim poked the bear.

What part of vaping is the most harmful?

Chris Price nails it as always… “They are fighting a desperate rearguard action to try and protect cigarette sales.

What part of vaping is the most harmful?

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

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REMOVE all doubt.

Another stunning OUTSTANDING tweet caught my eye this week. From CASAA has said what I’ve said. A thousand times.

FDA “deemed” vaping products “tobacco” on National Tobacco Day. Do YOU agree to the definition – and “any” tax as tobacco? You accept that? Huh.

NO taxes, NO addiction, and NO gateway. They want to impose regulations, restrictions, taxes, and BANS of less smoking to cover their fiscal improprieties. PERIOD. Once they (have) take the opportunity, they’ll never stop trying to regulate, restrict, tax, and BAN less smoking.

“You’ve just ADMITTED GUILT to something that doesn’t even exist and THEY WIN.”

Pick your shovel, man your posts, start digging.

Why Big Tobacco and Big Vape love comparing nicotine to caffeine

40 gazillion coffee shops around the world… energy drinks… ahh, well. There is a “new” “Big Vape” {snicker} reference again…

Why Big Tobacco and Big Vape love comparing nicotine to caffeine

New Mexico Smoke Free Alliance Defeats 12 Anti-Vape Bills

I wrote recently about the importance of Vaping Industry Trade Associations. This comes from Tony Ottomanelli II.

New Mexico Smoke Free Alliance Defeats 12 Anti-Vape Bills

Politics and Tobacco Harm Reduction: Things Congress Mix Up

When I see Michael McGrady, so shall you.

Politics and Tobacco Harm Reduction: Things Congress Mix Up

Q & A With Vape Shop Owners

From “The New ‘Nico-teen’ Generation” piece, this news channel TOOK the TIME to have a question and answer session and released THIS. You may recognize some or all of these folks. They are CHANGING the CONVERSATION.

Yes, it’s 23 minutes long. YES, it’s worth watching. YES, it’s worth sharing.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

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Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

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Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.
