Raising FUNDS for E-Cigarette Research


Dr. Farsalinos is well aware of this fundraiser. I’ll make this as brief as I can.

Think back to when you first looked for research on e-cigarettes. You were (and still are) finding glorified journalism and public health websites choosing to tell a fabricated story.

(I’ve covered that here)

At times, you’d find fiction.

In the world of e-cigarette research, one name stands out from the crowd. Dr. Farsalinos.

Dr. Farsalinos is a Cardiologist.

I We are raising money HERE  for Dr. Farsalinos and his team of researchers.

(Nicotine Addiction: An Open 30-Day Public Health Challenge)

Why did I choose his team?

Because I trust him and his team to tell me the truth about what they discover, regardless of what they find. They do this to relay proper and unbias information to the consumer, good or bad. Period.

He is providing us with information.

“Unbiased, reliable – full access” information.

We can’t expect him and his team to do his research for free.

I access and refer to his work constantly. SO do you.

He speaks around the 48-minute mark here:

Global Forum On Nicotine

So, to clarify, this GoFundMe fundraiser is about

  • Raising funds for Dr. Farsalinos and his team at ecigarette-research.org
  • Requesting Public Health, Anti-Tobacco, Tobacco Control and other professionals to provide documentation and prove “addiction to nicotine” with the criteria provided.
  • Proving or disproving the “addiction to nicotine” claim without tobacco or MAOI’s.

Why did I choose nicotine addiction as the subject?

Because powerful people in powerful positions have asserted themselves for decades by saying nicotine is addictive, and it raises awareness.

I painstakingly went through the criteria and sought advice from many I trust before submitting this challenge (and will blog about it about it once it’s over).

What happens to your donation?

If nicotine addiction is proven with the criteria:

Only 5% of the funds collected (minus fees) go to my most detested organization

👉  The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.

The rest of the funds collected 95%  (minus fees) 

If it unproven, unchallenged (expected), ignored or does not meet the criteria,

100% of the funds (minus fees) 👉

Here is why I say nicotine is not addictive:

Along with things like this, this and this  – there’s this:

If the data contradict the theory, throw out the data

Here is what Joe Gitchell said when I asked what he thought about the challenge:

If you want to have lives depending on “expert” opinions and hypothesis with the “we’re in control” offices of Glantz, Chapman, McKee, Malone and Capewell, be my guest.

We need further unbias, objective research without conflict of interest.

Donate, spread this around. Change the world.

I encourage you to tag and post it everywhere you know experts will see it. Make them think. Put them to the test. Ask them questions.

Give them the chance to answer the challenge on my blog.

The goal for this campaign is set at $25,000.00.

Sharing is caring. Go here and thank you in advance.

NEWS from my friends across the pond: Vapers.org.uk.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

You can follow me on this blog!

 Medical, Research, Science Professionals



E-Cigarette Politics 

Consumers Groups

A Billion Lives

This isn’t over:

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

More to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.





6 thoughts on “Raising FUNDS for E-Cigarette Research”

  1. I can go back even further in fact much, much further when simply trying to find out anything at all about just what an electronic or smokeless cigarette was. It was only after getting into discussions with someone who in the process of quitting smoking 4 packs a day some degree of explanation came of what that person could offer at the time and then in later month it was only then months later some factual research articles began to surface.

    Liked by 1 person

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