Category Archives: A Billion Lives

Vaping In The News – December 30th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.


“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

You Don’t Know Nicotine ~ Influence ~ Glantzlation ~ Speaking of Glantz ~ Largest study ever confirms reduced harm from vaping ~ Better to Smoke 19 Cigarettes than to Vape One Juul Pod ~ Hill, Martha Ware ~ How did you prepare for the day you planned to quit smoking? ~ The price of appeasing PHE’s anti-smoking propaganda ~ Vaping Is Not the Real Health & Safety Threat in Kentucky High Schools

You don’t know nicotine

“Convincing smokers that nicotine is addictive is a multi-billion dollar global lie.”

The “nicotine addiction” lie is about 30 years old.

I’m      barely      able      to      contain      myself.



I’m constantly and actively looking, like most consumers, for anything detrimental (new risks, more risks, less risks) that makes sense to my amateur and laymen’s eye.

I’ll let this speak for itself:

“No significant changes were observed when comparing the concentrations of exhaled breath in vaping and no vaping days. Even the exhaled breath nicotine concentrations in both conditions were similar. As expected, toluene, xylenes, benzene, ethylbenzene, and naphthalene did not show increases in the vaping days since combustion was not involved.”

Influence of electronic cigarette vaping on the composition of indoor organic pollutants, particles, and exhaled breath of bystanders


Glantzian: An analysis that keeps reformulating the data until it makes the authors point.

Glantzlation: The authors reformulated point.

Stanton Glantz Says Vapers Should Smoke Cigarettes, Instead

Speaking of Glantz:

Across my eye came an intriguing title. I was excited. At the top it has Glantz’s name on it, and – at the time of this being published, it is blank. So much for evidence.

E-cigarettes: Stick to the Evidence.

Largest study ever confirms reduced harm from vaping

“Vapers had a 10-98% lower concentration of toxins compared to smokers for the toxins measured”

Largest study ever confirms reduced harm from vaping

Better to Smoke 19 Cigarettes than to Vape One Juul Pod

Dr. Siegel takes the truth to task.

“By focusing on the nicotine content, rather than the formulation, the “truth” campaign and CDC are obscuring the most important information that people need to understand.”

“Truth” Campaign to Kids: Better to Smoke 19 Cigarettes than to Vape One Juul Pod

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid. They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Hill, Martha Ware

Martha and I could have well been friends.

“Martha loved teaching, her garden, smoking cigarettes, watching TV, and sitting on the couch. She hated computers, dirty laundry, negotiation, and doing things on other people’s terms.” 👏

Hill, Martha Ware

How did you prepare for the day you planned to quit smoking?

I am a huge fan of Chris Price. He speaks of the coffee-shaped hole…

How did you prepare for the day you planned to quit smoking?

The price of appeasing PHE’s anti-smoking propaganda

As I plod along into my fifth year of this blog – It is primarily about vaping. In the process, I see Glantz, the anti-smoking rhetoric, the propaganda – and I’ve found it best to question everything, as I explain partially in this blog. As C. Frank Davis does in his.


The price of appeasing PHE’s anti-smoking propaganda

Vaping Is Not the Real Health & Safety Threat in Kentucky High Schools

Brad Rodu breaks it down a bit.

Vaping Is Not the Real Health & Safety Threat in Kentucky High Schools

We’re still waiting on “daily” use.

Please visit my proud sponsor

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90

Have you met my OUR friends at


I proudly joined David Georlitz on his latest podcast:David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Dear Family, Friends, Parents, Educators and Medical Professionals: “The Real Cost”.

warning exist

Dear Family, Friends, Parents, Educators and Medical Professionals:

I consider you all intelligent and capable of thinking for yourselves. Each of you have the power of many that I cannot have alone. I consider the depth and importance you hold with your personal and professional lives.  I also consider that YOU have a responsibility, response, and an ability – with the vast outreach you have – to make a difference. I’m going with the theory that we’re all only within “six degrees of separation”.

I understand in order to ask for support, you need facts.

Years ago, Dad had a motto for his business. “Know for a fact”. I’ve adopted that for this very personal message. I hope to briefly educate and enlighten you in the following few minutes of your our lives. 

Pardon The Intrusion

I do not like my family and friends being misinformed lied to.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made what I normally kick, scream and rant about on my Twitter account, my other Facebook page, and here on my blog, much, MUCH more personal. It’s about informed public consumer choices. It’s about rights. It is about you.

“When tobacco use decreases, less smoking occurs.”

Those Damn Kids


Are you a parent?  I’ll let you decide if trusted “non-profit” groups like “Tobacco-Free Kids”  (created by Johnson & Johnson, makers of smoking “cessation” products and then secretly negotiated with tobacco giant Philip Morris) are marketing cigarettes and e-cigarettes to children here.  Or  trustworthy. (I’ll wait.)

Remember when the public health community and media claimed e-cigarettes were a “gateway” TO smoking? Huh.

Think about the statement Dr. Gottlieb has made about “marketing to children”. Are you able to exercise your parenting skills? Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the FDA doesn’t think so. Like cigarettes, the law states anyone underage (18 or 21) cannot purchase these NON-tobacco products legally.

What you aren’t being told is these restrictions could lead teenagers back to smoking. The FDA wants to convince the world (whether they smoke or not) using rhetoric, proof by assertion, pseudoscience sound bytes and the ever-popular “Think of the children™ that e-cigarettes are “just as dangerous” as smoking. They’re not. While I’ll try not to bore you, there is data, science and research (and links within this blog). There is no doubt.


By the way, while Dr. Gottlieb pretends “nicotine” is the problem, something he can’t prove, he is encouraging more smoking with the help of front groups and other officials.


Pfizer, maker of the “FDA Approved” drug Chantix (once black-boxed due to thousands of attempted and over 500 suicides ) was given to “adolescents” in the United States ages 12-16. They failed.

The struggle is real

Why aren’t “approved” nicotine patches and gums being passed out to teens like candy? I’m saying, and I’ll keep saying it: “If “children” are already smoking, they’re smokers regardless of age.” I’ll direct you to Shiela Vakharia’s statement below.


Smoking or not

If you’re a smoker, I’m not telling you to stop smoking. (Smokers can go here.) Because vaping businesses are no longer allowed to tell you, I’m telling you e-cigarettes are a safer, healthier, smoke-free choice. It is an alternative for smokers who want to quit.  Nothing more, nothing less. I’m telling you the FDA is trying to take away a choice that has worked for millions. A choice that works. This choice is being threatened.

I was told “stop smoking” since I was old enough to get caught smoking! I was told it was “nicotine“. It’s not. Have you ever caught a child stealing nicotine patches to feed their “addiction”?

Whiteboard nicotine lie
It wasn’t so easy. “Government approved” patches and gums didn’t work for me, but I didn’t know why. I never thought to ask about the 93% failure rates. I was told it was willpower. It’s not. I was told I wasn’t trying hard enough. I wasn’t, but I didn’t know smokers average 30 attempts before they quit. I was told a lot of things. I’ve been lied to before, but not to this grand scale. They call it a sin tax. They’re addicted to taxing smokers.

msa lucrative

I didn’t realize the discrimination and hatred against smokers is completely perpetuated by money. To call the anti-smoking movement “brainwashing” is an understatement. It is professional bullying. I didn’t realize it was a billion dollar industry – funded BY smoking. If this scale of hate was directed at any other group, there would be riots in the streets. Leave smokers alone.

Can you imagine

FDA will always promote science based decision making…”

~Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.

Here’s Dr. Gottlieb and his sidekick Mitch “Zippy” Zeller – of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration exerting their arrogance mental “cognitive dissonance” disorder.

Gottlieb and Zeller large

In the process of regulation, restrictions, taxes and bans, Dr. Gottlieb is going to encumber 10 Million smokers, and millions more who may choose to purchase them as an alternative to smoking based on “attitudes, beliefs and intentions“.

The Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration…. what?

gottlieb belief....JPG


Dr. GottLIEb feels the need to use the word “convincingly”.

gottlieb convincingly

I’ve got another word: Manipulation.


Added November 8th, 2018:

So much for an “epidemic” via the retail sector.

“During this past summer, 96.7% of the retailers passed FDA-sponsored compliance checks by not selling an e-cigarette to an underage youth.”

This is 16.7% ABOVE federal guidelines.👇

The Synar Amendment “requires” an 80% compliance rate.

NATO Responds to FDA’s Potential E-Cigarette Sales Restrictions


As a “professional smoker” for about 35 years, I found, by accident, an amazing product. An e-cigarette. Within 48 hours, it worked. It also worked for Janice. It has worked for some of you reading this, my family and friends. Sometimes it doesn’t. One son (23) does both and the other (20) still chooses to smoke.

For a while… I walked around happy I wasn’t smoking. My cough – a constant companion most of my life, had abandoned me in about a week. I was breathing better and felt better. I thought – well, it can’t be worse than smoking. I was both uncaring and blind to the issues and the controversy surrounding “e-cigarettes”. On the news, as you’ve all seen, I saw (a) report of “dangers” and I thought, no, you bastards – you are lying. You’re not telling the whole story.

david quote

On a cold winter night, I found David Goerlitz’ blog. He is the “Former Winston man”. In his blog, he explains the corruption from ANTI-tobacco groups (Body Parts™ groups – Heart, Lung, Cancer Associations) he WORKED for. These “non-profits” are funded by smoking. David FIRED me UP.

david with gottlieb.jpg

I read anything and everything. I started a blog. I joined Twitter. (Turns out, scientists, researchers and experts who don’t lie are real and on Twitter.) I joined Facebook groups to learn more.

Dave fired me up. At that point, I was on a mission to change the world. Without knowing better – within days – on December 17th, 2014 – I created a survey to show what others like me already knew to show YOU and others – our experiences… 7,238 people took it around the world. Around the world. Proudly, It’s been used and quoted in a few places. My mission for that survey was to tell other smokers there is another option. A place they could read about what others doing it – said. Reducing or eliminating asthma medications, lower blood pressure – and much, much more.

I found quickly – the experts, media, and (no surprise) government do not care about the truth. They don’t care about facts. Wait. They care about manipulating the facts. I don’t like you not knowing for a fact.

“The Real Cost”

Fear is a lack of knowledge. Knowledge is power.

The Food and Drug Administration will be spending money placing propaganda in your minds called “The Real Cost“. They” want to regulate, restrict, tax and ban a choice by using “children” as a ploy.

taxes ecigs.jpg

Here’s where you come in. I’d like you to consider how you can help, and it won’t cost you a dime. I’m asking you to stand up. Raise your hand. Question those in authority. Engage. If you have doubts, questions, concerns, thoughts… ask me. If you have friends, colleagues, associates, family, medical professionals… direct them to me. If I do not know the answer, I’ll ask someone else.

Please consider a *free* membership by joining the consumer group CASAA.

They released this comprehensive explanation today:

“We believe that even if youth use were increasing, it is still a public health benefit – provided that use of smoking products continues to fall.”

“Epidemic?” A Perspective of Youth Vaping & Tobacco Use Trends

It isn’t just me. Oliver Kershaw also explains it here:

“Treating the symptom, not the cause – is never an effective outcome.”
You are my friends and family. I wouldn’t want you thinking funding is the root of the created opioid epidemic, either.
Turns out, in my mission to change the world, the world has changed me.
Each of you have the power of many that I cannot have alone. I consider you all intelligent and able to think for yourselves, and I thank you for your time.

This, from Diane Caruana – goes right along with what I said above.

Added 9/22/16:
I must be getting on someone’s nerves… Good.

Have you met my OUR friends at 


I proudly joined David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – August 18th, 2018

Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

Submitting to the FDA the findings of the largest ever survey on e-cigarette flavors use by US vapers ~ VTA ~ This Tweet ~  E-cigarettes Seventh Report of Session 2017–19 ~ E-Cigarettes Are Toxic Chemical Free Says US Government ~ A Billion Vapers ~ FDA Claims There’s Market Freedom

Submitting to the FDA the findings of the largest ever survey on e-cigarette flavors use by US vapers


Submitting to the FDA the findings of the largest ever survey on e-cigarette flavors use by US vapers

Dr. Farsalinos and Dimitris Agrafiotis also went over THE largest survey extensively – here on Facebook.

Vapor Technology Asssociation


This tweet:

I saw Danielle’s tweet the other day and I remember vividly – as a consumer – exactly how she felt. Her tweet reminded me of my journey. Inspired, I introduced her to (some of you) my twitter followers…

Her tweet (not mine) is now up to 28 retweets, 68 comments and 230 likes later… I imagine Danielle now realizes it means a lot to a lot of people. Keep on vaping on, Danielle.


E-cigarettes Seventh Report of Session 2017–19
Fresh off the presses from the UK:
“E-cigarettes present an opportunity to significantly accelerate already declining smoking rates, and thereby tackle one of the largest causes of death in the UK today. They are substantially less harmful—by around 95%—than conventional cigarettes. They lack the tar and carbon monoxide of conventional cigarettes—the most dangerous components. It has also proven challenging to measure the risks from ‘second-hand’ e-cigarette vapour because it is negligible and substantially less than that of conventional cigarettes.”

If you don’t want to read the whole thing, Mawsley already wrapped it up nicely here:

Jim McDonald has done the same here:

The United States is ignoring it, again:

Well… one organization did tweet about it:

Silly observations.

E-Cigarettes Are Toxic Chemical Free Says US Government

A STUDY by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has finally debunked claims vape contains toxic formaldehyde.

E-Cigarettes Are Toxic Chemical Free Says US Government


The elves at A Billion Vapers HQ are VERY proud to announce our official partnership with two new media partners. Both platforms are by vapers, for vapers and are committed to be a strong part of pushing the word of advocacy to every corner of the globe. Watch out for further developments as they come!



FDA Claims There’s Market Freedom

While Blocking Tobacco Harm Reduction Products

Our friend Lindsey Stroud:

How does FDA justify its regulations on the THR industry?

FDA Claims There’s Market Freedom While Blocking Tobacco Harm Reduction Products

Have you met my OUR friends at 


I proudly joined David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – August 11th, 2018

Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

A Billion Lives: Aaron Biebert, Uncut ~ The FDA Blatantly Hands E-Cig Market To Big Pharma ~ Forget the little guy, it’s all Big Pharma now ~ The Social Side of Nicotine ~ Speaking of warning labels ~ A longitudinal study of smokeless tobacco use and mortality ~ Muddled Milk, Nicotine and Hypocrisy ~ Our Friend James Jarvis  ~ Your Home Is Your Castle, Unless You’re Poor ~ Speaking Of Morals – Not Blowing Smoke ~ Gottlieb’s New Statement

A Billion Lives: Aaron Biebert, Uncut

The Board of Directors at THR4Life decided to reach out to Aaron Biebert to chat with him about the 2nd anniversary of the North American premiere of his film, “A Billion Lives”…

Aaron Biebert talks about the inception, grass-roots research, and his perceptions while preparing for the film. He allows us an intimate perspective of challenges he faced while making the film, where the inspiration came from, and what it took to put this award-winning documentary together.

Will there be a follow up to A Billion Lives?

It was an honor to talk with him. Here are Aaron and I talking about passion, nicotine… and fire alarms.

A Billion Lives: Aaron Biebert, Uncut – Two Years Later

The FDA Blatantly Hands E-Cig Market To Big Pharma

Dick Puddlecote – is always handing us a view worthy of our time.

The FDA Blatantly Hands E-Cig Market To Big Pharma

Forget the little guy, it’s all Big Pharma now

And… there’s Paul…

Forget the little guy, it’s all Big Pharma now

The Social Side of Nicotine

Yes, yes there is. Get over it.

The Social Side of Nicotine

Speaking of warning labels

August 10th was the deadline for all packages and ads (manufacturers and shops) for e-cigarettes and “certain other tobacco products” to contain the  required ridiculous FDA nicotine warning.  Jim McDonald covered that here.

Then, I saw this from Ian… and it made me laugh…


Then, it kind of pissed me off that it has to happen at all.

I’ve made my own.

Here are a few…I’m not shutting up.

Do that here.


A longitudinal study of smokeless tobacco use and mortality in the United States

They know better, they just don’t want you to know better. It doesn’t fit thier narrative.

A longitudinal study of smokeless tobacco use and mortality in the United States

Muddled Milk, Nicotine and Hypocrisy


Scott Gottlieb: Muddled Milk, Nicotine and Hypocrisy

Our Friend James Jarvis

I’ve met James. He’s about an hour – or a phone call / message away. Take a few minutes to read and absorb his words.


Your Home Is Your Castle, Unless You’re Poor

We are in a position where “control” has removed the last stages of freedom while pretending to be the “good guys”. This is now a state in which adults cannot choose to use a legal product in their own home.

Because we have entered their Reich, you will do as you’re told.

Herein, we’ve entered the final stages of tobacco control utopianism.

Your Home Is Your Castle, Unless You’re Poor

Speaking of morals:

This is Beverly Hills. If you think this is an exception… you’re wrong.

This… from Not Blowing Smoke.


and then….

 “We can not legislate our way out of morality”

How much money:

How much exactly is the FDA spending on…..

“consumer-based messaging, strategies, and materials for multiple multichannel public health education campaigns targeting both national and niche audiences?”

You better sit down.

FDA CTP Ad Campaign Program

Gottlieb’s New Statement

No one is more interested in shutting e-cigarettes down than pharmaceutials.

Gottlieb’s New Statement

Have you met my OUR friends at 


I proudly joined David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


A Billion Lives: Aaron Biebert, Uncut – Two Years Later

thr4life image

The Board of Directors at THR4Life decided to reach out to Aaron Biebert to chat with him about the 2nd anniversary of the North American premiere of his film, “A Billion Lives” in Milwaukee, Wisconsin – on what is THR4Life‘s podcast debut.
Aaron and I talk about the inception, grass-roots research, and his perceptions while preparing for the film. He allows us an intimate perspective of both the challenges he faced while making the film, where the inspiration came from, and what it took to put this award-winning documentary together.
Will there be a sequel to A Billion Lives?
Aaron also gives us a look at other projects he and the crew of Attention Era Media have been working on since 2016. Always on the go, he talks about projects with Derek Yach of The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World and the Film Festival during the most recent Global Forum on Nicotine and more.


You can find more information about the film “A Billion Lives” here:

You can find more information about THR4Life here:

Have you met my OUR friends at 


I proudly joined David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – September 16th



Vaping Is Not A Crime ~ Sinner, Keep Sinning – We Need The Cash ~ Philip Morris Pledges $1 BILLION ~ Australia ~ Nicotine ~ E-cigarette use and associated changes in population smoking cessation ~ Resolution of recurrent tonsillitis in a non-smoker who became a vaper ~ The Corruption of Public Health ~ FDA Revised Guidance ~ It’s Not About Health ~ Mice ~

Many things to cover. David Goerlitz explores Canada, Sinners equal cash. Philip Morris makes public health experts and tobacco control more nervous. Corruption of public health will be no surprise, “guidance” from the FDA and a few other moments make up this weeks….

Vaping In The News ~ September 10th ~ 16th

Vaping Is Not A Crime

Canada is under extreme opposition. David Goerlitz is scratching punching the surface in this first of a series while visiting Montreal, Quebec.

This is another example of regulate, restrict, tax and ban worldwide. No matter where you are, fight.


Sinner, Keep Sinning

Mr. Puddlecoat probably sprained his fingers typing this one up… Thank you D.P.

Sinner, Keep Sinning – We Need The Cash

Philip Morris Pledges $1 BILLION

I trust tobacco companies more than government or public health. As an example in the UK, THE Fergus Mason’s favorite “authority figure” hag says this in the following article.

“The tobacco industry has a terrible track record of funding research designed to support its efforts to block policies to cut smoking,” Deborah Arnott, chief executive of London-based Action on Smoking and Health, said in a statement. “Tobacco industry claims can never be accepted at face value.”

This. This is fear. Losing power. Loss of control. Out of the loop. “Policies” are in question. The scream test looks nice in print.

I don’t trust public health, with a few exceptions.

I do however, trust Philip Morris (despite self-promotion of their heat not burn, etcetera) and this initiative far more with Yach at the helm.

This is progress, not control.

Philip Morris Pledges $1 Billion to Fight Smoking


Do you know about NNA?



Please keep smoking. That is all.

After all, this: Don’t share this

Leads to this:

Harm caused by e-cigarettes uncertain

A Case for Nicotine Use

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Nicotine is not addictive.

Because it is such an assertive claim and everything is riding on the myth, (Like Santa, you never want to tell the kids) either few professionals “understand”,  choose to understand or will admit it. They instead, are either incompetent or believe it themselves.

Gorokh has a twist I liked:

“…..drawing conclusions about nicotine from smoking studies is like measuring the effects of lemon juice by administering participants rounds of Long Island iced teas!”

That’s here below.

A Case for Nicotine Use

Do you know about THR4LIFE?


E-cigarette use and associated changes in population smoking cessation:

Evidence from US current population surveys.
Seems we’re not anecdotal any longer, we’re population level status now.

E-cigarette use and associated changes in population smoking cessation: Evidence from US current population surveys. 

Resolution of recurrent tonsillitis in a non-smoker who became a vaper.

A case study and new hypothesis.

Resolution of recurrent tonsillitis in a non-smoker who became a vaper.

The Corruption of Public Health

Where do I begin. Is it when the Food and Drug Adminstration formed? When Chapman or Glantz were born? When Frieden took his first baby steps from his sterilized crib? I don’t know. Find out here:

The Corruption of Public Health

Are you familiar with INNCO?

tobacco products zippo.jpg

FDA “Revised Guidance” was released.

Ash trays and lighters are not tobacco products, but your list of what is, is here:

FDA issues revised final guidance on tobacco manufacturer registration and product listing

It’s Not About Health

I love this man.

It’s Not About Health: A Potted History


Well, here’s my favorite of the week.

I’ll let you decide if you actually want to read this bullshit, but here are my favorite quotes from the article:

“As always, it is difficult to extrapolate the findings to humans…”

“but the effect on humans still needs to be investigated…”

May I suggest a few humans?

One is an expert at any-hand smoke named Stan “Puff – n – Stuff” Glantz.

Third-hand smoke in furniture and clothes damages mouse organs

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Have you met my OUR friends at



Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.


There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.






Vaping In The News – August 12th, 2017


Vaping In The News

Then And Now ~ Bullying ~ What Are They Smoking ~ Politics ~ A Billion Lives

Then & Now

The FDA now headed by Scott Gottlieb, M.D. is not only on a “nicotine dangers” kick, they’re funding and promoting it.

Nicotine, as I’ve previously concluded for you, is not addictive without tobacco & MAOI’s.

Now, there’s another NIH article for you to consider on the association of addiction. They know better, they just won’t admit it.

“nicotine concentration was associated, albeit weakly, with dependence among e-cigarette users.”

Then and now: Consumption and dependence in e-cigarette users who formerly smoked cigarettes.

Are you familiar with INNCO?


Tobacco Free Kids loves to use the illusion of tobacco companies “bullying” their way into more sales… because I care, here are a few examples below.


Well, tobacco CONtrol isn’t immune.

They would NEVER control from within or bully their own…


Do you know about NNA?



Via Michael Siegel (bold & underlining is my emphasis):

“Importantly, only one perspective on this issue was presented to us in the trainings. There was no room for disagreement or challenge. These ideas were presented as scientific facts, not subject to debate. In fact, if we were to challenge the ideas, the implication was that we – ourselves – might be accused of working for Big Tobacco or receiving secret payoffs.

The most prominent and dogmatic idea presented to us was that “The debate is over.” There is no room for questioning of the link between secondhand smoke and chronic disease. Anyone who challenges that link or suggests that it is being exaggerated must therefore be a front for the tobacco industry. No reasonable person – acting of their own accord – would challenge this undebatable science.”

That is explained here:

Author Expelled from Smokefree Air List-Serve for Criticizing Unfounded and Inflammatory Smear Campaign Against Smoking Ban Opponent

Jeff Stier

…”legislators want to recklessly regulate responsible vape retailers out of existence.”

Always a pleasure from Mr. Stier:

NYC Moves to Snuff Out E-Cigs: “What Are They Smoking?”

Have you seen THR4Life?



Two distinct tweets caught my attention this week.

First, Randy Abreu, Esq. is running in New York……

And….out in Missouri… Austin Peterson is:

A Billion Lives

It’s been more than a year since my wife & I traveled to Milwaukee to the premier of A Billion Lives.

They’re not done, and neither are we.



In case you’re not on Facebook:

“After the big FDA news, there’s been a resurgence of groups looking to host educational screenings of #ABillionLives in their local theaters for politicians & media.

Great news! The major US theater companies will do another run, but will require about 50 tickets pre-ordered for each showing. No other costs, and group leaders will get 5% of their ticket sales to put towards advocacy.

Here’s the link to get started:”

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A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


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