Vaping In The News April 7th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, heat not burn, tobacco control, public health, government regulations, policies and more.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key ~ Dr. Attila Danko: How Tobacco Control Saved Big Tobacco ~ U.S.A. Only Survey ~ NIDA’s E-Cigarette ~ Tobacco Alternative Gums Market: Sales Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast ~ Huh ~ Explaining the discontinuation of a non-tobacco nicotine project at Philip Morris: obstacles to innovation. ~ Nicotine As An Addictive Substance ~ Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products ~ Patent Filings Increase for E-Cigarettes, 3-D Printing and Machine Learning ~ Law Review Calls Out FDA For Destroying Vaping Industry ~ Harvard Public Health: “E-cigs are safer than cigarettes, no question.” ~ Global Forum On Nicotine ~ UCSF professor faces second sexual harassment lawsuit

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key

Ya think?

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key

Dr. Attila Danko: How Tobacco Control Saved Big Tobacco


Dr. Attila Danko: How Tobacco Control Saved Big Tobacco


I know we’re a community. I’ve participated in surveys worldwide. I conducted one myself. This one is United States participants only and designed specifically with F.D.A. guidelines.

Are you in the United States?

Did you fill out the survey for flavors yet?

NIDA’s E-Cigarette

Well… how about that.

NIDA’s E-Cigarette

Tobacco Alternative Gums Market: Sales Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast

The usual suspects:

“One of the important growth factors for the global tobacco alternative gums market is the increasing price of cigarettes.”

Tobacco Alternative Gums Market: Sales Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast


Explaining the discontinuation of a non-tobacco nicotine project at Philip Morris: obstacles to innovation.

Imagine if you can, in 1994 there was something developed called a “Capillary Aerosol Generator” (CAG)… and guess what…

So, why was CAG development ultimately abandoned? During his deposition and witness statement, PM’s expert witness and former employee, Peter Lipowicz, mentions that technological barriers, consumer acceptance, and an US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approach that disadvantaged non-tobacco nicotine products were chiey responsible…
He says that CAG development was less attractive due to legal challenges about the addictiveness of nicotine and fears about overarching tobacco industry regulation, more so than regulatory barriers specic to non-tobacco cigarettes…

Explaining the discontinuation of a non-tobacco nicotine project at Philip Morris: obstacles to innovation

Nicotine “addiction”

Bear with me…. and my favorite subject…

Because of the tweet from “Industry Documents” showing Philip Morris had tried a device in 1994 containing this link about a “Capillary Aerosol Generator” (CAG) above…

What caught my eye in that article “He says that CAG development was less attractive due to legal challenges about the addictiveness of nicotine“….and that legal challenges of nicotine – of course -caught my attention… so I looked up “legal challenges nicotine 1994” on Google…  because I’m an inquisitive and persistant bastard…

Which led me to this from 2001, buried :

“The effects of nicotine on the brain are similar to those of sugar, salt, exercise, and other harmless substances and events”

“There are so many findings that conflict so starkly with the view that nicotine is addictive that it increasingly appears that adhering to the nicotine addiction thesis is only defensible on extra-scientific grounds.”

Nicotine as an Addictive Substance: A Critical Examination of the Basic Concepts and Empirical Evidence

Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products

“conclusions about the likely effect of raising the minimum age to 19, 21, and 25 years on tobacco use initiation.”

“OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS” section [which includes e-cigarettes] uses data from 2011 and 2012 surveys  (Thanks to Bill Tarling for that).

Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products

Patent Filings Increase for E-Cigarettes, 3-D Printing and Machine Learning

Huh. Guess who’s in there………..

Patent Filings Increase for E-Cigarettes, 3-D Printing and Machine Learning

Law Review Calls Out FDA For Destroying Vaping Industry

“The FDA reached beyond its scope of authority in passing the Deeming Rule, including a broad variety of what it defines as “tobacco products” to be heavily regulated, amounting to a burden threatening to send local shops out of business.”

Law Review Calls Out FDA For Destroying Vaping Industry

Harvard Public Health

“E-cigs are safer than cigarettes, no question.”

Since everyone likes to take the headline and move on, I’ve done so myself – and have been saying it since 2013.

Global Forum On Nicotine 2018

An awesome looking bunch:

Global Forum On Nicotine Speakers Bios

UCSF professor faces second sexual harassment lawsuit

There is no question e-cigarettes are safer than………… and along with it, fraud.

UCSF professor faces second sexual harassment lawsuit

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Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



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