Has your Doctor noticed you’re educating THEM?


You PROUDLY tell your Doctor, Medical – Health Professional:

“I quit smoking” with e-cigs”!

The success in not smoking is profound in a smoker turned non-smoker’s mind.

It is a personal VICTORY.

It is one accomplishment some thought and were convinced

they never would attain.

I “met” Ray online at the end of last year. He is a self-admitted “old crank”. I love old cranks.

Please see Ray’s story here.

Some in this survey are 40 – 50 year smokers.

The pride in telling your health professional the many things is a great feeling.

Some would like to continue the misleading statements & rhetoric of the old school stupidity.

Many motives for doing so.

Some in the public health arena would like to consider e-cigarettes the same as smoking. They would rather you still feel defeated –

NOW condemning you for doing what they’ve told you to DO all along.

Some are simply irresponsible. Dr. Gounder claims she is:

doctor / internal medicine / infectious diseases / domestic & global public health / medical journalism

on her Twitter Profile.

I say she’s other things. One of those start with Lazy.

I presume she just can’t find research on the internet. Huh.

A “professional”. Stating “medical journalism” is like me saying I’m a Doctor, I suppose.

I must have the credentials by now!

Make a NOTE to yourself as you see the graphic below –  these are statements unfounded, and just believed or contrived by ANOTHER person.

Not their “own” thoughts. Clickbait.

Does Dr. Gounder, have HER own research? Imagine? “Because someone else says so, it must be true”.


We know they are not. Imagine the irresponsibility of Dr. Gounder in HER statements.

She’s not the only one.

We have SCIENCE & Research here.

We have Medical Professionals WORLDWIDE here.

Here’s a glance at what the comments are from vapers worldwide from this survey

Please click here to take

The Vaping Truth Survey

it if you haven’t!

These are YOUR voices.. Again, these are worldwide, from 47 countries, just a part of over 2,400 participants,

language & spelling is intact. Unedited.

Question 28: Has your Doctor/Health Care provider noticed and/or noted these changes in your medical records since using an e-cigarette

My doctor is very positive to gaping even though she has never smoked or tried it herself. Today, 5:47AM
Doctor commented that it had been a long time since she’d seen me. I told her I felt a LOT better all of the time since I’d switched to an e-cigarette. She congratulated me and encouraged me to stay smoke-free.
My dentist said ” wow you quite smoking” before I had a chance to explain how.
I’m a guy. I don’t go to doctors unless dying
My Doctor has encouraged me to stick to the e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking.
Really see doctor so not aware but dentist and hygienist both very positively in favour of ecigs
Have actually helped educate my doctor on ecigarettes and vaping.
My lung capacity has increased
my dr did not encourage it but does now
Im from canada. It does work that way here.
After a year and a half observing the changes in me, my doctor has opened up and truly listened to what I could tell him about the benefits of vaping to quit smoking.
My family doctor said it was a great way to get away from smoking
recently had surgery due to a fracture – not all Canadians can walk on water (ice). The surgeon viewed it as quitting smoking. I recently found a new family doctor who has her doubts.
My Doctor / Health Care provider encouraged it. & I am listed as a non-smoker on my health insurance as well.
I have not had a reason to see a Dr since switching to ecigs.I haven’t even had so much as a chest cold in over 2yrs since switchinng to ecigs.
My A1C went down, my blood pressure went down, I feel 100% better in just seven months.
At my last visit I was one year smoke free, doctor congratulated me. When I told him the only way I could finally quit was using vapor products, he stated I should consider quitting them as well. I am looking for a new doctor now!
Lungs cleared
All the reasons my doctor gave me to quit smoking are fixed, but he still suggests my vape will cause worse damage.
The cardiovascular specialist was the one that encouraged it – he was absolutely delighted the last time I saw him and told him I was switching. For him, it was the carbon monoxide from smoking that was the primary culprit and risk factor in my PVD. The internist not so much, but the dramatic change in my health since 2008 and my total lack of need for acute visits since then speak for themselves.
Insurance counts me a a tobacco user to get a surcharge added.
I don’t go to the doctor often.
I told my doctor but I do not know if I am listed as a non-smoker.
I am no longer a “smoker”!!

Doctor considers me a former smoker, just as she would if I were using nicotine gum or patches.

My long time doctor has noticed switching in blood tests. She says she cannot advocate the use of e-cigs but also says I should not go back to smoking what I smoked before. She works for a private health company tho and she has to follow company policy – she has implied to me in many ways that the absence of pack-a-day smoking is doing wonders, regardless of the substitute.
Seldom see doctor, get impression he/she wouldn’t be interested. Asthma nurse very impressed said “Whatever you’re doing keep on doing it” Listed me as ex-smoker.

I told my doctor that I vape and he said “but you’re not smoking, right” I said “no” and he said “that’s good”

Only been vaping exclusively 5 months and no scheduled appt’s yet
My Doctor considers me a non smoker and has changed his attitude toward ecigarettes since he has seen the physical proof. I have been using a cpap machine for over 3 years; my sleep therapy consultant has recorded a reduction in my dependence on my machine.
my dentist noticed a difference
My life assurance company class me as a non smoker now
My health teast were better. Alot better
Dr asked when I gave up, (at the time I last saw him,) and I said 3 years ago, but that I still use ecigs. He put me down as a non-smoker. 🙂

I also have a friend that had a heart attack that was a heavy smoker! His doctor told him to quit tobacco that day and if he wanted nicotine then he needed to start vaping! Or quit all together! He vapes and his doctor says his heart is doing well!

My doctor is amazed that I was able to quit and to stay off of cigarettes, but still isn’t so sure that e-cigarettes are OK.

Astounding information.

Please keep it up!

EDUCATE your health professionals!

Please take the Vaping Truth Survey here!

Here’s a couple examples as to what THEY are SAYING so far:

Medical Professionals say

WHAT about E-Cigarettes?

IF you ARE a health professional

Please take the

Health Care Professionals survey here!

As always,

Keep ON #Vaping On.


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