Tag Archives: Child Abuse

Vaping In The News – May 18th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The 2018 American Teen Vaping Epidemic, Recalculated ~ There is No ‘Epidemic’ of Youth Vaping, Only a Moral Panic ~ Drugs And The Surgeon General ~ The potential frivolity of the Juul class actions is alarming ~ FDA “Performance Measures” ~ Paper Links E-Cigarette Use To Child Abuse ~ The 15 Sexiest People In Vape ~ Less smoking is concerning for at least 6 “health” groups ~ Let Teens Vape ~ Nicotine and Brain Damage ~ 43 People Indicted for Bank Fraud, $30M in Cigarette Trafficking in Virginia ~ Federal Judge Strikes Down FDA’s Postponed PMTA Deadlines ~ New York Times Runs Stealth Anti-Vaping Ad as Op-ed ~ Vaping Harm Reduction ~ A Comparison of Flavorless Electronic Cigarette-Generated Aerosol and Conventional Cigarette Smoke

The 2018 American Teen Vaping Epidemic, Recalculated

A breakdown with Brad Rodu

The 2018 American Teen Vaping Epidemic, Recalculated

There is No ‘Epidemic’ of Youth Vaping, Only a Moral Panic

From Sherwin Mena. Need I say more?

There is No ‘Epidemic’ of Youth Vaping, Only a Moral Panic

Drugs And The Surgeon General

Dave did it again.

Drugs And The Surgeon General

The potential frivolity of the Juul class actions is alarming

I’ve said it before, if I see Michael McGrady, so shall you.

The potential frivolity of the Juul class actions is alarming

FDA Performance Measures

Smoking is a government-run business. You people need to stop quitting smoking before they go out of business.

Click to enlarge

The U.S. FDA’s “keep smoking we need the money” train involves predictions and profit.

So far, government, public “health” groups, researchers, tobacco “control” & other funded “experts” have record losses totalling $72.96 Billion dollars in 11 short years.

Performance Measures

Click to enlarge, steal away.

Paper Links E-Cigarette Use To Child Abuse

Imagine if you will, a chance to use research to improve… oh never mind. “Non-Profit” groups abusing children as pawns in anti-ecig propaganda is child abuse.

The link to this idiotic article below uses a (recommended) “do not link” to prevent (it) from improving their websites’ position in search engines.

Paper Links E-Cigarette Use To Child Abuse

The 15 Sexiest People In Vape

You know you can’t help yourself. Grab your favorite beverage.

The 15 Sexiest People In Vape

Less smoking is concerning for at least 6 “health” groups

It seems “less smoking” is a concern – and an investigation is warranted. Of course…

Their problem? The “unauthorized” claims that the company’s e-cigarettes help users stop smoking. I remember one of the brilliant ads showing “Quit. Start smoking again“. Thirty times. Why? Because it’s truthful on the average number of times smokers try to quit (here). Brilliant. That you’ve allegedly pissed off your secret partners with Tobacco-Free Kids? Even though I despise you, well done, Juul.

These groups aren’t going after the companies making “authorized” government “approved” claims of patches or gums being “helpful” to smokers, unethically, and more specifically, from themselves? They’ve known these facts since at least 2002.

Even Stan “Stuff & Puff” Glantz “believes” nicotine replacement therapy “should only be available if the smoker commits to regular counseling to use it properly”. He states in the same article “The tobacco companies are generally 20 or 30 years ahead of the public health community in their thinking about their issues”… which gives me a whole lot of nope trusting an alleged “expert” with 30+ years playing one around the country.

I don’t use the “do not link” for this one – because I want them to know where this hit comes from. I also enjoy it when I get hits from them on occasion. (“Hi, Matt!”)

Less smoking is concerning for at least 6 “health” groups

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

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Let Teens Vape

I’ll ask again: At what age is a “smoker” considered a “smoker”?

Let Teens Vape

Click to enlarge

Nicotine and Brain Damage

LOTS of “nicotine” “can hurt” the “adolescent brain” lately… up to 25 years old I’ve seen, heard, read about 7,000 times.

“Wait a second. . . . Nicotine does not interfere with cognitive ability.” ~ Dr. Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in 2014.

While I don’t normally tweet or blog about pot – (nothing against it, I’m an old former stoner from the 80’s) – this one – liner gem was hidden in this 2014 article.

The myths of smoking pot

43 People Indicted for Bank Fraud, $30M in Cigarette Trafficking in Virginia

Imagine buying a legal product, and reselling the same legal product in another state. The government doesn’t like you stealing the money they’re already trying to steal. Oh, and there is no black market.

43 People Indicted for Bank Fraud, $30M in Cigarette Trafficking in Virginia

Federal Judge Strikes Down FDA’s Postponed PMTA Deadlines

Jim McDonald.

Federal Judge Strikes Down FDA’s Postponed PMTA Deadlines

New York Times Runs Stealth Anti-Vaping Ad as Op-ed

Corruption? Disclosures? Imagine that. Via Michelle Minton:

New York Times Runs Stealth Anti-Vaping Ad as Op-ed

E-cigarettes have no place in pharmacy

They’re not tobacco products, either.

E-cigarettes have no place in pharmacy

Vaping Harm Reduction

Dave did it, again – this time explaing the eloquent ~ebb & flow~ of “expertise” tightly wrapped up inside the… oh never mind this is a family tweet. GO READ DAVE’S STUFF NOW!!!

Vaping Harm Reduction

A Comparison of Flavorless Electronic Cigarette-Generated Aerosol and Conventional Cigarette Smoke

I’m still looking for research, good or bad. I’ll assume you are as well.

A Comparison of Flavorless Electronic Cigarette-Generated Aerosol and Conventional Cigarette Smoke

Next week, I’ll mark myself safe from the Ohio Vapor Trade Association (OHVTA) conference with James Jarvis.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

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They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

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Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.
