Tag Archives: Cigars

Vaping In The News – December 23rd, 2017


Vaping In The News.

Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, tobacco control, public health, government regulations and more.

This week in the news:

Teen Smoking Drops ~ Evaluation of the safety profile of an electronic vapour product used for two years by smokers in a real-life setting ~ When the tax stamp covers the health warning label ~ “At War With The Tobacco Industry” ~ Who forced the cigarette companies to run those anti-smoking ads? ~ 10 Year Corporate Affairs, Strategies (“leaked” document from PMI) ~ 22 Million New Smokers Needed: Funding SCHIP Expansion with a Tobacco Tax (2007) ~ Stop-smoking drug increases the risk of a heart attack AND is linked to self-harm ~ VapesGiving™

-This is Vaping In The News – December 23rd, 2017-

Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Nobody wants to talk about gateway enthusiasts being wrong. No one likes to hear Unicorns are out of work. I do.

Kids sure don’t smoke like they used to.

Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Evaluation of the safety profile of a (e-cig)

vapour product used for two years – in a real-life setting

Researchers took it upon themselves to lure smokers out of the wild with e-cigarettes.

Evaluation of the safety profile of an electronic vapour product used for two years by smokers in a real-life setting

When the tax stamp covers the health warning label

“the growing threat that untaxed and smuggled tobacco products have on public health”

Isn’t the threat is exactly the same? This is an excellent example of not helping and a waste of valueable resources.  As a smoker, you could have put a piece of my own lung on a pack of smokes and it would not have deterred me for a second.

Oh, wait,  this is about funding. Silly me. Silly researchers.

When the tax stamp covers the health warning label, conflicting ‘best practices’ for tobacco control policy

In other news

Here’s how public health gets public health done.

 Clive sees trouble!

Read Carol’s tweet.

Advertise with YOUR text link or banner!

“At War With The Tobacco Industry”

Two words: Dick Puddlecoat.

“At War With The Tobacco Industry”

Who forced the cigarette companies to run those anti-smoking ads

It had to be Stan “Puff-N-Stuff” Glantz, of course. Because he is a twit, Stanton Glantz wants to take subtle credit for it before his demise. Written much better than Stan can, it looks as if he may, or might (not sure) have added a line or two in the article, but is taking full credit. Not that I’d ever accuse him of stealing anyone else’s work or anything.

This is in a “do not link” format so there is no credit for search engines. Click away. My comments on the article have not been addressed, but I encourage you to comment on this article.

Who forced the cigarette companies to run those anti-smoking ads?

10 Year Corporate Affairs, Strategies (“leaked” document from PMI)

I’m not sure how “confidential” this “is”. Go ahead, look. You know you want to.

10 Year Corporate Affairs, Strategies (“leaked” document from PMI)

22 Million New Smokers Needed: Funding SCHIP Expansion with a Tobacco Tax (2007)

Thanks, Big Bacon Moe!

I’ve said this a thousand times. Tobacco taxes are a Ponzi Scheme. Higher tax to have less smokers pay more to fight smoking is insideous. It’s a Ponzi Scheme.

22 Million New Smokers Needed: Funding SCHIP Expansion with a Tobacco Tax

Stop-smoking drug increases the risk of a heart attack by up to 34% AND is linked to self-harm

Stop recommending it. Stop promoting it. Stop taking it. Just stop.

Stop-smoking drug hailed as ‘the most effective medication’ for ditching cigarettes, increases the risk of a heart attack by up to 34% AND is linked to self-harm, study finds

JNCI study finds pharmaceutical stop smoking aids ineffective

When WILL the FDA make a statement about this?
#EveryTryCounts = Political Front Group campaign to sell ineffective “aids”.
“NO evidence”…
“more than a dozen population level studies screaming the ineffectiveness”
“Who benefits by deceiving smokers?”
My question is, who will be held accountable for past and future claims?


$190,000 was the amount commited by Naked 100 Eliquid, and the total amount raised to fund the future was $332,183.

“In just one week, over $142,183 was donated by manufacturers, distributors, vape shops, and Vapers.”

VapesGiving Donors

This week from me:

What We Know:

Inspired by the FDA’s “Every Try Counts” campaign:

Can You Quit

Admitting the deception and ineffectiveness of “government-approved” quit smoking methods is being forced out of their mouths by people like you and I. Keep doing that.

Can you quit smoking with patches and gums?

Challenging Lies about Nicotine Addiction

The recent articles showing “approved” methods to help smokers do not work has inspired me to solicit the wife to unstrap my straight jacket and grab my crayons again

Seasons Greetings!

Happy Holidays!

2018 E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Tell me what you think. Your comments are NEVER filtered, are encouraged and welcome on this blog.

Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Teen Smoking Drops, Popular Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes

Teen smoking rates dropped again despite the ever-popular assessment that e-cigarettes “could be” a gateway to smoking. Even this year, stories continue to manipulate public perception with titles like “heavier teen tobacco use” and content to conjure images of a pack of 8-year-olds smoking like it’s going out of style. I’ll get to the unicorn sightings, I know that’s why you’re here.

Also noteworthy, and no surprise, e-cigarette use is going up. Well, hang on to your hats. If e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking… where are the new smokers? You ponder that question, I’ll keep typing.

They’re wrong, No Gateway

With the confidence of a unicorn herder, always good for a laugh ever-so-credible Stanton Glantz just below boasts “even non-nicotine #ecigarettes are a strong gateway to cigarettes…” and he’s wrong. He uses the word “are”.  Not only is he wrong, he’s wrong at least twice.

glantz tweet

If he were correct in his hypothesis, this would be a different blog. I trust grandstanding filled with babbling and buffoonery is forthcoming from Stan about how wrong he isn’t.  (Blatantly obnoxious and wrong.) He’ll stroke his beard,  fidget in his chair, participate in some pesky deposition, but won’t admit wrong, he and others have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong. With reports of youth smoking rates dropping to all-time lows, thousands of gateway enthusiasts like Stanton “Puff-N-Stuff” Glantz, are… well, I am happy to report as I did in August here, and here, wrong.

Teen smoking drops again

Teen Nicotine and tobacco use (smoking rates) dropped again according to the latest report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)  called “Monitoring The Future Survey”.

Use of traditional cigarettes has continued to decline to the lowest levels in the survey’s history.

Significant five-year declines-by more than half for daily use and for use of one-half pack or more per day-were reported by all grades.

Daily cigarette use was reported by 0.6 percent of 8th graders

2.2 percent of 10th graders

4.2 percent of 12th graders in 2017.

This was down from peaks of 10.4 percent and 18.3 percent among 8th and 10th graders in 1996 and a peak of 24.6 percent of 12th graders in 1997.


Expert Integrity In Question

Gateway Enthusiasts and Unicorns are out of work

Despite the valiant efforts of “experts”, despite an uncanny desire to invest in tactics like this to keep kids smoking, they’re smoking less. Now, due to cause and effect, the country has countless unicorns displaced and unemployed. Gateway enthusiasts and Unicorns are looking for work. Kids sure don’t smoke like they used to. Do what you can to save the unicorns, continue to question the integrity of experts.

Since the definition of nicotine is now tobacco, tobacco USE rates/funding are in jeopardy. (I predict next year the “tobacco use” will be put together with vaping in this survey, with or without nicotine). To my knowledge, not one city has made an effort to focus on the intended target: children. Instead of focusing on pre-teen and teen smoking (what I would consider 8-15 year-old juveniles), to educate that age group on tobacco use, so-called “experts” are insistent, despite the lowest smoking rates in history, on half-assed efforts and a lot of money aimed at raising the age of purchasing tobacco and e-cigs to 21.

Teens Are Smoking Less

While I was writing this blog, this came across my eye. (Thanks, Jenny!)

While all the “Tobacco 21” enthusiasts are running around feeling good about themselves, the teen smokers they should be spending energy on are already smoking. In this, it states the desire to raise the age to 21. Well. The paragraph above I stated 8-15 as the age range to educate, where (bold emphasis is mine) this study says:

“The mean age for the first puff on a cigarette was 11.7 years (n = 66). Youths who had stolen tobacco from a parent reported a mean age for the first puff (11.3 years), one year earlier than youths who had never stolen tobacco from a parent (12.3 years, n = 66, p = 0.05)”

Focus time on efforts, not control

11 year olds. 12 year olds. Why are they worrying about restricting 18-20-year-old adults again? Why are they not worried about pre-teen and teen tobacco use? Oh, that’s right, they’re experts. It’s pretty obvious a quick check with my untrained eye on the target age of when children first initiate smoking *in their own study* isn’t their expertise.  Maybe no one noticed.

You would think efforts focusing on pre-teen smoking education before a potential problem occurs would be more fruitful, and the obvious primary focus. Instead, restrict adults from doing something that “they might do” as adults has become the idiotic trend.

As far as my personal view, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

On teens: “If “children” are *already smoking, they’re *smokers regardless of age. Think of the children™.”

If these people worked on the…. they might work themselves right out …. of… a …. job . . . wait a minute….

This was added 12/19/17.


Added 01/18/17:

1.7 Million High Schoolers Vaped in 2016, As Both Vaping and Smoking Declined

Added 06/14/2018:

Still not smoking.

The elusive ‘epidemic’ of teen vaping

Added 8/18:

Interesting to note on 9/05/18:

Truth Initiative claims a gateway on August 6th claiming:


a twenty-one % drop from 18-24….

From 2019:

“The percentage of adolescent daily smokers who smoked one or more packs of cigarettes per day was not reported for 2019 due to low
statistical precision.”

That’s here:

Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States

Added 7/16/2022

From the tweet above:

“Among adolescent never cigarette smokers, those who had ever used e-cigarettes at baseline, compared with never e-cigarette users, exhibited modest or non-significant increases in subsequent past 12-month or past 30-day smoking when adjusting for behavioral risk factors.”

Other related links of interest:

Electronic Cigarette Age Restrictions May Drive Teens to Traditional Cigarettes

US survey: Youth smoking rates reach historic lows despite e-cig popularity

Adolescent Smoking Rates Reach Historic Lows, Despite Vaping’s Popularity

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Vaping In The News.

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™ ~ The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz ~ Paint me green and hear me roar! ~ FDA Responds to Cigar Groups ~ Up In Smoke ~ VAEP ~ We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems ~ Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking ~ In Other News

This is Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Now, I’d like for you to break the internet.

Sharing is caring, giving is #FundingTheFuture

#VapesGiving™ offers the opportunity not only for you to donate to a spectrum of organizations, but to see your donation doubled thanks to the support of Naked 100 (up to $190,000!).

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™!

The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz

This one’s VERY good. SO good, it was copy/pasted on a Canadian blog and barely noted that Carl V. Phillips wrote it.

The academic scandal hiding within the Stanton Glantz sexual harassment scandal

Paint me green and hear me roar!

Do you know Skip? Skip reveals much more than her real name in this one. Must read.

Paint me green and hear me roar! Confessions of an e-liquid mixologist.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups

See, pay attention.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups Motion for Summary Judgement


Self-explanatory title, obvious outcomes and another subject I love to see tossed at me by my “hey, look at this” dealer…

Up In Smoke: What Happened to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Money?


Out of Canada, Kellie Forbes (Vaping The-Truth) has this

VAEPology Learning Center

We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems

I urge you to read what Brian Fojtik has to say:

We Don’t Need The Government To Solve Smoking Problem

Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

Like shaming adults, this tactic doesn’t work. Imagine my surprise.

Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

In other news

Battery Safety. Stop trying to set yourselves on fire:

Battery Safety: E-cigarettes

My take on tobacco control – on Dr. Siegels take – on tobacco control “efforts”.

Tobacco Control: Fueding, fussing, fighting, fear & funding

Every Try Counts

“MedNicotine” was within the hashtags on Twitter, I found out ~why~.

FDA launches “Every Try Counts” campaign to manipulate smokers

Smoking Is Preferred

More on the “Smoke-Free” world and efforts by public health to desecrate it despite itself after an email went out to hundreds of “leaders”.

Smoking Is Preferred According To Public Health Leaders

What We Know

It looks like I may have found the “what we know about e-cigarettes” master draft journalists are using

What We Know About E-Cigarettes: Data and Science Is Available

Keller and Heckman is pleased to announce its 2nd annual E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium. If you’re interested in attending, please click on the graphic below!

Symposium.JPG 2018 E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.
