Tag Archives: Links

Simon Chapman: The E̶m̶p̶e̶r̶o̶r̶ ̶ Emeritus Wears No Clothes Down Under.



There comes a time where things need to be said. People in charge need to be pointed out. There have been things that no one, specifically Simon Chapman, wanted to talk about, like suggestions of law, regulations, and opinion to manipulate nicotine in this instance, but “don’t talk about it”.

Public health, is top secret stuff, evidently.



I would be irresponsible if I didn’t link Clive Bates covering the paper above here.

Less smoking in Australia comes with fines

The “discussion paper” (Note the other names in that) surely in part, brought this idiotic fine “penalty system” where posession of nicotine includes fines (and jail time) and cigarettes are legal:

Aussies 3 with smokes

Act Like An Expert

I’ve proudly called Simon Chapman a “chimpmanzee” among other obvious things here.

As an “expert” in tobacco control, it’s been pointed out by much smarter people than I am (in many instances) that Simon is wrong. You’d think, with his Ph.D. in social medicine that he would know better.

It isn’t the first time Mr. Chapman has been called out here, here & here.

Christopher Snowden could go on here.


An assertion does not make you correct

This one is one of my favorite instances of assertion by Simon Chapman, and it still puzzles me as to why he would ever make such a rookie professional mistake.

Remember, this statement is from a tobacco control EXPERT influencing public HEALTH and tobacco control. I’d expect such a person to know everything there is to know about nicotine.

If you happen to be an “expert”, act like one. Make it a goal to know more than common people like me, or Judith below.


chapman nicotine.JPG


Even in his retirement, he wants to assert control.

Name calling and… well, who’s above that…

I’ve thought of calling Simon Chapman a “pretentious prick”. A “man-child”. I’ve thought “what an arrogant pompous ass”, yet I’ve only given time and effort where I thought it may be most appropriate. Like now.

It isn’t like Chapman would ever call anyone attempting to engage him properly,  (yes I did) trolls.

Let us clear the decks, call out the lies of those who have more power and funding than brains who are influencing idiotic policy with less than desireable required credentials and force them to answer the questions publicly.

I don’t want to waste any more of our time.

You can see Senator Leyonhjelm who has balls, discussing Simon Chapman below.


“…Department of Health was so taken aback by Simon Chapman’s false statements that they felt the need to go on the record and clear things up”

“Ill-informed, willfully ignorant and downright malicious”

“Snake oil salesman come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they take the guise of an emeritus professor of sociology” ~ Senator Leyonhjelm




Don’t spread this around, Simon is talking about litigation.

Spell my name right, Simon.

As a footnote, the last time I wrote about my pal Simon, he graciously reviewed my inane drivel on Twitter. I aspire to do the same again. Seriously.

chapman drive.JPG

Added 03/03/2018


I’m sure there’ll be more:

Simon Chapman: Expert Merchant Of Doubt

More 8/08/2018:


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Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Of interest:

Vaping In The News – June 17th, 2017


Vaping In The News June 11th – 17th, 2017

Tobacco will grow ~ E-Cigarettes Less Addictive Than Cigarettes, PATH Study Shows~ Rodent ~ 3D Printing Proves Scientists Really Have No Clue ~ Pariahs, predators or players? ~ Smoking Fireman ~ Dick Puddlecoat ~ Youth Smoking (A Threefer) ~ Heat Not Burn ~ Global Forum On Nicotine



Tobacco Will Grow

Festive moods as planting season is well under way for tobacco. Don’t let anyone in “control” fool you.

It isn’t going anywhere.

Tobacco planting season goes well: DeGroote

E-Cigarettes Less Addictive Than Cigarettes, PATH Study Shows

They’re tossing around the addictive word a bit too much for my taste, but… I do enjoy the show.


E-Cigarettes Less Addictive Than Cigarettes, PATH Study Shows

Phil made me laugh

I love a funny rodent!

3D Printing Proves Scientists Really Have No Clue

I admire Paul MUCH more than I let on. No, I love Paul.

3D Printing Proves Scientists Really Have No Clue

This will be the part of my blog where I’ll just leave this here. By itself. Take your time. Figure it out. I believe in you. 🙂




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“Vaping In The News” here.

Pariahs, predators or players?

Clive Bates is an astonishing source. Playing on his vast knowledge of the past and future, this is an invigorating read.

“…the conversation with and within public health on these issues is mostly infantile, and that needs to change.”

If you don’t follow him, I highly reccomend you do.

Pariahs, predators or players? The tobacco industry and the end of smoking

A Fireman Smoking.

So,  a tragic fire in London inspires of all things –  a photo of a fireman smoking a cigarette and a bit of hate…

Maybe it’s just me, but I ask the stupidest questions… is he in the smoking section and you’re pissed?

Leave the man alone.

The tweet itself was deleted. However… Shannon taught me about screenshots. 





Dateline, Dick Puddlecoat:

On Wednesday, 13 June 2012, I was still a smoker. I was almost two years away from stumbling my way accidentally to e-cigarettes. I’d never read this until this week, and it is stunning how Mr. Puddlecoat could see and predict the future from the past in his 2012 blog.

I don’t think he’s human.

E-Cigs: The New Bad Boy In Town

I don’t trust anyone in public health other than a select few worldwide who are brave enough to speak OUT, and I don’t trust ANYONE in “tobacco control“.


Are you familiar with INNCO?



Youth Smoking (3 for one special!)

  1. Tobacco control freak, Matt Myers wants to take all the credit in the RECORD lows  -and had to boast…

Well- I do love a good truth from Michael Siegel :

2. New CDC Data Should Put to Rest the Contention that E-Cigarettes are a Gateway to Youth Smoking

And this was mine – showing how children will keep smoking:

3. Smoking Rates Among Youth Now At “Unimaginable” Levels

Do you know about NNA?


Heat Not Burn

Konstantinos E Farsalinos, MD

Nicotine delivery to the aerosol of a heat-not-burn tobacco product: comparison with a tobacco cigarette and e-cigarettes.

Global Forum On Nicotine

The Global Forum On Nicotine Program Outline is here.


Bonus” link:

Why Don’t More Smokers Switch to Using E-Cigarettes: The Views of Confirmed Smokers

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You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

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Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

More to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


