Tag Archives: Weight loss

Vaping In The News – August 17th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.

The Science of Nicotine and Weight Loss ~ Juul Nearly Kills Teen From Lung Collapse: A Story Full Of Smoke ~ Vaping risk compared to smoking ~ A Teacher supplying contraband ~ US vapers get both barrels from the FDA as Berkeley bans flavours ~ Vaping Industry Sues FDA Over 10-Month PMTA Deadline ~ Vapor Technology Association Files Lawsuit Against FDA ~ FDA Sued by Vape Industry Over New PMTA Deadline ~ Health Concerns Unlikely ~ Smoke Free Radio

The Science of Nicotine and Weight Loss

I was referred to this by the #CrankyOldBroad. Not only does it discuss the possibility nicotine and weight loss, it clearly states:

It’s interesting to note that while tobacco is addictive, pure nicotine actually is not. It is the monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) in tobacco that leads to addiction, so people taking nicotine who are not exposed to monoamine oxidase inhibitors do not necessarily suffer addiction and withdrawal from the substance

That is interesting to note

The Science of Nicotine and Weight Loss

(Weight loss was mentioned in my survey here.)

Juul Nearly Kills Teen From Lung Collapse: A Story Full Of Smoke

Lungs collapse. Fables live forever.

Juul Nearly Kills Teen From Lung Collapse: A Story Full Of Smoke

Vaping risk compared to smoking

Clive Bates takes Professor “Puff-N-Stuff” to task.

Vaping risk compared to smoking: challenging a false and dangerous claim by Professor Stanton Glantz

Former Martinsburg High teacher surrenders teaching certificate after ‘partying’ allegations

I was under the impression U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams had a clear and unmistakable message – talking to adults, teachers, school administrators.

I must be *gasp* wrong.

Former Martinsburg High teacher surrenders teaching certificate after ‘partying’ allegations

US vapers get both barrels from the FDA as Berkeley bans flavours

I’ve been wondering where THE Fergus Mason has been hiding. He’s still adding a ‘u’ to his words, I see. 🙂

US vapers get both barrels from the FDA as Berkeley bans flavours

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90

There is a LOT of information for the lawsuit filed this week.

Vaping Industry Sues FDA Over 10-Month PMTA Deadline

Regulator Watch:

Vaping Industry Sues FDA Over 10-Month PMTA Deadline

Vapor Technology Association Files Lawsuit Against FDA

Here is the VTA press release:

Vapor Technology Association Files Lawsuit Against FDA

FDA Sued by Vape Industry Over New PMTA Deadline

Jim McDonald takes the “explain it to Kevin” approach.

FDA Sued by Vape Industry Over New PMTA Deadline

Here is the full PDF of the filing:

Here’s just a few blogs where I’ve mentioned the industry, FDA and “regulations”.

2015 Regulate, restrict, tax, ban

2016: National Tobacco Day.

2017: The FDA can’t prove nicotine addiction or gateways exist.

2018: E-cigarettes and the FDA.

2019: Vaping Industry Trade Associations

Health Concerns Unlikely

Because no one wants to talk about it. Dave Cross does.

Health Concerns Unlikely

Expert reaction to study looking at e-cigarette use and marijuana use in young people

Vaping products aren’t making it “easier” for kids to use marijuana. Blaming vaping products makes it easier to blame use on something else besides experimentation.

Expert reaction to study looking at e-cigarette use and marijuana use in young people

Land Of The Free

Here’s how you increase profit for pharmaceutical test kits:

Land Of The Free

Smoke Free Radio

Bucky’s Vape Shop talks about the lawsuit filed this week.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

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You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives




Vape Radio

Smoke Free Radio

VAEP : Vaping Education

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.
