Vaping In The News – April 14th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, heat not burn, tobacco control, public health, government regulations, policies and more.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

Ten perverse intellectual contortions: a guide to the sophistry of anti-vaping activists ~ The crusade against JUUL and other vaping products is childish, even for tobacco control ~ Untangling The Preemption Doctrine In Tobacco Control ~  Brilliance ~ Speaking of nicotine… ~ FLOC to begin national boycott of Reynolds’ e-cig product ~ FDA to offer a voluntary, more modern 510(k) pathway for enabling moderate risk devices ~ Cigar Trade Groups Petition Court to Delay Warning Label Requirements ~ CASAA Announces 2018 Board Election Results ~ So much to do ~ The Truth

Ten perverse intellectual contortions: a guide to the sophistry of anti-vaping activists

Bookmark worthy, Via Clive Bates.

Ten perverse intellectual contortions: a guide to the sophistry of anti-vaping activists

Also from Clive:

The US media is losing its mind over vaping and Juul – the questions a credible journalist should ask

The crusade against JUUL and other vaping products is childish, even for tobacco control

Paul Blair. Because childish tobacco control experts rule the playground.

The crusade against JUUL and other vaping products is childish, even for tobacco control

They don’t like being hindered for the Tobacco 21 movement.
In case you’re unaware, I want to be very clear of my position on Tobacco 21. 18 year olds in the United States are LEGAL adults. Period.
The “Tobacco 21” movement (in most cases) takes away both the legal right of an adult to choose to smoke and it bundles in restricting vaping products for 18-20 year olds as well.

“Preemption can be a thorny issue when it comes to assessing a local government’s ability to adopt tobacco control measures. Preemption arises in different forms, and a locality’s ability to address tobacco may be preempted by laws both within and outside tobacco-specific legislation.”



Rexburg City Council rescinds Tobacco 21 ordinance

Rexburg City Council rescinds Tobacco 21 ordinance

Speaking of raising the age for tobacco:

Increasing the MLPA to 21 years in NYC did not accelerate reductions in youth tobacco use any more rapidly than declines observed in comparison sites.

Impact of New York City’s 2014 Increased Minimum Legal Purchase Age on Youth Tobacco Use

I call out brilliance as I see it:

Speaking of nicotine…

The University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University joined in an experiment…

I’ll paste the fun stuff, you can read the whole article below:

I assume no humans were harmed or judged by how quickly they buried marbles and ate food. BOLD, underlining and italics are my emphasis… and joy to do.

“Obviously, humans are not exactly like mice, and these early findings can’t be applied to us.”



The study does suggest that metformin may ease some nicotine withdrawal symptoms, due to its action on the AMPK chemical pathway in the brain. However, this has so far been tested only in mice, which were given nicotine via an implanted pump and injected with metformin – the drug is taken orally in humans – with withdrawal symptoms judged by how quickly they buried marbles and ate food.

While there are similarities in many of our biological pathways, humans are obviously not identical to mice, and these results can’t be taken to mean that metformin would be a suitable or appropriate treatment to help people stop smoking.

Bonus Thowback:

In my travels… this is from 2002 is reminiscent of….

Nicotine water… I don’t remember it, I never heard of it… suddenly, there it was on a post from Chris Hughes

nicotine water

Photo credit (Used with permission):  Victoria Vasconcellos

FDA Shuts Off Nicotine Water Spigot

FLOC to begin national boycott of Reynolds’ e-cig product


The Toledo-based Farm Labor Organizing Committee is launching a national boycott of Reynolds American, Inc.’s VUSE e-cigarette brand, with demonstrations planned this week outside convenience stores in more than 60 cities.

FLOC to begin national boycott of Reynolds’ e-cig product

Tobacco Controllers Again Silent About Glantz Misconduct Allegations

Tobacco Controllers Again Silent About Glantz Misconduct Allegations

FDA to offer a voluntary, more modern 510(k) pathway for enabling moderate risk devices

It doesn’t say e-cigarettes… but… if that’s the route taken, NO. E-cigarettes are not a medical device.

“Substantial equivalence is rooted in a comparison between a new device and a predicate device” …

FDA to offer a voluntary, more modern 510(k) pathway for enabling moderate risk devices to more efficiently demonstrate safety and effectiveness

Cigar Trade Groups Petition Court to Delay Warning Label Requirements

So is it a possibility, in your mind, that the premium cigar industry is going to spend millions of dollars updating these boxes and putting labels on them, only to be told later on, didn’t have to do it?

Cigar Trade Groups Petition Court to Delay Warning Label Requirements Following FDA’s ANPRM

CASAA Announces 2018 Board Election Results

CASAA Announces 2018 Board Election Results

SO much to do.

Vendors… brick and mortar…  this is part of the FDA’s “Regulate, restrict, tax and ban” plan of your business

SO much to do, II

If you are in the industry, you NEED to show this to EVERY customer. Give your customers information. Give them a discount. Whatever you NEED to do to stay – you know – in business…

U.S.A. Only Survey

If I have to explain it to you, see this here.

The Truth

(Now Truth Initiative) Thanks to my favorite #CrankyOldBroad, Skip for pointing me to this!

I suggest you give this 2009 article some attention…

The Truth About American Legacy

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It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


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