Tag Archives: Heat Not Burn

Vaping In The News – July 21st, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

Strategic and ethical issues in antismoking ~ Why Tobacco Stocks Have Lost Around 20% This Year ~ Juul Madness ~ Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor ~ A Tragic Story ~ Truth Initiative Endorses and Condemns Vaping ~ Regulation of Flavors in Tobacco Products ~ Banning Flavors: The Core Argument Is Based On Gaslighting, Not Evidence~ Naked 100 eLiquid Donates $50K to CASAA ~ Speaking of Trolls

Strategic and ethical issues in antismoking
“Official guidelines of antismoking message development do not exist. Written codes of ethics for tobacco control work were found to be nonexistent.”
“Most of our interviewees did not use and were not supportive of the creation of codes of ethics for the design and execution of antismoking ads.”
No one is asking questions about this? Color me surprised

Why Tobacco Stocks Have Lost Around 20% This Year

Teen and adult rates are at their lowest points in recorded history. Shareholders should have been paying attention to the big companies long before this. Predicted by many including me throughout this blog, it was bound to happen.
While the “tobacco control” factions of the world are lying, regulating, restricting, taxing and banning e-cigarettes to maintain their sustainability cash flow, The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World is looking at sustainability for farmers, and other nicotine products.
Color me surprised again.

Juul Madness

Tobacco-Free Kids pretends it is madness, only it isn’t.

(Journalism, it does exist.)

Juul Madness

Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor used and current flavors

Over twenty-thousand people. “Restricting the availability of non-tobacco flavors could reduce adult smokers’ interest in switching to e-cigarettes or rationalize a return to cigarette smoking…” Pretty important.

Changing patterns of first e-cigarette flavor used and current flavors used by 20,836 adult frequent e-cigarette users in the USA

A Tragic Story

In January a slew of reports came out in the ever-so-popular and irresponsible style of “journalists” with crayons flying… falsely blaming an e-cigarette / nicotine for the tragic death of a child. Well…

“Lets call them opinionists”    ~ David Goerlitz

The “autopsy showed that no nicotine was present in his system.”

From me:

Nicotine is NOT Cause of Death in 14-year-old

Truth Initiative Endorses and Condemns Vaping

It’s GOOD! It’s BAD! But let us explain ourselves!

Jim McDonald: Impeccable as always.

Truth Initiative Endorses and Condemns Vaping

Banning Flavors: The Core Argument Is Based On Gaslighting, Not Evidence

And then there’s Carl V. Phillips. Also impeccable as always.

Post-truth is not just about lying, but about gaslighting — causing people to systematically doubt what they can easily observe and thus paving the way to create a false “reality.”

Banning Flavors: The Core Argument Is Based On Gaslighting, Not Evidence

Regulation of Flavors in Tobacco Products

Iowa Attorney General, Thomas J Miller:

“We do not believe that FDA can reliably distinguish between harms and benefits that arise from flavors in non-combustible nicotine products, or provide assurance that its interventions would not cause more harm than good.”

Regulation of Flavors in Tobacco Products

Naked 100 eLiquid Donates $50K to CASAA

The title says it all:

Naked 100 eLiquid Donates $50K to CASAA

Speaking of trolls:

This  –  from everybody’s pal, Simon Chapman – new to me… and hilarous.

In fact, some of you regular readers are in here…

On – line abuse and trolling by pro – tobacco and vaping activists

Trolling a troll.

On another note: Bareham, a self-proclaimed something or other in tobacco control… and a Simon Chapman “minion” (hence the avatar I suppose).I’m not sure who “Cali Tobacco Control” is, but as a parody account, I say bravo.

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


Smokers, Vapers, non-smokers, pubic health, experts… you’re all invited.

I proudly join David Goerlitz on his podcast each week:

David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

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Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

Own a shop? Are you a manufacturer?


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


I’m not your Winston Man: David Goerlitz

david show

For immediate release:

David Goerlitz announces the launch of his new show premiering Saturday, April 28th at 9:00 A.M. Central Standard Time on Vape Radio.

In my search to make a determination of what is real or imagined in the controversy of safety, effectiveness, vaping, I accidentally found a blog by David Goerlitz on a cold winter night in 2014  – enlightening me to things I never thought I’d read.

I messaged him never expecting a response. That response was not only within a day or so, it was extremely clear this man needed to be heard. Coorespondence with him was just the way I like it. No bullshit. No filter. Swift and direct. I’ve said he is the only man alive with this much knowledge, passion and common sense.

In 2016, he was featured throughout the film “A Billion Lives“.

David’s ready for a fight.

He expected “the anti-tobacco movement would embrace the vaping concept by at least 90% by the organizations he once worked for from 1988 until 2006 – like the American Heart, American Lung Associations, Tobacco-Free Kids and more) thinking 10% who reserve the right to be stupid”.

As we all know – that’s not happening.

100% percent have reserved the right to be stupid.

David G is not shutting up:

David f

I’ll quote David:

“In my quest in 2018 to get more than a million smokers OR more to transition to vaping because THEY tell me THEY are ready and convinced that it is their time, having done their research and homework on THEIR OWN regarding the benefits of vaping over smoking, I will be endorsing my picks for the best starter package to make the crossover not only rewarding and effective, but exciting and worthy of the effort.

I will be endorsing the best, affordable, safest, high quality products with long term satisfaction while you enhance the quality of your lives. This is your journey, controlled by you.

Along the way, I will be offering questions and answers programs as well as weekly updates with some of the best on the confusion thrust upon the Vaping and Wellness Community by Big Tobacco, BIG Pharma, FDA, CDC, ALA, CFTFK (CAMPAIGN FOR TOBACCO FREE KIDS) and the Media.

Along with Advocacy, we must put forth a Public Relations Campaign to stop the LIES, MORE LIES, MISINFORMATION and MYTHS surrounding Vaping as a viable alternative in taking your life back. Stay tuned: THE GLOVES ARE INDEED OFF.”


I join David on his Podcast: David G Model Citizen

A long time coming, David’s show will debut Saturday April 28th, at 9:00 A.M. on Vape Radio


Future shows will be announced!

More On David


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – April 21st, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, heat not burn, tobacco control, public health, government regulations, policies and more.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

Wrigley Beats Vape Co. In Starburst, Skittles Flavors TM Row ~ E-cigarette brand’s 2.6M power units being recalled ~ Heat Not Burn ~ Sticks & Stones ~ Vaping’s potential to benefit public health exceeds its risks ~ Science Backs the FDA Down ~ Science Lesson ~ LIES, DAMNED LIES, & 400,000 SMOKING-RELATED DEATHS ~ CASAA FREE Membership Offered to Vapers ~ David Goerlitz ~ Clive Bates ~ FDA Inspection Proposal

Wrigley Beats Vape Co. In Starburst, Skittles Flavors TM Row

I’ll call this the “stop being idiots” link. STOP using trademarks. STOP using anything with cartoons.

Wrigley Beats Vape Co. In Starburst, Skittles Flavors TM Row

Two things:

1. Anyone using Vuse?
2. The “industry” is policing itself.

E-cigarette brand’s 2.6M power units being recalled

Heat Not Burn Products – The New Nicotine Alliance Steps Into The Debate

This isn’t my Father’s generation of choices – or lack thereof.

Whether I “like” the patch, gum, hypnosis, books, drugs, e-cigarettes – including cig-a-likes, snus, heat not burn, nicotine toothpicks, nicotine salts, high powered mods (where are those old ego starter kits) or acupuncture…. really doesn’t matter. Those are, along with tobacco control’s potpouri of guilt, demonizing, (my opinion) hocus pocus, feel good apps, classes, walks, straws (yes straws) and quitlines… many more ways suggested to not smoke (or smoke less) if a consumer decides. WHAT consumers use, how consumers get it, or who it’s made by… still really doesn’t matter.

Just as I’ve seen with kratom and CBD, I don’t use them and know little about them, never thinking I’d be anywhere near talking about those… but dammit… if they WORK…

I type this blog to speak fluently and informatively about those choices FOR the consumer to make educated choices based on their preferences and let them know the average success and failures of any product they may be interested in.

Despite where it comes from, what may work as a choice for a consumer is first. Let us not become them. Let us not fuck that up. (Thanks, Sarah Jakes.)

Heat Not Burn Products – The New Nicotine Alliance Steps Into The Debate

Related: Sticks & Stones

Sticks & Stones

Vaping’s potential to benefit public health exceeds its risks

“…those benefits represent a small fraction of the enormous harm caused by combustible tobacco…”

Vaping’s potential to benefit public health exceeds its risks

Nothing to see here, no manipulation of words here… move along.

public health law.JPG

OR, do something about it HERE and HERE.

Science Backs the FDA Down

Science Backs the FDA Down (Vaping is Free)…

Science Lesson: Clinical Trial Evidence Debunks The ‘Vaping Impedes Smoking Cessation’ Claim

“the quality of an answer is highly dependent on the question that is being asked.”

Carl V. Phillips:

Science Lesson: Clinical Trial Evidence Debunks The ‘Vaping Impedes Smoking Cessation’ Claim


Over the past few years I’ve heard “STOP repeating the lies of tobacco control” – or to that sentiment. We’ve all heard the “smoking-related” death numbers over the years. We’ve heard the claim “taxes lower deaths”. The latest WHO numbers went from 6 to 7 Million deaths… well, DrMA below has questioned that… (Don’t tell him how much I adore him, he might get a big head.)

I’ve questioned it – on the prompting of DrMA above (He’s such a bad influence)….. wondering with all the taxes going up, how could that number jump from 6 to 7 million….. so I’ve asked…

Meanwhile, Mike – over on Facebook – found this through Michael J. Mcfadden…. it seems I’ll never see “everything”, and as with anything you read… it’s worth the read.


CASAA FREE Membership Offered to Vapers

Because it’s there…

CASAA FREE Membership Offered to Vapers


david pinnacle

Did I mention I love David? I’ll do that now. Having a front row seat is a pretty good view. David is approachable, kind and brutally honest.

He is for the consumer, vaper, smoker, and he’s far too intelligent and articulate to hold it in… David’s words:


David G Signature Series (formerly known as the Winston Man). Thanks for your patience.

I was taught do it right the first time or don’t do it at all. There is no ( I ) in team. I have a great team that believes in me. Wont disappoint.”

David G Signature Series

Clive Bates

What else do you need to know…

FDA Inspection Proposal

For the professionals out there:

FDA Inspection Proposal Provides Valuable Insight Into Scope of Investigations

Bonus flashback article… my favorite #CrankyOldBroad, Skip… has been doing some research. Along with how I find things accidentally, she came across this:

FDA says tobacco law doesn’t apply to two smokeless lozenges

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – March 24th, 2018

news14Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, heat-not burn, tobacco control, public health, government regulations, policies and more.

 “The largest threat to Public Health, Tobacco Control and your Government – is an informed consumer.”


Twenty One – What if we limit adulting to just one age? ~ FDA Working Double Shifts ~ Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults ~ Pfizer’s quit-smoking Chantix fails study in adolescent smokers ~ Ball squeezing ~ Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults ~ How The FDA Plan To Take Nicotine Out Of Cigarettes Will Fuel Terrorism ~ State Policies Help Promote Misperception That Nicotine Causes Cancer ~ Chris Price ~ FDA Is About to Crack Down on Non-Compliant Vapes ~ Loise Ross ~ Anti-Smoking Bigots Trying to Kill Smokers and the Vaping Industry ~ Ending Global Confusion ~ CASAA

Twenty One – What if we limit adulting to just one age?

She’s a vaping ex-smoker who fights for what is right. Some (including me) call her a #CrankyOldBroad.

Twenty One – What if we limit adulting to just one age?

FDA Working Double Shifts

To say I’ve met my match in wit with this lady… is an understatement.

FDA Working Double Shifts

Pfizer’s quit-smoking Chantix fails study in adolescent smokers

“Think of the children™.”

I don’t know how pissed off I am after seeing this article. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. “If “children” are *already smoking, they’re *smokers regardless of age.”

Controlled or not, it is ok to fail its study to test “safety and effectiveness” using 12-17-year-old kids with a *known* dangerous and previously BLACK BOXED drug.

Evidently. If anyone has the actual study… I’d like to read it and have someone explain it to me properly.

Pfizer’s quit-smoking Chantix fails study in adolescent smokers

This is the “pisses me off” part of the news, part II.

If you’re not on Twitter, I suggest you join. Below is just an excerpt of Marita Hefler explaing she has “qualitative” expertise in response to Jenni Biebert. The obvious part about being qualitative is the disregard for consumers throughout the thread, despite the response below.

She talks TO smokers (not with them, I assume) and for the record believes e-cigs “have a limited role” in reducing smoking in Australia. The louder the scream test, the more she  – and those like her – expose their true mission.

Speaking of missions, here’s that ball squeezing study Colin was tweeting about:

Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults

US adult smoking rates are below 15% for the first time *ever* in history at 14.1%

You’re smart people…. (you’re welcome.)

Think about it…….. smoking rates are the lowest in history.

Don’t worry yourselves about “transparency”  by the government(s) with *wink* science.

There would NEVER be *wink* a black market for cigarettes.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gottlieb, with growing support of political “health” front groups – are working feverishly to *encourage* “lower nicotine” cigarettes… while trying to all but decimate e-cigarettes into oblivion.

Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among adults

How The FDA Plan To Take Nicotine Out Of Cigarettes Will Fuel Terrorism


How The FDA Plan To Take Nicotine Out Of Cigarettes Will Fuel Terrorism

State Policies Help Promote Misperception That Nicotine Causes Cancer


State Policies Help Promote Misperception That Nicotine Causes Cancer

From Chris Price:

Nicotine does not initiate carcinogenesis but promotes tumor development, so does nicotine replacement therapy help or hinder cancer development?

FDA Is About to Crack Down on Non-Compliant Vapes

You’ve been warned:

FDA Is About to Crack Down on Non-Compliant Vapes

Not only have you been warned, you’ll pay for it.

Vape Inspection IDIQ

Looking back, but forwards too – guest posting by Louise Ross

In the UK, where trying to convince people became enthusiastic truth… without wagging fingers…. A much-admired woman I consider one of the pioneers… of helping people… in the midst of a hostile tobacco control environment. 👇

Looking back, but forwards too – guest posting by Louise Ross


Happy retirement, Louise Ross

Louise’s contributions impacted this:

Seizing the opportunity: E-cigarettes and Stop Smoking Services – linking the most popular with the most effective

Anti-Smoking Bigots Trying to Kill Smokers and the Vaping Industry

From the American Council on Science and Health.

I know. Hard to believe, but here it is.

Anti-Smoking Bigots Trying to Kill Smokers and the Vaping Industry

Ending Global Confusion

I’ll need about eight minutes more of your time.

A loss.

Some of us, over the years, have met each other, helped each other, counseled one another. We are a community that impact each other on a grand scale. Within a community, we fight (sometimes within, often for each other). Within that global community, on occasion there are losses of what we consider casual relationships online right down to knowing people as friends – well beyond a tweet or facebook exchange, treat each other as family.

Personally, I am reminded of finally meeting Ann at the premiere of A Billion Lives in 2016. We lost her last year. She was one who impacted so many behind the scenes as she did online. Karen Lee a.k.a Fiamma Palermo from 2015 who used the #ImProof hashtag, Alice Dalton of the Vape Help & Vape Safe Facebook group who was always cheerful and helpful to everyone.

Another via James in Ohio this week was Keith Ross, Sr.

I ask you to think about their contributions… and YOUR contribution to what has changed your life. Start a blog, tweet, join groups, make some NOISE. Imagine the impact you can have on others and the future with this fight. Often I am inspired by others just from a statement in a group or a tweet. Learn from each other. Stop asking what can you do – start doing.


#Consumers #vaping #ecigs #LOUder.

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You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – January 20th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, heat not burn, tobacco control, public health, government regulations, policies and more.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

This week in the news:

Nicotine degrading enzyme could help smokers quit ~ After 40 years of anti smoking messages ~ UKVIA calls for TPD repeal, while USA publishes fire statistics ~ *Saturday Night Live* Chantix Commercial ~ Reality of Nicotine Reform ~ Is Science or Policy Preference Leading the Way? ~ 1.7 Million High Schoolers Vaped in 2016, As Both Vaping and Smoking Declined ~ New FDA Statement On Vape Products: Nice Rhetoric, No Substance ~ Consumer Groups Challenge FDA’s Misleading Animal Research On Nicotine ~ FDA considering plan to promote reduced-risk products over cigarettes: report ~ David Goerlitz

This is Vaping In The News – January 20th, 2018

Nicotine degrading enzyme could help smokers quit

“withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors and teeth chattering” in rats…

Ask your Doctor if it’s right for you. You don’t have to read it, but I’ll wait as they keep “looking” for an answer to a question that has little to no merit.

Nicotine degrading enzyme could help smokers quit

After 40 years of anti smoking messages

“Leave us alone…..People smoke because they like it.”

After 40 years of anti smoking messages people my age still smoke and young people start smoking. Why?

UKVIA calls for TPD repeal, while USA publishes fire statistics

Wrapup via THE Fergus Mason.

UKVIA calls for TPD repeal, while USA publishes fire statistics

*Saturday Night Live* Chantix Commercial

Once it goes mainstream…

Chantix Commercial

Reality of Nicotine Reform Provides Long-Lasting Tailwinds for 22nd Century Group

Real cigarettes are going to continue to be government approved and readily available. Possibly, cigarettes could be prescriptions…..

This prescription thought, predicted by me here and here, of course the definition of nicotine as tobacco, is still tobacco. They don’t like nicotine, but despite the peek-a-boo games they play, “they” love taxes from smoking. Please keep smoking.

“The initiative was cheered by anti-smoking groups and policymakers”

“The FDA isn’t alone in its stance on the need to reduce nicotine dependence.”

Reality of Nicotine Reform Provides Long-Lasting Tailwinds for 22nd Century Group

Reality of Nicotine Reform ~ Is Science or Policy Preference Leading the Way?

“despite hype to the contrary, science has nothing to do with tobacco control policy as it relates to tobacco harm reduction.”

Is Science or Policy Preference Leading the Way? Comments on the FDA Medicinal Nicotine Webcast

Advertise YOUR text link or banner!

1.7 Million High Schoolers Vaped in 2016, As Both Vaping and Smoking Declined

Again… this is silly to ask adults to pay attention.

1.7 Million High Schoolers Vaped in 2016, As Both Vaping and Smoking Declined

New FDA Statement On Vape Products: Nice Rhetoric, No Substance

Blah blahhh blahhhhhhh…

New FDA Statement On Vape Products: Nice Rhetoric,  No Substance

Consumer Groups Challenge FDA’s Misleading Animal Research On Nicotine

“misguided, unreliable, and unethical” and “a recipe for the construction of harmful policies.”

Consumer Groups Challenge FDA’s Misleading Animal Research On Nicotine

FDA considering plan to promote reduced-risk products over cigarettes: report

Of course, already made with tobacco, it is a ready-to-go product to create instant tax revenue for the government…. so… I consider it ready to go.

FDA considering plan to promote reduced-risk products over cigarettes: report

David Goerlitz

David Goerlitz. If you don’t know who he is, you should. From the face of Winston in the 1980’s to the anti-tobacco movement in the 1990’s, David is looking for smokers.

He wants those asking questions to know the truth.


“In my quest in 2018 to get more than a million smokers OR more to transition to Vaping BECAUSE THEY tell me THEY are ready and convinced that it is their time, having done their research and homework on THEIR OWN regarding the benefits of vaping over smoking, I will be endorsing my picks for the best starter package to make the crossover not only rewarding and effective, but exciting and worthy of the effort.”

The David G Signature Series of e-liquids have arrived:

David G Signature Series


Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Smoking Is Preferred According To Public Health Leaders

Smoking Is Preferred

Smoking Is Preferred

You wouldn’t think smoking is preferred by public health leaders. Any opportunity to “eliminate” smoking should be of the highest priority to those claiming it causes XXX,XXX deaths a year. If it were important, public health would take crucial steps to stop it using any means necessary. Well, the evidence is in, it isn’t that important. They prefer a “middleman”, an illusion of clean hands, fiscal integrity, an indirect conflict of interest, professionally. See, the leading cause of funding for tobacco control is taxes derived from smoking. Let me put that another way: Smoking funds finance tobacco control.


When “professionals” heard of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, they were outraged. In fact, there was a “Frank Statement” against it. There is an open letter from 123 health groups (count the number of groups addicted to sales of tobacco and taxes derived in any form on that list). Accepting grants directly from a tobacco company to fund research of course, is not acceptable to professionals. Taking money from smoking the “old fashioned way” to “fight” smoking? They’re addicted to that, that’s just fine.

When tobacco control “experts” and public health leaders around the world received an email from Derek Yach, President of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, the reaction was typical, the result was elementary school-yard bullying.

There were less than than professional responses. Dr. Michael Siegel, a former student of Professor Glantz,  has refused a position at the newly formed Foundation for a Smoke-Free World. (Covered here and by me, here.)

Smoking Is Preferred According To Public Health LeadersHow is tobacco control funded again?

One example: California’s Prop 56 is funded ” through tobacco excise taxes”.

Matt Myers created the Master Settlement Agreement. He worked WITH tobacco companies to create the largest ponzi scheme in the world. In one year, between 2016 and 2017, that scheme lost 1.8 Billion dollars.

The problem is, taxing something and needing it to fund the solution
for it….. doesn’t….. work. On the contrary, it creates a Ponzi scheme and that money goes up in smoke.

Smoking is important to control

According to The Wire, Ilona Kickbusch stated

“I head a WHO collaborating centre and have no wish to be associated with tobacco companies and money in any way.”

Abject stupidity. Taxes from smoking are devoured.

According to the World Health Organization, there are rules. Among other ~controlly~ things within, it seems silly to mention, Article 5.3 directly states:

  • Require that information provided by the tobacco industry be transparent and accurate.
  • Parties should ensure that any interaction with
    the tobacco industry on matters related to
    tobacco control or public health is accountable and
  • Where interactions with the tobacco industry are necessary, Parties should ensure that such interactions are conducted transparently. Whenever possible, interactions should be conducted in public, for example through public hearings, public notice of interactions, disclosure of records of such interactions to the public.

I couldn’t find anything showing demands of public health requiring transparency, ethics or integrity of itself. That’s ok. I can see right through them.


The louder they scream wolf

A big mouth, with little context, retired professor Simon Chapman tweeted:


The reaction by select global public health leaders is simply another unprofessional example of the public health scream test. Tobacco “Control” has always been at “war” with tobacco. They are shifting the blame, creating a smokescreen they have accused tobacco companies of doing for decades. Pressure is mounting, and the “endgame” they love to talk about has new rules. This isn’t about harm reduction, it isn’t about heat not burn, or snus, or ecigs.

It’s about money. Fiscal Health. Control. It seems Philip Morris, despite the appearance others are trying to portray, has found peace with its position and, despite even my own weak suspicions, is trying to change the world.

Experts want smoking just the way it is. What are they afraid of? Despite false flags, innuendo and well-thought-of tactics, they have become their own enemy and are afraid of smoking going away. They are not the ones in control. They’re threatened by what is obvious, their own demise. In reality, the younger generation is proving itself over the last decade, tobacco control will be another casualty of smoking – it already is without them.

This is Why Tobacco Control Should not be Trusted

Here’s what happened last year:

from Neil McKeganey Ph.D. Christopher Russell Ph.D. themselves:

Why Academics Should Resist Pressure to Disengage with the Tobacco Industry

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

Vaping In The News – December 2nd, 2017



Could Tobacco 21 increase smoking rates? ~ Ban on nicotine ‘will do us more harm than good’ ~ E-Cigarette Summit 5 – the return of the Summit ~ Tobacco Control Is Eating Itself ~ Plain Failure ~ Tobacco control through the lens of moral psychology ~ Public Invited to Shape Foundation for a Smoke-Free World’s $1 Billion Research Agenda ~ Dr. Farsalinos Submits Official Complaint To FDA ~ Heat not Burn “as bad as smoking” says study – but what’s the truth?

This is Vaping In The News for the week ending December 2nd, 2017

Could Tobacco 21 increase smoking rates?

Jenny Hoban, a Detroit Lakes resident and Tobacco Harm Reduction specialist and Vice-President for THR4Life explains how

“T21 has potential to increase use rates through psychological reactance, and out of protest once the targeted demographic realizes their right to choose has been removed.”

“They” want tobacco to be restricted to adults, they want to restrict adults from tobacco, and e-cigarettes. They also want funding.

Could Tobacco 21 increase smoking rates?

Ban on nicotine ‘will do us more harm than good’

Well, I don’t know a thing about nicotine…

Ban on nicotine ‘will do us more harm than good’

E-Cigarette Summit 5 – the return of the Summit

You haven’t read this yet? Shame on you.

E-Cigarette Summit 5 – the return of the Summit

Keller and Heckman is pleased to announce its 2nd annual E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium. If you’re interested in attending, please click on the graphic below!


2018 E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium

Tobacco Control Is Eating Itself

Because Dick Puddlecoat is the epitome of…. well, if you’ve followed this blog, you should already be following his.

“Glantz, an Australian pensioner and a low-grade physio from Lincoln are alone in the world spouting bullshit like some crack-addled loon”

Tobacco Control Is Eating Itself

Plain Failure

A second helping of Dick Puddlecoat will not hurt your diet.

Plain Failure

Tobacco control through the lens of moral psychology

Maybe it’s just me… I’m sure “tobacco control” and “morals” do not belong in the same title.

Tobacco Control through the lens of moral psychology

Public Invited to Shape Foundation for a Smoke-Free World’s $1 Billion Research Agenda

I am impressed by the invitation and opportunity to have a voice…

Public Invited to Shape Foundation for a Smoke-Free World’s $1 Billion Research Agenda

Dr. Farsalinos Submits Official Complaint To FDA

This one speaks for itself.

Dr. Farsalinos Submits Official Complaint To FDA Over Anti-Vaping Study That “Provides No Reliable Scientific Information”

Heat not Burn “as bad as smoking” says study – but what’s the truth?

“The” Fergus Mason (who has no soul) takes on Cynicism, Tin foil hats, and Science.

Heat not Burn “as bad as smoking” says study – but what’s the truth?

It’s bad enough can’t give out proper advice to smokers, now they give out dangerous advice a week after Thanksgiving is over.

thanksgiving leftovers.JPG

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Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


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Vaping In The News – June 17th, 2017


Vaping In The News June 11th – 17th, 2017

Tobacco will grow ~ E-Cigarettes Less Addictive Than Cigarettes, PATH Study Shows~ Rodent ~ 3D Printing Proves Scientists Really Have No Clue ~ Pariahs, predators or players? ~ Smoking Fireman ~ Dick Puddlecoat ~ Youth Smoking (A Threefer) ~ Heat Not Burn ~ Global Forum On Nicotine



Tobacco Will Grow

Festive moods as planting season is well under way for tobacco. Don’t let anyone in “control” fool you.

It isn’t going anywhere.

Tobacco planting season goes well: DeGroote

E-Cigarettes Less Addictive Than Cigarettes, PATH Study Shows

They’re tossing around the addictive word a bit too much for my taste, but… I do enjoy the show.


E-Cigarettes Less Addictive Than Cigarettes, PATH Study Shows

Phil made me laugh

I love a funny rodent!

3D Printing Proves Scientists Really Have No Clue

I admire Paul MUCH more than I let on. No, I love Paul.

3D Printing Proves Scientists Really Have No Clue

This will be the part of my blog where I’ll just leave this here. By itself. Take your time. Figure it out. I believe in you. 🙂




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“Vaping In The News” here.

Pariahs, predators or players?

Clive Bates is an astonishing source. Playing on his vast knowledge of the past and future, this is an invigorating read.

“…the conversation with and within public health on these issues is mostly infantile, and that needs to change.”

If you don’t follow him, I highly reccomend you do.

Pariahs, predators or players? The tobacco industry and the end of smoking

A Fireman Smoking.

So,  a tragic fire in London inspires of all things –  a photo of a fireman smoking a cigarette and a bit of hate…

Maybe it’s just me, but I ask the stupidest questions… is he in the smoking section and you’re pissed?

Leave the man alone.

The tweet itself was deleted. However… Shannon taught me about screenshots. 





Dateline, Dick Puddlecoat:

On Wednesday, 13 June 2012, I was still a smoker. I was almost two years away from stumbling my way accidentally to e-cigarettes. I’d never read this until this week, and it is stunning how Mr. Puddlecoat could see and predict the future from the past in his 2012 blog.

I don’t think he’s human.

E-Cigs: The New Bad Boy In Town

I don’t trust anyone in public health other than a select few worldwide who are brave enough to speak OUT, and I don’t trust ANYONE in “tobacco control“.


Are you familiar with INNCO?



Youth Smoking (3 for one special!)

  1. Tobacco control freak, Matt Myers wants to take all the credit in the RECORD lows  -and had to boast…

Well- I do love a good truth from Michael Siegel :

2. New CDC Data Should Put to Rest the Contention that E-Cigarettes are a Gateway to Youth Smoking

And this was mine – showing how children will keep smoking:

3. Smoking Rates Among Youth Now At “Unimaginable” Levels

Do you know about NNA?


Heat Not Burn

Konstantinos E Farsalinos, MD

Nicotine delivery to the aerosol of a heat-not-burn tobacco product: comparison with a tobacco cigarette and e-cigarettes.

Global Forum On Nicotine

The Global Forum On Nicotine Program Outline is here.


Bonus” link:

Why Don’t More Smokers Switch to Using E-Cigarettes: The Views of Confirmed Smokers

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You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

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Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

More to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.




Vaping In The News–June 3rd, 2017


Vaping In The News – May 28th – June 3rd, 2017

A Vaper’s View ~ California  ~ Cotton Candy  ~ Heat Not Burn ~ Smokers ~ Australia ~ AVA ~ Bill Godshall ~ ECVA ~ Vape Advocacy ~ Insurance ~ Batteries

A Vaper’s View

Jerry Iozzo, who I affectionately call the Marathon Man, and Jen Hoban have written this piece found in the Duluth News Tribune:

A Vaper’s View: Raising ‘smoking age’ won’t curb tobacco use


“the only places you’ll legally be allowed to vape in Laguna Beach will be inside homes and cars.”

California gets even crazier despite mounting evidence against gateway theory

The very reason for “control” is what?


Cotton Candy Is NOT Marketing To Kids

Another whom I adore, Skip has something to say.

Cotton Candy is NOT Marketing To Kids

I’ve featured her before here.

Heat Not Burn

A serious & in-depth look at these products from The Fergus Mason.

Heat Not Burn


“and if you ever make an “unhealthy” decision, then you are simply wrong and need to be controlled by your owner the government.”

It’s time to stand up for smokers’ rights

Isn’t it your job to know more?

The woman misinforming folks below is “President-Elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics”.

Chris Baxter explains what she obviously doesn’t “know”.



They LIKE cigarettes. Those aren’t going anywhere.

Gone in 60 seconds: Govt backs vaping law then announces inquiry one minute later

Inquiry into the Use and Marketing of Electronic Cigarettes and Personal Vaporisers in Australia


The AVA supports this bill.

AVA Submits Letter in Support of H.R. 2194 to Rep. Duncan Hunter

Bill Godshall

From the Hartland hearings.




Vape Advocacy

Jim McDonald asks “Who do you trust?”

Vape advocacy: what is worth supporting?


The regulation of NICOTINE as tobacco has much farther reaching issues.

This on the surface, seems “better”.

E-Cigarettes and Life Insurance

ambulance chasers


If you’re a vendor, you need to take note. Vendors, battery safety is paramount. Include a pamphlet – talk to your customers  – OFFER battery cases!!!!!

Stay away from ambulance chasers.

I HATE linking this, so it is here using a “do not link” code.

The Dangers of Vaping: A Primer on Litigating Exploding E-Cig Cases

Vapers! THINK. Battery safety links here and here.

WORLDWIDE Daily news, Monday – Friday from my friends:



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You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

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Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

More to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



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