E-cigarettes Are Safer Than Cigarettes.


The debate continues over the safety of e-cigarettes. Experts in every field of medicine are scrambling to be sure their followers understand the issues. They quote studies from three years ago with confidence & pride. They, after all, are “experts”. For example, the latest expert…. (where do they COME from?)

Dr. Celine Gounder

who shows her credentials as

“doctor / internal medicine / infectious diseases / domestic & global public health / medical journalism”

Ummm…. Doc… there is the ability to capitalize words on Twitter. Honest, Mrs. “Medical Journalism”. It might make you look more “professional”.

I scratch my head every time I see tweets from a doctor with that many “specialties”.

Now – before we go any further, I tweeted the following survey to MANY “Experts” including Simon Chapman – (I miss him) Stanton Glantz – (busy playing Doctor) and others like the Lung Association. Dr. Tom Frieden himself was the FIRST to be invited to take it, and this includes many others including Dr. Gounder.

They among others can’t say they didn’t have the chance to take it and speak up. So…

Only if you ARE IN the Health care, Medical, Tobacco Control fields, please take this survey:

Health Care Professionals And E-Cigarettes Survey It’s NOT over yet!

Back to our regularly scheduled silliness:

So, Dr. Gounder. Internal Medicine. Ok. Infectious Diseases. I’m with you so far. Domestic & Global Public Health. Ummm what? That’s new. Finally, the “Medical Journalism” made me chuckle a bit – I AM easily amused –  because instead of linking something she wrote, she links fluff.

gounderAlong with linking fluff, there is no mention of one very specific site. Here it comes, that pesky tell all website no “expert” will tweet or refer to in any capacity: http://www.ecigarette-research.org

Now, if I WERE a Doctor, and I tweeted something – and anyone said, hey listen  – there is THIS site, there are LOTS of science & research on – I’d at least LOOK at it.

I wouldn’t dismiss it. I’d check it out, see what was there, make a decision from that and tweet back – something like – “Hey – checked that site, would love to learn more, didn’t know it existed”. But wait, there’s more. There are Doctors who are absolutely IN FAVOR of e-cigarettes as opposed to smoking. They are at sciencecig.wordpress.com/

Now, if I were a doctor AND a Medical Journalist, I’d be absolutely drooling all over myself to find information no one else has recognized – and if I didn’t “like” what I saw, I could go on about my merry way, saying e-cigarettes were bad explain or try to explain WHY =

I’ve done studies myself, blah, blah, blah. Dr. Gounder, shame on you. Tisk, tisk.

You obviously want people to smoke.

I linked the ASH Study.

Action on Smoking and Health: http://www.ash.org.uk/files/documents/ASH_891.pdf

I linked ecigarette-research.org. I linked M.O.V.E.

I can show you over 7,000 worldwide who don’t feel the same way. You are irresponsible and obviously are part of the Public Health Officials PREFER YOU TO SMOKE I’ve written about. Children? That theory is here.

Twitter is full of people MUCH smarter than I am, with common sense. Doctors I follow graciously would take a phone call or an email – link truth to you, there are organizations to seek – I can’t imagine why I would have to tell you this – your alleged “expertise” in “Medical Journalism” ALONE should be enough to get you through twitter without being confused about the difference between cigarettes and e-cigarettes.

You must need or enjoy attention or need ratings somewhere.

Funny thing about your website saying

“Changing the way people think about health” right at the top.

I, Doctor, have been smoke free for just over two years. I’m not exceptional. I’m not special. I’m just a guy doing something MUCH safer than smoking. I don’t smoke. I have had tweet sessions with Doctor Kevin Campbell about “dangers” here:  Nicotine Reduction Therapy, What’s Really Safe?.


Please get some education, speak to some of these people. Learn. Be part of the solution instead to take people OFF off tobacco at their choosing. It’s about lives.  My bet is that you’re vain enough to have read this far. I implore you to seek knowledge. I learn EVERY day. I’d hope you’d care enough to do the same instead of tweeting to people scaring them away.

So the survey “Which Product Is Worse” was put out on Twitter. Anyone could have taken it. It was out February 8th, ended last week.

ANYONE could take it. E-cigarettes didn’t get ONE vote. I spelled out Electronic Cigarettes. I had the choices come up randomly. Here’s what the world said.


In reality, only 127 took the poll but it was from 14 countries.

The other one, Which Product Is Safer? Again – let go earlier this year – just ended and ANYONE could take it – with 752 people and 29 countries:


If you are in professional in ANY Health Care, Medical, Scientific capacity – and I’m including “Tobacco Control” in this, please take this Health Care & E-Cigarettes Survey

Please take my

The new “Vaping Truth Survey” is HERE.

Please take Dr. Russell’s survey:

Your Perceptions and Experiences of Using Electronic Cigarettes

As always,

Keep ON #Vaping ON.


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