Tag Archives: VapersUK

Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Vaping In The News.

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™ ~ The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz ~ Paint me green and hear me roar! ~ FDA Responds to Cigar Groups ~ Up In Smoke ~ VAEP ~ We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems ~ Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking ~ In Other News

This is Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Now, I’d like for you to break the internet.

Sharing is caring, giving is #FundingTheFuture

#VapesGiving™ offers the opportunity not only for you to donate to a spectrum of organizations, but to see your donation doubled thanks to the support of Naked 100 (up to $190,000!).

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™!

The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz

This one’s VERY good. SO good, it was copy/pasted on a Canadian blog and barely noted that Carl V. Phillips wrote it.

The academic scandal hiding within the Stanton Glantz sexual harassment scandal

Paint me green and hear me roar!

Do you know Skip? Skip reveals much more than her real name in this one. Must read.

Paint me green and hear me roar! Confessions of an e-liquid mixologist.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups

See, pay attention.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups Motion for Summary Judgement


Self-explanatory title, obvious outcomes and another subject I love to see tossed at me by my “hey, look at this” dealer…

Up In Smoke: What Happened to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Money?


Out of Canada, Kellie Forbes (Vaping The-Truth) has this

VAEPology Learning Center

We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems

I urge you to read what Brian Fojtik has to say:

We Don’t Need The Government To Solve Smoking Problem

Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

Like shaming adults, this tactic doesn’t work. Imagine my surprise.

Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

In other news

Battery Safety. Stop trying to set yourselves on fire:

Battery Safety: E-cigarettes

My take on tobacco control – on Dr. Siegels take – on tobacco control “efforts”.

Tobacco Control: Fueding, fussing, fighting, fear & funding

Every Try Counts

“MedNicotine” was within the hashtags on Twitter, I found out ~why~.

FDA launches “Every Try Counts” campaign to manipulate smokers

Smoking Is Preferred

More on the “Smoke-Free” world and efforts by public health to desecrate it despite itself after an email went out to hundreds of “leaders”.

Smoking Is Preferred According To Public Health Leaders

What We Know

It looks like I may have found the “what we know about e-cigarettes” master draft journalists are using

What We Know About E-Cigarettes: Data and Science Is Available

Keller and Heckman is pleased to announce its 2nd annual E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium. If you’re interested in attending, please click on the graphic below!

Symposium.JPG 2018 E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Vaping In The News: August 26th, 2017


This edition includes the FDA’s “game changing” propaganda tour, taxes… and the tobacco control gateway claim still seems to be taking tickets.

Glantz is a punchline – Christopher Snowden explains that better than I could dream, and smoking and e-cigarette rates are down among teens. Again.

Oh yeah, lung cancer risks.

That’s in here as well. Thanks for being a reader.

A Smoker’s Manifesto ~ The FDA’s words and actions do not match ~ Speaking of taxes ~ Alan Beard ~ Gatway Theory, Truth or Myth ~ 18 year olds ~  Game Changer ~ Negligible Evidence of Radical Nicotine Reduction Benefit ~ Twitter ~ Glantz Gone Mad ~ Christopher Snowden ~ THR4Life ~ Smoking and E-cig use among teens is down ~ Lung Cancer Risks ~ Canada Bill S-5 ~

Vaping In The News – August 20th-26th, 2017

A Smoker’s Manifesto

As vapers, we’re almost all former smokers. An astounding read and a great reminder of where we’ve come from, what we’re fighting.

Well beyond excellent. Stellar, in fact.

A Smoker’s Manifesto

The FDA’s words and actions do not match

The New England Journal of Medicine published this letter last week. In essence, it is FDA funded propaganda at its finest:

The FDA’s words and actions do not match

Do you know about THR4LIFE?


Breaking News

A picture is worth a thousand words: Electronic cigarette content on Instagram and Pinterest.

Speaking Of Taxes

Selling tobacco is a profitable business. It creates revenue for the government(s), grants and endless streams of cash for states to spend on balancing budgets, “roads and education to museums and even funding in support of the tobacco industry“,and more.


They wanted to raise replace revenue with ecigs… A “replacement revenue source as revenues from cigarettes and other tobacco products fall“.  Period.

Their budget woes for you & I not smoking have become a new goal to replace “their” money.

THIEIR budgets are in the red.

I have it in black & white.

tax revenue single.jpg

Then, I blogged about it.

The FDA can’t prove nicotine addiction or gateways exist.

Alan Beard

On a two-fer, Mr. Beard  -a consumer like I am, is well worth the read:

Challenges for Vendors and Desirability of Compulsory Membership of a Trade Association

Lengthy reply Removed by Moderator

Do you know about NNA?


The Eclipse

Excellent from Mr. & Mrs. VaEHp:

Speaking of Gateways

Dr. Cranfield, who released this study some time ago, now has this video explaining the gateway theory truth & myths – responsibly.

18 Year Olds

To restict someone who could vote for you is interesting…. Tobacco 21 is gaining Nanny status in the United States.

“This law subverts the United States Constitution”.

Legislators who say 18-year-olds are not adults are hypocrites

Game Changer

Nix the “end game”-now it’s a “game-changer

#TobaccoCONtrol Rule #6,743:

Keep as much tobacco burning as possible. Note who the article is written by, a lesson in history 10 years after implementation should be done, of course, we’d need more studies.

Spoiler alert: My favorite part is:

“Smokers would be able to start or quit at will”

FDA’s new plan to reduce the nicotine in cigarettes to sub-addictive levels could be a game-changer

Negligible Evidence of Radical Nicotine Reduction Benefit

Brad Rodu, always informative & intriguing: as he explains the “game changer” above and the

“$93.3 million in grants from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the FDA:

Negligible Evidence of Radical Nicotine Reduction Benefit


It seems the ANALyzing of tweets is still going on. “Surprise”.

Researchers hope the Food and Drug Administration can use their findings to make the government’s anti-electronic cigarette messages go viral.

“We expect these results will help Health agencies, the FDA, and Researchers gain insights into observed viral nature of certain messages and designing effective strategies to maximize diffusion of their messages,” the grant states.

Feds Spend $199,665 Analyzing Tweets About E-Cigarettes

Here’s the grant via NIH:


Are you familiar with INNCO?

Glantz Gone Mad

I’m not sure if he’s drunk, lost his mind or just wants more attention.

People who quit with ecigs may have more relapse

So much for the gateway, Stan. In fact, shut your piehole.

Smoking and E-cig use among teens is down, again – (Don’t tell Stan)

Nicotine dependence is not a significant mechanism for e-cigarettes’ purported effect on heavier future conventional smoking among young adults.

Evaluating the Mutual Pathways among Electronic Cigarette Use, Conventional Smoking, and Nicotine Dependence.

Christopher Snowden

has a few words to say another idiotic statement from Stuff-N-Puff Glantz and “big tobacco”:

“This is the David and Goliath delusion on crystal meth. “

That shady link between Big Tobacco and nicotine gum

Smoking and E-cig use among teens is down, again.

Between 2013 and 2015, e-cigarette use rose substantially, while “experts” were claiming, screaming, yelling and making a general ass of themselves that they are a gateway to cigarettes. A gateway to smoking.

Fool me once…

Youth Tobacco Use in the U.S.

Jenny Hoban of THR4Life is interviewed here

“She gives the group’s views on reducing tobacco usage, and the city of Detroit Lakes considering raising the age to buy tobacco products to 21.”

Jenny Hoban–Tobacco Harm Reduction 4 Life

Lung Cancer Risks


“<1% of tobacco smoke and falling within two orders of magnitude of a medicinal nicotine inhaler”

E-Cigarettes Carry Much Less Risk of Lung Cancer Than Cigarette Smoke, Study Finds

Canada Petition:

Canada needs signatures:

Senate Bill S-5, a prelude to prohibition

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.


There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.




Vaping In The News–May 27th, 2017


Vaping In The News – May 21st – 27th, 2017

Nicotine Has Caused Millions Of Deaths ~ Is vaping sticky enough? And how can we tell?~ Vape Shop Air: Exposure Is Minimal ~ Health Departments Lobbying Against E-Cigs Are Robbing Taxpayers, Harming Public Health ~ Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, M.D. ~ The Burning Truth About Tobacco Bonds ~ Vaping, E-Cigarettes, and Public Policy Toward Alternatives to Smoking ~ Australia & Canada ~ Gottlieb Tells Congress FDA Will Base E-Cig Regulations on Science ~ Vaping Links ~


Nicotine Has Caused Millions Of Deaths

Dick Puddlecoat, who I both admire and adore- has written this.

Once you read it, you will admire and adore Mr. Puddlecoat as well.

“Nicotine Has Caused Millions Of Deaths”

Excellent Read

From Oliver Kershaw & Amelia Howard

Is vaping sticky enough? And how can we tell?

Vape Shop Air – Exposure is minimal.

Once again, another sampling of air. Lots of “not detected” in the list within:

Vape Shop Air Sampling by California State Health Department Suggests that Secondhand Vape Exposure is Minimal


Health Departments Lobbying Against E-Cigs Are Robbing Taxpayers, Harming Public Health

Health Departments Lobbying Against E-Cigs Are Robbing Taxpayers, Harming Public Health


Another from Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, M.D.

E – Cigarette Safety & Risk Profile


The Burning Truth About Tobacco Bonds

The Burning Truth About Tobacco Bonds

Vaping, E-Cigarettes, and Public Policy Toward Alternatives to Smoking


Vaping, E-Cigarettes, and Public Policy Toward Alternatives to Smoking BY BRAD RODU, DDS, MATTHEW GLANS, AND LINDSEY STROUD

My Aussie Friends:

Inquiry into the Use of Electronic Cigarettes and Personal Vaporisers in Australia

My Canadian Friends:

Senate bill proposes to allow limited promotion of vaping as ‘tobacco cessation method’

Gottlieb Tells Congress FDA Will Base E-Cig Regulations on Science

“Almost all of the research into e-cigarettes shows they are less harmful than traditional tobacco products—because the nicotine-liquid is heated and not burned—are effective smoking-cessation devices.”

Gottlieb Tells Congress FDA Will Base E-Cig Regulations on Science

Vaping Links.

I have prided myself in providing links to valuable websites, studies, science and information on this blog. I’ve had a website about the same amount of time and decided to redesign it to make it more user-friendly.

It’s a work in progress that may never end. Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance.

Vaping Links


You can sponsor “Vaping In The News” here.


NEWS from my friends across the pond: Vapers.org.uk.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

Website: Vaping Links

You can also find me on LinkedIn

You can follow me on this blog!

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

I’m “renovating” my website: Vaping Links

More to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



