Health Issues Concerning E-Cigarette Users, Public Health Experts, FDA & CDC; For Immediate Release.


E-cigarettes have been around more than 10 years. Toxins & carcinogens are just some of the harsh warnings from politicians and governments worldwide to the public, yet the popularity continues to rise, despite the studies they have seen.

Usage is at an all time high regardless of the latest campaigns warning of possible effects and  public health experts continuing to demonize these devices claiming not enough is known.

Users are coming clean with their experiences.

Below are testimonies from users giving first hand accounts of their personal accounts.

No edits, answers are exactly as given in response to a worldwide survey in response to health issues associated with their individual e-cigarette usage.

These are anonymous answers, there are no conflicts of interest. No individual was compensated for their answers or time, all answers were voluntarily given. These are their voices.

less chronic cough during winter

not significantly, but better

I am asthmatic since baby, thanks to vapotage I no longer suffer to the problem.

Ha-ha, love the “yes” and “no” answers to that open question !

Los beneficios han sido evidentes desde el principio casi.

Additional benefits: far fewer colds and other passing infections since changing to vaping. NO coughing or chest infections at all.

I was hospitalized for double pneumonia and doctor said he saw no detrimental effect to vaping and that perhaps the moisture would in fact be good for breaking up my lungs. And some insurance companies are now considering vaping to not he considered as a smoker which lowers insurance premiums.

In the first week i could breath better, walk stairs without going out of breath. I have less colds and the one i have heals faster.

My bad smokers cough has all but gone, and I don’t get out of breath as quickly when exercising

I cut my 5K run time by 8 minutes.

Sense of taste & smell back to normal after 45 years. No cruddy lungs. Hardly ever suffer from colds now. House & car smells like a sweet shop.

Being a diabetic (type 2) since I started vaping my bs reading are somewhat higher. Now as I have only found 1 juice I like, if it is affecting my BS levels it’ll be a bit of a bugger.

I coughed myself to a bloody mess while smoking. Research showed; cancer, no. copd, yes. I was already coughing for a long time a lot.

I never cough now and I can breathe better. I am also not so depressed.

My fingers used to go white on cold days, but now I don’t suffer with that or the chilblains that I used to. I must assume my circulation is improving.

Since i’m vaping my Health is much better than before.

I simply feel better in myself generally

I think when you stuff up and get e-juice directly in your mouth this could be an issue that may cause irritation at least.

I feel betetr and can breathe easier now.

Because vaping is healthier than smoking

Because i feel loads better vaping and i am way happier

I do blood test every 6-12 months to monitor my liver due to my long term liver condition. The condition has been improving over last 18 months.

My weight has increased donce I quit smoking and started using an e-cigarette…which was an annoying but acceptable downside.

Stomach problems doctor said vaping causes it. Acid.

I’m able to smell much much better since i vape (that is sometimes a disadvantage, e g in the Underground Train …)

I can taste food better too 😀

Sanity, yes the present anti smoking tactics are driving people mad!

Taste and smell is sharper. Also no phlegm.

Better overall improvement in my health.

I haven’t noticed any benefits really. But i was starting to develop a cough upon waking just before i started vaping and the cough went away within a week of starting vaping.

Taste and smell are back to

No more BP meds or cholesterol meds required now. Only thing which is slow to recover and continues to be a bit of an issue is poor circulation.

Don’t cough all the time any more, don’t wheeze when I work hard, don’t feel like I’m dying after a night of drinking and my taste is as I remember it before I became a smoker.

I still have some breathing issues but I have gained quite a bit of weight. Not because of vamping but due to an injury that immobilised me for some time.

There is no longer the nasty smoke smell and smokers breath that comes with using cigarettes.

I do feel better in myself.

Fortunately I didn’t experience health problems from smoking, so there was no change after switching to vaping. I have had bronchitis twice since vaping though, and had never had it before when smoking. I also have frequent problems with throat and bronchial irritation, dryness and soreness from vaping.

generallly felt better

Haven’t really noticed any changes maybe easier to breathe

I had no health issues from smoking, but since starting to vape, I have had no colds, flu, or hayfever.

Right at the start i did have some bleeding gums sore throut and coughing up all kinds of bad stuff, but i had similar problems in other quit efforts

i have a slight intolerance to PG, but if i smke a 70/30 VG/PG i am ok

Heavy vaping can be dehydrating & can upset gums or throat, even get on your chest a little but those things are more common with cheap mystery e-liquids. By contrast, good quality e-liquids from trusted vendors where we can trace the ingredients are far friendlier. The symptoms are minor compared with those from smoking.
You should learn about what is in e-liquid & how to select different ratios of pg & vg.

My taste, and smell have also improved………

I don’t cough in the morning, also stopped producing any kind of black mucus. I breathe easier and can do exercice for longer without running out of breath.


Only a problem with dry mouth hurting me.

vape is extremely profitable

I have some health problems already, but they were not smoking-related. I haven’t noticed any health improvements, but I am happy that I am avoiding the risk of smoking-related health probles now!

Cardiac and family doctors both say I’m better.

dont get a cold as often as I used to

No wheezing, no extreme wheezing when lying down, lung test I tested way better than my age! No more blood pressure meds since down to zero nic.

My allergies improved, the slight smoker’s cough I had is gone, and my overall health has improved noticeably. I simple feel better.

Cholesterol dropped from 430 to 280 (w/o medication), stamina greatly increased, lost all indications of perio (previously treated for 10 years), total loss of angina events

I have more energy, my heart rate doesn’t go nuts when I climb a flight of stairs. It’s great.

I can run up stairs again. I don’t get winded dragging my trashcans down my 500-foot long driveway, and I’m back into mountain biking.

My cigarette habit affected my health in such a way that I had to sell my old mountain bike.

3 doctors are thrilled and have me down as a former smoker.

Singing voice is much better of after only a month off pf the cigarettes, the vape doesn’t seem to do any harm as long as I’m not dehydrating, but thats just all the more reason to stay hydrated.


Breathing is better. Sleep pattern is better. I feel all round much healthier since quitting smoking.

I feel 100% more healthy since I quit smoking

I feel much fitter in every aspect. Only side effect I’ve noticed is a dry mouth in the mornings.

I have not had any adverse effects since I started vaping.

I dont use my inhaler nearly as much just when my allergy kicks in

Breathe easier, less coughing, don’t stink, less headaches

I didn’t smoke long enough to have any medically diagnosed issues, but I have noticed a significant drop in pain from deep breathing, and soooooooo much less coughing.

I fell beter in every point since I am vaping

No more smokers cough, more stamina, it smells nothing after cold smoke, the taste buds have recovered.


my breathing is better, my food taste better and i am sleeping better

I wasn’t a smoker, but I do experience psychological benefits. It helps me relax and de-stress

I’ve never had blood tests etc but I feel amazing. Far better than when I was smoking.

All around better health. Doc commented that my lungs haven’t sounded THAT good in a long while

For years I’ve had problems with my tonsils, every 3-4 months they got infected. Since I quit smoking I hadn’t had any problems with them whatsoever.

only one cough/cold in over 2 years

When ever I walk by someone vapeing it triggers an asthma attack.

Used to fail lung function tests as a smoker – had to do lung function tests at work in the factory I worked in they were done 3 monthly – failed every one of them, when I had been vaping 11 months I had a lung function test at my local hospital – I passed – and the nurse advised that my lung capacity at that time was only 2% less than a non smoker – I would be interested in having another one in a years time to see what level my lungs are then

Yes and no are odd options here. Also have better skin and appetite.

I breath better and the morning coughing jags are gone.

You forgot the one that says: No more bad breath.
Also in 2014 I saved 60.300 NOK by not buying cigarettes.

I can Smell better, my taste improved.

no coughing in the morning, less coughing in general, when ill. Less susceptible to common cold and such, sense of smell and taste are better, curtains and living environment in general smells better (usually fruity) 🙂 etc…

Barley using my asthma inhalers what a difference

I have noticed no differences, positive or negative, since I started vaping

Haven’t really noticed any difference

No pneumonia this last year, usually had it 2-3 times a year while smoking.

Better breathing, better smelling ability, better overall feeling.

I get occasional tickling in the back of my throat when I don’t drink enough liquids whilst vaping. Nothing compared to my laboured breathing and morning coughs when smoking though!

breathing, strength increased

When I smoked I had heavy smokers cough,
sometimes so strong that I could hardly breathe.

The smoker’s cough is completely gone.

Since I vapors can I smell better.
A week after I smelled immediately if a smoker was near the bus, or passing me left.

I started on 27 March with 11mg nicotine, now I have reduced to 3 mg nicotine.

complexion improved and not had one cold or flu bug since vaping…due to the PG i assume…being an fda approved air sanitiser

I do have problems with flavours, so I use them only in very low concentrations <1%.

My stamina is much better, I breath much easier, walking uphill and in stairs isn’t as much of a hassle as it used to be, and my fingers, nails and teeth aren’t as yellow as they used to be.

My lungs feels healthier.

i can feel it for my health was vaping the right Thing.

better health

Never felt better. Vapeing saved my life.

My astma has disapearred and I can breath normally.
My overall condition is better, taste and smell is better.

It’s true…

BP down significantly.
Breathing better.
Sleep better.
Stopped snoring.
More energy.
Not cranky and resentful like other methods of trying to quit smoking.

better breathing, no slimy throat / smoker’s cough @morning, better tasting,..

There you have it. Health concerns public health experts, the FDA & CDC don’t want to hear. They in fact are ignoring them. Beneficial Bias? Yes. Truth? Absolutely.

Why are they ignoring the best way to reducing smoking or eliminating it all together?

Tobacco Control & others including the American Lung Association have their own view. They don’t like smoking, but they don’t like e-cigs. One would think any anti-tobacco agency would embrace these as a way to get people off of tobacco, but there are other motives. It seems “control” is slipping away from them one quitter at a time.

Reasons Tobacco Control, Public Health, Government & Politicians don’t like e-cigs.


All answers are from the Vaping Truth Survey  Final Analysis

Not Blowing Smoke:

Medical Community Support: M.O.V.E.

Kellie Forbes, BScN, RN:  Vaping-the-truth-USA

Keep On #Vaping On


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