Vaping In The News – July 21st, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

Strategic and ethical issues in antismoking ~ Why Tobacco Stocks Have Lost Around 20% This Year ~ Juul Madness ~ Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor ~ A Tragic Story ~ Truth Initiative Endorses and Condemns Vaping ~ Regulation of Flavors in Tobacco Products ~ Banning Flavors: The Core Argument Is Based On Gaslighting, Not Evidence~ Naked 100 eLiquid Donates $50K to CASAA ~ Speaking of Trolls

Strategic and ethical issues in antismoking
“Official guidelines of antismoking message development do not exist. Written codes of ethics for tobacco control work were found to be nonexistent.”
“Most of our interviewees did not use and were not supportive of the creation of codes of ethics for the design and execution of antismoking ads.”
No one is asking questions about this? Color me surprised

Why Tobacco Stocks Have Lost Around 20% This Year

Teen and adult rates are at their lowest points in recorded history. Shareholders should have been paying attention to the big companies long before this. Predicted by many including me throughout this blog, it was bound to happen.
While the “tobacco control” factions of the world are lying, regulating, restricting, taxing and banning e-cigarettes to maintain their sustainability cash flow, The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World is looking at sustainability for farmers, and other nicotine products.
Color me surprised again.

Juul Madness

Tobacco-Free Kids pretends it is madness, only it isn’t.

(Journalism, it does exist.)

Juul Madness

Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor used and current flavors

Over twenty-thousand people. “Restricting the availability of non-tobacco flavors could reduce adult smokers’ interest in switching to e-cigarettes or rationalize a return to cigarette smoking…” Pretty important.

Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor used and current flavors used by 20,836 adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA

A Tragic Story

In January a slew of reports came out in the ever-so-popular and irresponsible style of “journalists” with crayons flying… falsely blaming an e-cigarette / nicotine for the tragic death of a child. Well…

“Lets call them opinionists”    ~ David Goerlitz

The “autopsy showed that no nicotine was present in his system.”

From me:

Nicotine is NOT Cause of Death in 14-year-old

Truth Initiative Endorses and Condemns Vaping

It’s GOOD! It’s BAD! But let us explain ourselves!

Jim McDonald: Impeccable as always.

Truth Initiative Endorses and Condemns Vaping

Banning Flavors: The Core Argument Is Based On Gaslighting, Not Evidence

And then there’s Carl V. Phillips. Also impeccable as always.

Post-truth is not just about lying, but about gaslighting — causing people to systematically doubt what they can easily observe and thus paving the way to create a false “reality.”

Banning Flavors: The Core Argument Is Based On Gaslighting, Not Evidence

Regulation of Flavors in Tobacco Products

Iowa Attorney General, Thomas J Miller:

“We do not believe that FDA can reliably distinguish between harms and benefits that arise from flavors in non-combustible nicotine products, or provide assurance that its interventions would not cause more harm than good.”

Regulation of Flavors in Tobacco Products

Naked 100 eLiquid Donates $50K to CASAA

The title says it all:

Naked 100 eLiquid Donates $50K to CASAA

Speaking of trolls:

This  –  from everybody’s pal, Simon Chapman – new to me… and hilarous.

In fact, some of you regular readers are in here…

On – line abuse and trolling by pro – tobacco and vaping activists

Trolling a troll.

On another note: Bareham, a self-proclaimed something or other in tobacco control… and a Simon Chapman “minion” (hence the avatar I suppose).I’m not sure who “Cali Tobacco Control” is, but as a parody account, I say bravo.

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A Billion Lives


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Keep ON #Vaping On.


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