Tag Archives: Lungs

Vaping In The News – February 1st, 2020

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.

Youth who use nicotine have rights. Stop punishing them. ~ There’s a right way and a wrong way to “Ditch JUUL” ~ Vape Ban – More Losers Than Winners ~ Lungs ‘magically’ heal damage from smoking ~ The Surgeon General’s Bogus Report on Smoking Cessation ~ World Health Organisation fails ~ Peak Australian GP body supports vaping ~ Nicotine Expert: Vaping is Unlikely to Cause Seizures ~ Vaping Causes Everything ~ The USSG Isn’t Helping ~ Policy Tip Sheet: Tobacco Harm Reduction 101: State Profiles

Youth who use nicotine have rights. Stop punishing them.

I cannot break my VITN tradition, I’ve seen Michael McGrady, and so shall you.

I will preface this article with my now age-old (pun intended) and thoughtful question: At what age is a smoker considered a “smoker”, and display one of my favoritest tweets ever:

You can choose to disagree if you like.

Youth who use nicotine have rights. Stop punishing them.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to “Ditch JUUL”

Speaking of teens…. this is from the MN Smoke Free Alliance. It is not only an articulate and precise way to educate children the adults in the education, “control”, parenting, and industry spaces, it is one of the best “wish I’d have written this” documents I’ve seen.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to “Ditch JUUL”

Vape Ban – More Losers Than Winners

Speaking of teens…. they are included in this piece. If you’re going to talk about, and the genuine goal is harm reduction – directly or indirectly, you will include teens in the conversation.

Vape Ban – More Losers Than Winners

Lungs ‘magically’ heal damage from smoking

Because Robert Innes pointed this article out to me, I’m quoting Mr. Innes here, he has a better foreword to the article than I:

“So much for the argument that, “we should only breathe clean, fresh air” and that our lungs are delicate. It would seem that our lungs are smarter at looking after themselves than the World Health Organisation FCTC and the doomsayers who claim DNA damage from vaping.”

Lungs ‘magically’ heal damage from smoking

Sky Vapes!

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 82271126_2664846157077983_1170660445388800000_n.png

The Surgeon General’s Bogus Report on Smoking Cessation

Recall my friend, Jerry wants smokers to quit – and admittedly doesn’t understand why… he claimed “I didn’t even know until this report came out that you can add as much as 10 years — a decade — to your life expectancy by quitting smoking…” in his speech last week.

Speaking of fraud, Dr. Rodu takes Jerry’s “report” to task.

The Surgeon General’s Bogus Report on Smoking Cessation

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90

World Health Organisation fails at science and fails at propaganda – the sad case of WHO’s anti-vaping Q&A

Clive Bates never disappoints – on any level. Ever.

World Health Organisation fails at science and fails at propaganda – the sad case of WHO’s anti-vaping Q&A

Peak Australian GP body supports vaping

A long time coming for our Aussie friends, progress… boiling the frog. While you’re at it, toss Chimpman, Freeman, and the others in the pot as well.

Peak Australian GP body supports vaping

Nicotine Expert: Vaping is Unlikely to Cause Seizures

Well! Jim McDonald, and one of my favorite subjects wrapped up in one convenient link.

Nicotine Expert: Vaping is Unlikely to Cause Seizures

Sky Vapes!

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 82271126_2664846157077983_1170660445388800000_n.png

Vaping Causes Everything

Personally, I’ve lost and regrown no less than four ears in the past 6 years. One ear is now forming on my wrist as I type… weird..

Wait a minute… Dave Cross explains.

Vaping Causes Everything

The USSG Isn’t Helping

Speaking of Dave Cross, and speaking of Jerry being an imbecile… in denial… go on…

The USSG Isn’t Helping

Policy Tip Sheet: Tobacco Harm Reduction 101: State Profiles

This, if you’re in business, is imperative. It would be in your best interest to download and see what Lindsey Stroud has been working on for YOU. Then, you could compare and contrast what states around you are doing WHEN you are talking to YOUR local, state, and national representatives to change the conversation… Capice’?

Policy Tip Sheet: Tobacco Harm Reduction 101: State Profiles

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives




Vape Radio

Smoke Free Radio

VAEP : Vaping Education

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – October 12th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.

Changes in E-Cigarette Use Behaviors and Dependence in Long-term E-Cigarette Users ~ A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy ~ The CDC and Vaping: A Perfect Storm ~ CDC Recognizes THC in Lung Injury Outbreak, But Teen Marijuana Use Ignored ~ US lawmaker introduces bill cutting nicotine in e-cigarettes amid teen vaping epidemic ~ #Hashtag Alert ~ Promoting the rule of law through improved agency guidance documents ~ Ecig vapour and cancer in mice ~ Marewa Glover Gets an Apology ~ Understanding A “Temporary” Vaping Ban ~ Hamilton vape shop owner promises legal action over governor’s ban on flavored e-cigarettes

Changes in E-Cigarette Use Behaviors and Dependence in Long-term E-Cigarette Users

“Findings suggest that the risk of relapse to cigarette smoking is low, and e-cigarette-related dependence remains stable in long-term e-cigarette users.”

Changes in E-Cigarette Use Behaviors and Dependence in Long-term E-Cigarette Users

A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy

The e-cigarette group reported greater declines in the incidence of cough and phlegm production from baseline to 52 weeks than did the nicotine-replacement group NOTE: Funded by the National Institute for Health Research and Cancer Research UK.

A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy

The CDC and Vaping: A Perfect Storm

“When is it appropriate for the government to misinform drug users? In light of the rash of severe lung injuries caused by almost exclusively illicit vape products, anti-vaping sentiments are building upon a perfect storm.”

The CDC and Vaping: A Perfect Storm

CDC Recognizes THC in Lung Injury Outbreak, But Teen Marijuana Use Ignored

Well, Dr. Rodu explains it.

CDC Recognizes THC in Lung Injury Outbreak, But Teen Marijuana Use Ignored

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA?

Have you added your testimony here?

US lawmaker introduces bill cutting nicotine in e-cigarettes amid teen vaping epidemic

Don’t think for one second lowering nicotine in vaping products does not have a direct mental bias illness with “lower nicotine” in cigarettes.

US lawmaker introduces bill cutting nicotine in e-cigarettes amid teen vaping epidemic


Careful what we – wish for. Remember, limiting is limiting adult consumer choice, whether it be cigarettes or e-liquid. Another link: lower nicotine – higher consumption.

I’ll expand: Because the new “cutting nicotine” bill above is being introduced, my Scooby-Doo, or Spidey senses tells me this New hashtag alert: #NicSick, is proof the “lower nicotinemovement propaganda is now in full force.

I ponder: How many cigarettes I’ll have to smoke to overdose.

Will misinformation kill people?

I ponder: Can you overdose?


Promoting the rule of law through improved agency guidance documents

While this looks good on paper, I’m more confused now – and hope you are too.

Promoting the rule of law through improved agency guidance documents

Ecig vapour and cancer in mice

In less than 24 hours, a response to “that” above – (nope, not gonna link it), was this. (NOTE: Vapers are not four legged little people with tails. Public health officials, on the other hand… )

Ecig vapour and cancer in mice

Related: Spurious Correlations is a great website to link “this” to “that” found here: Spurious Correlations.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90

Now, you can watch FORMER FDA Commissioner wiggle like a fish out of water backpedal about nicotine (and the above link) in a thread below.

Like we have for years.

Marewa Glover Gets an Apology

“They want to silence me.” ~ Dr. Glover.

This woman is important to YOU. As consumers, we are very fortunate in the internet age to have the opportunity to engage with professionals.

While *most* professionals feel the *gasp* the public, is beneath them, we are, as consumers, very lucky to have some who will engage.

They face much heavier scrutiny from their peers (rightly so), BUT this shows, among other things, the risks those professionals are taking, and the results of telling the truth about harm reduction.

Thank you for standing UP, Dr. Marewa Glover.

Marewa Glover Gets an Apology

Understanding A “Temporary” Vaping Ban

“When it comes to prohibition, temporary truly never means temporary and protecting public health means stigmatizing at-risk populations.”

Understanding A “Temporary” Vaping Ban

Author, Former Respiratory Therapist, Mother to five, and consumer, explains her position.

Hamilton vape shop owner promises legal action over governor’s ban on flavored e-cigarettes

The Marshall’s have been doing this a while.

Hamilton vape shop owner promises legal action over governor’s ban on flavored e-cigarettes

The results are in:

This one didn’t look good from the start.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives




Vape Radio

Smoke Free Radio

VAEP : Vaping Education

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – October 5th, 2019

Photo of me with a few of my friends in Columbus, Ohio

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.

FDA Warns Public to Stop Using Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-Containing Vaping Products ~ Vape Bans and Lung Disease: Picking Through the Feds’ Framing ~ Conservative groups urge Trump to back off ban on flavored vaping products ~ The War on Vaping ~ New study: Not one vaping illness linked to legal e-cigarette pods ~ You’re wrong, Governor: Vape bans will only make things worse ~ Vapor Technology Association Calls On Regulators & Legislators ~ Score One for the Good Guys! Motion to Intervene GRANTED! ~ #TwitterPoll ~ Doctors are prescribing off-label nicotine replacements for teens addicted to vaping ~ Here We Go Again ~ National Save Vaping Day is October 7th! ~ WE, The PEOPLE. ~ #WeVapeWeVote ~ Thomas J. Miller, Clive Bates, Lindsay M. Lewis ~ Vaping Lung illness patient speaks out

FDA Warns Public to Stop Using Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-Containing Vaping Products

Two months later there is clarity.

FDA Warns Public to Stop Using Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-Containing Vaping Products

Vape Bans and Lung Disease: Picking Through the Feds’ Framing

VITN rules apply here:

Vape Bans and Lung Disease: Picking Through the Feds’ Framing

Conservative groups urge Trump to back off ban on flavored vaping products

When support is prominent and #louder:

Conservative groups urge Trump to back off ban on flavored vaping products

The War on Vaping

This was pointed out to me by a subscriber of this blog. I would’ve missed it otherwise.

The War on Vaping

New study: Not one vaping illness linked to legal e-cigarette pods


New study: Not one vaping illness linked to legal e-cigarette pods

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90

You’re wrong, Governor: Vape bans will only make things worse

When support comes from unlikely sources… you listen.

You’re wrong, Governor: Vape bans will only make things worse

Vapor Technology Association Calls On Regulators & Legislators

I’m a consumer. Do I like everything in here? No.

Do I know they represent thousands of small businesses who are doing SOMETHING so they can still serve consumers? YES.

Vapor Technology Association Calls On Regulators & Legislators

Score One for the Good Guys! Motion to Intervene GRANTED!

The Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association. They’re also paying attention to businesses & consumers.

Score One for the Good Guys! Motion to Intervene GRANTED!


Doctors are prescribing off-label nicotine replacements for teens addicted to vaping

Do NOT say this wasn’t coming.

Doctors are prescribing off-label nicotine replacements for teens addicted to vaping

Oh look, a public opinion #TwitterPoll:

Here We Go Again

PAUL, who I admire from across the pond… who has something for all of us to read about bans here, has something to say here about a less risky, less harmful alternative.

Here We Go Again

National Save Vaping Day is October 7th!


National Save Vaping Day is October 7th!


I’ve been telling you this was coming. It’s confirmed.

We, The People


Attention all impugning sheep. We’ve been called “bots” before. There are more, here’s my scribbling from 2016 concerning the University of Kentucky waste of time and money here, another scribbling from a 2017 debacle is here.

This one has my “do not link” link for it.

There’s a suspicious pro-vaping campaign targeting Donald Trump on Twitter

Thomas J. Miller, Clive Bates, Lindsay M. Lewis

Thomas J. Miller, Clive Bates, and Lindsay M. Lewis write a follow-up letter to the White House Chief of Staff of the Office of Management and Budget, Michelle Marston.

I’m a consumer. Do I like everything in here? No.

Do I know they represent millions of voices and are doing SOMETHING so consumers may have access to less harmful alternatives? YES.

Re: follow up to meeting regarding tobacco & vaping policy (24 September 2019) – a crisis in 2020

Vaping Lung illness patient speaks out

CLEARLY, the media doesn’t do its job.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives




Vape Radio

Smoke Free Radio

VAEP : Vaping Education

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – The “Lung Edition” – August 24th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.

Vaping May Be Driving Down Smoking, Says Federal Survey Report ~ 7 out of 10 smokers say they might switch to vaping if they had more information — but ~ Heretics in the Church of Tobacco Control ~ Vaping Hospitalizations Likely Linked to Black Markets ~ JUUL Opposes Industry Lawsuit Against FDA, Quits VTA ~ Speaking of Jim McDonald ~ For Immediate Release: Public Health Warning – THR4Life ~ Lung Scare | Respiratory Expert Questions Links to Traditional Vaping ~ The Recent Cases of Vaping-Linked Lung Disease Highlight the Importance of Accurate Information ~ USA ‘Lung’ Outbreak Commentaries ~ 21 Cases of Lung Disease Linked to Vaping Cannabis Bought on Street ~ Youth and vaping

Vaping May Be Driving Down Smoking, Says Federal Survey Report

Experts idiots repeatedly state vaping products are a STRONG gateway to cigarettes. A GATEWAY.

The “experts” are wrong.

Vaping May Be Driving Down Smoking, Says Federal Survey Report

7 out of 10 smokers say they might switch to vaping if they had more information — but

Just because you’re not down under with Broony does not mean you’re not like Broony!

7 out of 10 smokers say they might switch to vaping if they had more information — but

Heretics in the Church of Tobacco Control

Michelle Minton talks about Church. I’ve written a bit about Divine Intervention myself.

Heretics in the Church of Tobacco Control

Vaping Hospitalizations Likely Linked to Black Markets

Ya don’t say… well… then… All I know is that it’s Lindsey with an E.

Vaping Hospitalizations Likely Linked to Black Markets

JUUL Opposes Industry Lawsuit Against FDA, Quits VTA

Jim McDonald explains the explanation. So to speak.

JUUL Opposes Industry Lawsuit Against FDA, Quits VTA

Speaking of Jim McDonald

Are you paying attention? Jim is.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90

For Immediate Release: Public Health Warning (THR4Life)

The Government isn’t doing it. Public health isn’t doing it.

SOMEONE had to do it.

For Immediate Release: Public Health Warning (THR4Life)

Lung Scare | Respiratory Expert Questions Links to Traditional Vaping

Regulator Watch: Dr. Riccardo Polosa.

Lung Scare | Respiratory Expert Questions Links to Traditional Vaping

The Recent Cases of Vaping-Linked Lung Disease Highlight the Importance of Accurate Information

Vaping In The News Rules state: If I see Michael McGrady, so shall you.

Go on now, don’t be shy.

The Recent Cases of Vaping-Linked Lung Disease Highlight the Importance of Accurate Information

USA ‘Lung’ Outbreak Commentaries

Starting to see a trend?

USA ‘Lung’ Outbreak Commentaries

21 Cases of Lung Disease Linked to Vaping Cannabis Bought on Street

You’ve been inundated with “r̶e̶p̶o̶r̶t̶i̶n̶g̶̶” propaganda for the past few weeks (months, years). Thanks to Mark Byrd, he was kind enough to see genuine reporting on the correct issue of the mysterious “lung disease” and share it with the rest of the class.

Now I’ll share it with you.

21 Cases of Lung Disease Linked to Vaping Cannabis Bought on Street

Youth and vaping

VAEP now provides a link about… well, youth – and vaping.

Youth and vaping

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives




Vape Radio

Smoke Free Radio

VAEP : Vaping Education

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – December 9th, 2017

news vaping

VapesGiving Event Aims to Raise Huge Funding Goals to help Advocacy~ Letters of Intent ~ Feds Owe the Public ‘Corrective Statements’ on Vaping ~ Long-term vaping causes no negative health results [new study] ~ Moving beyond vaping as a cessation-only practice ~ Simon Chapman gets it with both barrels in the Australian Senate. ~ The ‘Father of Stress’ Was a Tobacco Industry Shill ~ Smoking Cessation and Nicotine De-addiction Products Market~ Two from me

This is Vaping In The News for the week ending December 9th, 2017

VapesGiving Event Aims to Raise Huge Funding Goals to help Advocacy

Instead of focusing on what “can’t” be done, consider what CAN be done. Considering what is at stake, there is NO reason #VapesGiving can’t raise millions with this movement. This is beyond overdue.

Companies, including manufacturers, are joining with multiple advocacy groups to raise what should be nothing short of millions to attain results at any and all levels.

If you are IN business and not doing “anything”, I implore you to assess this and make some noise by making a difference. If you are already, I thank you.

VapesGiving Event Aims to Raise Huge Funding Goals to help Advocacy

Smoke-Free World – Letters of Intent

Focus, people.

Letters of Intent for Early Scoping Work

Feds Owe the Public ‘Corrective Statements’ on Vaping

The verdict is in if you’re in the United States, you’re seeing tobacco companies court-ordered advertising on television for the 1st time since the 70’s. Sally Satel & Guy Bentley explain why the Feds owe the public the same courtesy.

While they mention the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Surgeon General, I can come up with a list of defendants in other parts of this blog upon request.

Feds Owe the Public ‘Corrective Statements’ on Vaping

Long-term vaping causes no negative health results [new study]

Last week, I inadvertantly skipped this article by Jim McDonald.

“They found that the vapers had no negative health outcomes, and in fact showed results that were virtually indistinguishable from those of the non-vapers.”

Indistinguishable. This study extinguishes concerns, certainly, as to a smoker switching or dual using, and the very few and hard to find, who may take up vaping as opposed to smoking.

Long-term vaping causes no negative health results [new study]


We observed no statistically significant increases in relative mutant frequency

Related again from Lindsey Stroud:

Study Finds ‘No Detectable Changes in Lung Health’ of E-Cigarette Users Who Have Never Smoked

Keller and Heckman is pleased to announce its 2nd annual E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium. If you’re interested in attending, please click on the graphic below!


2018 E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium

Moving beyond vaping as a cessation-only practice

Choice. What a stunningly great idea! Huh!

Moving beyond vaping as a cessation-only practice

Simon Chapman gets it with both barrels in the Australian Senate.

I’ll let you hit play. Why haven’t you hit play yet?

How Low Will They Go? Tobacco Control Tries To Shut Down Journal For Defying Them

Carl V. Phillips continues “tobacco control’s willingness to harm science, social norms and anything else in pursuit of the movement’s special interest goals”

How Low Will They Go? Tobacco Control Tries To Shut Down Journal For Defying Them

The ‘Father of Stress’ Was a Tobacco Industry Shill

Interesting history for you who like it…

The ‘Father of Stress’ Was a Tobacco Industry Shill

Global Manipulation

of the “De-addiction” product market:

DE-Addiction. Anything describing what doesn’t work for the most part needs have a fresh and innovative new name!

Smoking Cessation and Nicotine De-addiction Products Market Is to Achieve Growth at a CAGR of 13.7% Over the Course Period of 2015-2023

Brad Rodu

We’re “anecdotal” my vaping ass. Now there’s more evidence we’re not.

“Given the government’s own evidence, it’s time to acknowledge the scientific legitimacy, value and benefit of e-cigarettes with respect to the health of the population.”

Population-Level Proof: E-Cigarettes Are Popular & Successful Quit-Smoking Aids

Two from me

What a week.

Tobacco Control experts are having a bad week with credibility, integrity

Senator Todd Kaminsky claims: “Vaping nearly doubled”.

Footnote to Professor Stanton Glantz:

The accused (already linked in my “Tobacco Control experts” blog just above) has his statement below:

Statement regarding litigation filed by Dr. Eunice Neeley

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Of interest:


“I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for (me) to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.”

How You Vape. Are you a lung or mouth inhaler?


While we assume that most cigarette smokers inhale, is this true of vapers?

Please let us know how YOU vape:

87 people, from 11 countries ! 🙂

This is quietly dedicated to one person. I love intriguing questions. I’m all about learning.
This one, done “undercover” & without any fanfare, didn’t get a lot of responses, but I didn’t “push” it. I didn’t tweet it like crazy. Just a few times and let it go. It was such a great question I decided to use a different style of survey to see if it would find it’s own way to the vaping world.
That experiment failed enormously as far as “how far will it go” which was fine. It seemed there was no real interest once I “put it out” a few times, an answer here, an answer there, so I’ve retired this on its own, but absolutely is intriguing enough to be added to my next survey.

Before we go any further, the lung effects with Bernd Mayer are here and with Dr Farsalinos here.

Also on the survey, “anecdotal”: I can breathe again

The question posed:

While we assume that most cigarette smokers inhale, is this true of vapers? Please let us know how YOU vape:

— I draw vapor into my mouth, and then into my lungs, and then exhale: 54.02%
— I do both:  20.69%
— I draw vapor directly into my lungs and then exhale: 17.24%
— I draw vapor into my mouth, and then exhale without inhaling: 8.05%


I’m in the “I draw vapor into my mouth, and then into my lungs, and then exhale” crowd, thanks for asking.


If you haven’t seen The Vaping Truth Survey Final Analysis, Here it is

If you haven’t seen @vapedupgaming ‘s AWESOME survey results, go SEE them: It was not mine, it was his, here are his results: Nicotine Flavor Survey, Here it is.

I just released this survey. It’s on the blog here:

Health Care Professionals & E-Cigarettes Survey

Or on it’s own without the blog here: Health Care Professionals & E-Cigarettes Survey

Please DON’T take it unless you’re in one of these fields:

Any Medical Professional worldwide is encouraged to take this survey about E-cigarettes. Doctors, Nurses, Researchers, Surgeons, Pharmacists, Specialists, Technicians, Dentists, Assistants,Tobacco Control & Smoking Cessation Experts are encouraged.

I’m not looking for just the people who are in favor, I’m looking for the one’s who are not. Everyone and anyone in those fields. I’ve tweeted directly TO Simon Chapman & Stanton Glantz. They can choose to take it, share it or ignore it just like everyone else. I’m not looking to get “one side”. You’d think I would since I vape…. well, no. I want the truth, just like research. ecigarette-research.org Nothing more, nothing less.

There IS another survey, NOT mine, many have encouraged it including Doctor Konstantinos Farsalinos. (He’s the face of ecigarette-research.org) I took it, the maker has been questioned I believe a few times, and was encouraged by them as well.

Your Perceptions and Experiences of Using Electronic Cigarettes

Finally, not a post goes live without M.O.V.E. If you don’t know about M.O.V.E. You need to!

Keep ON #Vaping On,
