Category Archives: National Cancer Institute

Vaping In The News – June 8th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

Is There a Role for E-Cigarettes in Smoking Cessation for Patients With Cancer? ~ The E-Cigarette Debate: What Counts as Evidence? ~ RCM Supports Vaping ~ Teen vapers are using eBay to dodge age restrictions – And cigarettes, too ~ How Big Is the So-Called Teen Vaping Epidemic? ~ The American Liars Association ~ Gang Related ~ Flavor Bans Are Good for Smoking

Is There a Role for E-Cigarettes in Smoking Cessation for Patients With Cancer?

I’d like to ask the question: Is there a reason this is a question?

Is There a Role for E-Cigarettes in Smoking Cessation for Patients With Cancer?

The E-Cigarette Debate: What Counts as Evidence?

I’ll quote our friend, the great Alan Beard concerning this next one:

Very fair and detailed analysis here regarding the differing approaches in the US and the UK

Clearly pointed out : “…competing priorities determined what counted as evidence…

The E-Cigarette Debate: What Counts as Evidence?

RCM Supports Vaping

I was glad to see the “Support to Quit Smoking in Pregnancy” report come out. I was gladder to see Dave’s take on it.

RCM Supports Vaping

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

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Teen vapers are using eBay to dodge age restrictions – And cigarettes, too

Imagine the ability of children™ to illegally obtain things they are not legally allowed to possess purchase. We can’t blame eBay alone, I’m sure there are parents who are unaware of secret groups and sites all over the internet to gain access to illegal things. Illegally.

Teen vapers are using eBay to dodge age restrictions – And cigarettes, too

How Big Is the So-Called Teen Vaping Epidemic?

This isn’t the Surgeon General, certainly it is not the Food and Drug Administration explaining the “epidemic”. Instead, Dr Rodu does. Again.

How Big Is the So-Called Teen Vaping Epidemic?

The American Liars Association

I adore the play on telling the truth with words.

The American Liars Association

Gang Related

While much more troubling issues are in schools, people choose to forget “reefer madness” or choose to ignore it.

Gang Related

If you want to scare parents, think of Elvis. Loretta Lynn. George Carlin. The PMRC. When parents look for an excuse – any scapegoat is acceptable, really, except the children™ . Except the parents. When looking to change perceptions, you arm yourselves with children™ , duck behind them and aim directly toward anyone willing to be shocked and dismayed.

DON’T blame the children™ – and whatever you do, don’t blame the parents. {Insert other smart-ass comments from me here}.

Flavor Bans Are Good for Smoking

When someone stops smoking, food not only tastes better, sense of smell improves. The olfactory nerves from taste to smell are in overdrive within a few days. 

You could take my word for it, or see their examples they themselves ignore:

Flavor Bans Are Good for Smoking

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

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I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

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Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Good news: “treating cancer and preventing cancer” with combustible cigarettes


Treating and preventing cancer.

Can you imagine the responsibility and privilege of announcing there is “good news for treating cancer and preventing cancer” by smoking combustible tobacco? Neither could I. This is what stupidity looks like, this is what “experts” will persuade the public to believe.

Dr. Norman E. Sharpless (bio) was sworn in as the 15th director of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on October 17, 2017. Among the items on display on his “I love me” wall, he holds medical degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also an idiot.

Dr. Sharpless announced confidently arrogantly on Twitter on March 19th – that there was “good news” from sister organizations, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Note, he didn’t link a study, no research, not even a hint of proof in his statement. View his tweet and decide if it could easily be taken out of context.

Take your time.

“Two big announcements from sister Federal agencies over the weekend. on coverage for NGS and on nicotine levels in combustible tobacco. Both good news for treating cancer and preventing cancer.”

The theory

This is how proof by assertion starts, folks. Not only is “Both good news for treating cancer and preventing cancer”a blatent and misleading LIE, it’s – according to the government, impossible, unless they’re lying about that as well.

The theory is smokers using lower nicotine cigarettes will be less “addicted” with lower levels of nicotine – and (wibbleword alert) may, might, could, or potentially smoke less – or not at all, and allegedly, they then would, could, may, might or potentially reduce their risk of “X”.

My theory (please indulge me) is if they’re minimally or “non-addictive”… smokers (kids, youth, middle-aged, elderly) will smoke all they like.

After all, the government says they’re non or minimally addictive!

Now, with “prevent and cure cancer”… that’ll be so great for.. oh never mind.

Think of the propaganda™.

Public misperception that very low nicotine cigarettes are less carcinogenic

I asked Ned directly: “Are you clarifying the reduction in nicotine in the product(s) are also reducing other cancer causing chemicals?” (By other, I did not mean nicotine itself.) No response.

Either way, NICOTINE does not cause cancer. While I am not a “qualified expert” like Ned, I’ll safely assume (and correct me if I’m wrong) combustible tobacco in any form, including “very low nicotine” (VLN) probably can’t “cure” cancer. I was STUNNED a professional would say anything close to what I read, let alone tweet it. In writing. In public.

More Clarification

As of the date of this blog, I have received NO response. Wait, I take that back.

I also asked Cliff Douglas (bio), (“VP for Tobacco Control, American Cancer Society, and faculty, University of Michigan School of Public Health”) about the theory, because this isn’t something new… although a generation has passed, it has been tried before.

By linking this 1989 article, I asked Mr. Douglass directly “what exactly will be different” here, he proudly exclaimed confidently arrogantly, “Approximately everything“.

Beyond believable, I again asked for clarification on the levels of combustion, etc. and have not received a response.

Big surprise. I also KINDLY (I know, right?) asked Cliff to prove nicotine addiction here, where, if he was “able to provide documentation with my criteria” I would personally & publicly donate $50.00 to a charity of his choice.

I’m still waiting.

I’m a curious bastard

I’ve ASKED umpteen TIMES (sorry I yelled) about combustion to various useful idiots. Health benefits… you know, I point out silly things to officials as I have hereherehere.

I’ve asked Dr. Gottlieb of the FDA about how smoking more cigarettes with lower nicotine could… well, this is becoming silly. Either way, I had JUST asked Dr. Gottlieb just the day before.

I’m asking things THEY should be explaining:

Is combustion reduced? Will health benefits increase? Will other ingredients be reduced? Will this cause more casual smokers? Can you define “minimally” or “non-addictive”? Is this nothing more than prescribing smoking? What is being added to tobacco to reduce nicotine?

And over…

I am redundant. Repetitive. Repeating myself. Over & Over.

And asked… Stephanie Morain (Asst. Professor of Medical Ethics & Health Policy with Baylor College of Medicine) in May – since she tweeted the the importance of a “substantial” reduction in tobacco-related mortality.

Nobody likes answering my questions.

Update 3/12/19:

Now the National Cancer Institute (NCI) want 15 to 19 year olds to participate in a “reduced nicotine” smoking study:

Evaluation of Very Low Nicotine Content Cigarettes in Adolescent Smokers

Now Ned’s been announced “acting director” of the FDA:

National Cancer Institute Director Ned Sharpless named acting FDA commissioner

That’s not all……..

Ned, among others is not alone in miraculous claims…

Here’s another idiot. Former FDA Commissioner Robert Califf:

Who do these people work for? Who makes them accountable for irresponsible statements? Where are the requirements they are held accountable?

Now, if smoking combustible tobacco causes cancer, then how could…

Oh wait….. you could be stunned to know Dihydrogen Monoxide is dangerous.

This is a public health theme scheme continuing to boil.

I should listen to Carl V. Phillips:

“There are far more of them producing lies than there are honest experts to counter them…”

Tobacco Control Tactics: Elephants, Big Lies And The Nigerian Prince Scam

I respect and admire you, Carl, but I’m not shutting up.

Have you met my OUR friends at 


You can find me joining David Goerlitz Saturday mornings on Vape Radio.

I proudly joined David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.
