Vaping In The News – September 15th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

FDA Hands Vaping a Blow, Sends Tobacco a Save ~ FDA Ought to Reconsider Stance on Youth Vaping ~ Scott Gottlieb ~ Vaping, Vultures and Cars ~ Steps to address a non-existent problem ~ All people like better products. Teenagers are people ~ Vapor Technology Association (VTA) Response ~ American Vaping Association (AVA) Response ~ Fontem Ventures respond to FDA statement ~ Tobacco Stocks ~ Survey ~ Hand Check

Make no mistake, Dr. Gottlieb has threatened consumers who have found a healthier, smoke-free, safer alternative to smoking.

Consumers, and the entire industry ARE at risk.

Along with “experts” in public health, politicians, “health” groups and media, Tobacco-Free Kids has manipulated the public campaign (and the market) for months.

Dr. Gottlieb finally responded in their favor by saying “The FDA has unpublished preliminary data that shows a 75 percent increase in e-cigarette use among high school students this year compared with 2017″ and threatening (primarily) Vuse, Blu, JUUL, MarkTen XL, and Logic.

These brands specifically are – evidently – keeping “youth” from smoking cigarettes.

FDA Hands Vaping a Blow, Sends Tobacco a Save

Consumer group Tobacco Harm Reduction 4 Life  is questioning the integrity of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Dr. Gottleib – or lack thereof.  Here is that respons to Dr. Gottlieb’s ultimatum.

(Full disclosure: I am a member of the board of THR4Life.)

FDA Hands Vaping a Blow, Sends Tobacco a Save

FDA Ought to Reconsider Stance on Youth Vaping

Lindsay Stroud:

FDA Ought to Reconsider Stance on Youth Vaping

Scott Gottlieb:

What Gottlieb is portraying to the public is:

Cigarettes are safe and have no time limit.

Combustible cigarettes are not a problem.


Vaping, Vultures and Cars

Our friend, Alan, has an explanation:

Vaping, Vultures and Cars

Steps to address a non-existent problem

Our friend, Paul – also has an explanation to the problem that doesn’t exist.

Steps to address a non-existent problem

All people like better products.

As a father of two (20 & 23 year olds) I remember my sons teenage years… like it was just a few years ago.

Carl makes a bold statement: Teenagers are people. Therefore….

“discouraging teenage vaping probably encourages teenage smoking”

All people like better products. Teenagers are people. Therefore…

Vapor Technology Association (VTA) Response

“Unfortunately, FDA and Commissioner Gottlieb took a giant step backwards against the best interest of public health. By threatening an industry – and technology that millions of adult smokers are successfully using to reduce or quit smoking deadly cigarettes–FDA is venturing into dangerous territory.”

Vapor Technology Association (VTA) Responds to FDA’s Announcement

American Vaping Association (AVA) Response

“It is absolutely absurd and a perversion of how regulatory agencies are supposed to approach their work.”

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s Threats on Vaping Send Tobacco Stocks Surging

Fontem Ventures, owner of blu, responds to FDA

Expected response:

Fontem Ventures, owner of blu, responds to FDA statement on Youth Access Prevention

Tobacco Stock

Since the FDA announcement above, here’s what happened to the tobacco market – immediately.




My friend Broony has made this quick and easy survey!

To Vape And Smoke

Hand Check

Last week my wife and I spent a bit of time at my first ever vape convention with Fig RamseyJulie Woessner David Goerlitz, James Jarvis, Amy Netherton, Jessica and Kevin Lacy, and many more great people trying to help both consumers and the industry in Bowling Green, Kentucky at Vapor Mania Expo.

I had a chance to see, learn, understand and listen to some of the best in the country.

Here are my hand checks from that event.


As you can tell, I’m pretty proud.

Have you met my OUR friends at 


I proudly join David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

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It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA?

Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life

Are you familiar with VAPE TITHING

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


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