Tag Archives: Breaking News

Vaping In The News – April 14th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, heat not burn, tobacco control, public health, government regulations, policies and more.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

Ten perverse intellectual contortions: a guide to the sophistry of anti-vaping activists ~ The crusade against JUUL and other vaping products is childish, even for tobacco control ~ Untangling The Preemption Doctrine In Tobacco Control ~  Brilliance ~ Speaking of nicotine… ~ FLOC to begin national boycott of Reynolds’ e-cig product ~ FDA to offer a voluntary, more modern 510(k) pathway for enabling moderate risk devices ~ Cigar Trade Groups Petition Court to Delay Warning Label Requirements ~ CASAA Announces 2018 Board Election Results ~ So much to do ~ The Truth

Ten perverse intellectual contortions: a guide to the sophistry of anti-vaping activists

Bookmark worthy, Via Clive Bates.

Ten perverse intellectual contortions: a guide to the sophistry of anti-vaping activists

Also from Clive:

The US media is losing its mind over vaping and Juul – the questions a credible journalist should ask

The crusade against JUUL and other vaping products is childish, even for tobacco control

Paul Blair. Because childish tobacco control experts rule the playground.

The crusade against JUUL and other vaping products is childish, even for tobacco control

They don’t like being hindered for the Tobacco 21 movement.
In case you’re unaware, I want to be very clear of my position on Tobacco 21. 18 year olds in the United States are LEGAL adults. Period.
The “Tobacco 21” movement (in most cases) takes away both the legal right of an adult to choose to smoke and it bundles in restricting vaping products for 18-20 year olds as well.

“Preemption can be a thorny issue when it comes to assessing a local government’s ability to adopt tobacco control measures. Preemption arises in different forms, and a locality’s ability to address tobacco may be preempted by laws both within and outside tobacco-specific legislation.”



Rexburg City Council rescinds Tobacco 21 ordinance

Rexburg City Council rescinds Tobacco 21 ordinance

Speaking of raising the age for tobacco:

Increasing the MLPA to 21 years in NYC did not accelerate reductions in youth tobacco use any more rapidly than declines observed in comparison sites.

Impact of New York City’s 2014 Increased Minimum Legal Purchase Age on Youth Tobacco Use

I call out brilliance as I see it:

Speaking of nicotine…

The University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University joined in an experiment…

I’ll paste the fun stuff, you can read the whole article below:

I assume no humans were harmed or judged by how quickly they buried marbles and ate food. BOLD, underlining and italics are my emphasis… and joy to do.

“Obviously, humans are not exactly like mice, and these early findings can’t be applied to us.”



The study does suggest that metformin may ease some nicotine withdrawal symptoms, due to its action on the AMPK chemical pathway in the brain. However, this has so far been tested only in mice, which were given nicotine via an implanted pump and injected with metformin – the drug is taken orally in humans – with withdrawal symptoms judged by how quickly they buried marbles and ate food.

While there are similarities in many of our biological pathways, humans are obviously not identical to mice, and these results can’t be taken to mean that metformin would be a suitable or appropriate treatment to help people stop smoking.


Bonus Thowback:

In my travels… this is from 2002 is reminiscent of….

Nicotine water… I don’t remember it, I never heard of it… suddenly, there it was on a post from Chris Hughes

nicotine water

Photo credit (Used with permission):  Victoria Vasconcellos

FDA Shuts Off Nicotine Water Spigot

FLOC to begin national boycott of Reynolds’ e-cig product


The Toledo-based Farm Labor Organizing Committee is launching a national boycott of Reynolds American, Inc.’s VUSE e-cigarette brand, with demonstrations planned this week outside convenience stores in more than 60 cities.

FLOC to begin national boycott of Reynolds’ e-cig product

Tobacco Controllers Again Silent About Glantz Misconduct Allegations

Tobacco Controllers Again Silent About Glantz Misconduct Allegations

FDA to offer a voluntary, more modern 510(k) pathway for enabling moderate risk devices

It doesn’t say e-cigarettes… but… if that’s the route taken, NO. E-cigarettes are not a medical device.

“Substantial equivalence is rooted in a comparison between a new device and a predicate device” …

FDA to offer a voluntary, more modern 510(k) pathway for enabling moderate risk devices to more efficiently demonstrate safety and effectiveness

Cigar Trade Groups Petition Court to Delay Warning Label Requirements

So is it a possibility, in your mind, that the premium cigar industry is going to spend millions of dollars updating these boxes and putting labels on them, only to be told later on, didn’t have to do it?

Cigar Trade Groups Petition Court to Delay Warning Label Requirements Following FDA’s ANPRM

CASAA Announces 2018 Board Election Results

CASAA Announces 2018 Board Election Results

SO much to do.

Vendors… brick and mortar…  this is part of the FDA’s “Regulate, restrict, tax and ban” plan of your business

SO much to do, II

If you are in the industry, you NEED to show this to EVERY customer. Give your customers information. Give them a discount. Whatever you NEED to do to stay – you know – in business…

U.S.A. Only Survey

If I have to explain it to you, see this here.

The Truth

(Now Truth Initiative) Thanks to my favorite #CrankyOldBroad, Skip for pointing me to this!

I suggest you give this 2009 article some attention…

The Truth About American Legacy

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News April 7th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, heat not burn, tobacco control, public health, government regulations, policies and more.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key ~ Dr. Attila Danko: How Tobacco Control Saved Big Tobacco ~ U.S.A. Only Survey ~ NIDA’s E-Cigarette ~ Tobacco Alternative Gums Market: Sales Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast ~ Huh ~ Explaining the discontinuation of a non-tobacco nicotine project at Philip Morris: obstacles to innovation. ~ Nicotine As An Addictive Substance ~ Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products ~ Patent Filings Increase for E-Cigarettes, 3-D Printing and Machine Learning ~ Law Review Calls Out FDA For Destroying Vaping Industry ~ Harvard Public Health: “E-cigs are safer than cigarettes, no question.” ~ Global Forum On Nicotine ~ UCSF professor faces second sexual harassment lawsuit

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key

Ya think?

For Smokers Trying to Quit, Information Could Be Key

Dr. Attila Danko: How Tobacco Control Saved Big Tobacco


Dr. Attila Danko: How Tobacco Control Saved Big Tobacco


I know we’re a community. I’ve participated in surveys worldwide. I conducted one myself. This one is United States participants only and designed specifically with F.D.A. guidelines.

Are you in the United States?

Did you fill out the survey for flavors yet?

NIDA’s E-Cigarette

Well… how about that.

NIDA’s E-Cigarette

Tobacco Alternative Gums Market: Sales Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast

The usual suspects:

“One of the important growth factors for the global tobacco alternative gums market is the increasing price of cigarettes.”

Tobacco Alternative Gums Market: Sales Volume, Revenue and Growth Rate Forecast


Explaining the discontinuation of a non-tobacco nicotine project at Philip Morris: obstacles to innovation.

Imagine if you can, in 1994 there was something developed called a “Capillary Aerosol Generator” (CAG)… and guess what…

So, why was CAG development ultimately abandoned? During his deposition and witness statement, PM’s expert witness and former employee, Peter Lipowicz, mentions that technological barriers, consumer acceptance, and an US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approach that disadvantaged non-tobacco nicotine products were chiey responsible…
He says that CAG development was less attractive due to legal challenges about the addictiveness of nicotine and fears about overarching tobacco industry regulation, more so than regulatory barriers specic to non-tobacco cigarettes…

Explaining the discontinuation of a non-tobacco nicotine project at Philip Morris: obstacles to innovation

Nicotine “addiction”

Bear with me…. and my favorite subject…

Because of the tweet from “Industry Documents” showing Philip Morris had tried a device in 1994 containing this link about a “Capillary Aerosol Generator” (CAG) above…

What caught my eye in that article “He says that CAG development was less attractive due to legal challenges about the addictiveness of nicotine“….and that legal challenges of nicotine – of course -caught my attention… so I looked up “legal challenges nicotine 1994” on Google…  because I’m an inquisitive and persistant bastard…

Which led me to this from 2001, buried :

“The effects of nicotine on the brain are similar to those of sugar, salt, exercise, and other harmless substances and events”

“There are so many findings that conflict so starkly with the view that nicotine is addictive that it increasingly appears that adhering to the nicotine addiction thesis is only defensible on extra-scientific grounds.”

Nicotine as an Addictive Substance: A Critical Examination of the Basic Concepts and Empirical Evidence

Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products

“conclusions about the likely effect of raising the minimum age to 19, 21, and 25 years on tobacco use initiation.”

“OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS” section [which includes e-cigarettes] uses data from 2011 and 2012 surveys  (Thanks to Bill Tarling for that).

Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products

Patent Filings Increase for E-Cigarettes, 3-D Printing and Machine Learning

Huh. Guess who’s in there………..

Patent Filings Increase for E-Cigarettes, 3-D Printing and Machine Learning

Law Review Calls Out FDA For Destroying Vaping Industry

“The FDA reached beyond its scope of authority in passing the Deeming Rule, including a broad variety of what it defines as “tobacco products” to be heavily regulated, amounting to a burden threatening to send local shops out of business.”

Law Review Calls Out FDA For Destroying Vaping Industry

Harvard Public Health

“E-cigs are safer than cigarettes, no question.”

Since everyone likes to take the headline and move on, I’ve done so myself – and have been saying it since 2013.

Global Forum On Nicotine 2018

An awesome looking bunch:

Global Forum On Nicotine Speakers Bios

UCSF professor faces second sexual harassment lawsuit

There is no question e-cigarettes are safer than………… and along with it, fraud.

UCSF professor faces second sexual harassment lawsuit

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

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You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Vaping In The News – January 6th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, tobacco control, public health, government regulations and more.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

This week in the news:

Deeming Regs: A War on Science and Common Sense ~ Smokers Willing to Try E-Cigarettes More Successful at Smoking Less, Study Says ~ Iowa attorney general questions attacks on e-cigs ~ Govt urged to remain committed to tobacco excise tax increases ~ Aussies, Watch This Space In 2018 ~ Cigarette maker Philip Morris resolves to ‘give up cigarettes’ with new ads and website ~ Smoking and the Public Purse ~ Tobacco Control Pigeons, Meet Philip Morris’s Cat ~ Tobacco Gateway Report Omits Important Information ~ Comparing the cancer potencies of emissions from vapourised nicotine products including e-cigarettes with those of tobacco smoke ~ The health impact of e-cigarettes they don’t want you to know ~ Vapers in India are facing the fight of their lives ~ Derek Yach Calls For Cooperation Over Skepticism ~ Survey

This is Vaping In The News – January 6th, 2018

Deeming Regs: A War on Science and Common Sense

The “Lone Wolf” has questioned the integrity of the “deeming regs” and I like it.

Deeming Regs: A War on Science and Common Sense

Ahhh… What I deemed “National Tobacco Day…”

or the “Tobacco Harm Promotion Act

Smokers Willing to Try E-Cigarettes More Successful at Smoking Less, Study Says

Smokers Willing to Try E-Cigarettes More Successful at Smoking Less, Study Says

Iowa attorney general questions attacks on e-cigs

Iowa attorney general questions attacks on e-cigs

Govt urged to remain committed to tobacco excise tax increases

There are no casualties of war. There is no “black market”.

Govt urged to remain committed to tobacco excise tax increases

Advertise with YOUR text link or banner!

Aussies, Watch This Space In 2018

Aussies, Watch This Space In 2018

Cigarette maker Philip Morris resolves to ‘give up cigarettes’ with new ads and website


Cigarette maker Philip Morris resolves to ‘give up cigarettes’ with new ads and website

Smoking and the Public Purse

Christopher Snowden & Mark Tovey:

Smoking and the Public Purse

Tobacco Control Pigeons, Meet Philip Morris’s Cat

Here, kitty…. kitty…………

Tobacco Control Pigeons, Meet Philip Morris’s Cat

Tobacco Gateway Report Omits Important Information

Stan “Puff-N-Stuff” forgets again… there are people smarter than he “is”.

Tobacco Gateway Report Omits Important Information

Comparing the cancer potencies of emissions from vapourised nicotine products including e-cigarettes with those of tobacco smoke

I want my information in laymans terms because I am not a scientist, chemist, or professional with sciency skills… just by reading through what I can understand… in my hypothesis, 99% safER is the outcome.

Someone smarter than me can do the math.

“E-cigarette emissions span most of this range with the preponderance of products having potencies<1% of tobacco smoke”

Comparing the cancer potencies of emissions from vapourised nicotine products including e-cigarettes with those of tobacco smoke

The health impact of e-cigarettes they don’t want you to know

If less harm is truly the goal, speak often and loudly. If the strategy of convincing the public only of dangers sounds like a tragedy, it certainly is.

The health impact of e-cigarettes they don’t want you to know

Vapers in India are facing the fight of their lives

Worldwide troubles. NOT funny.

Vapers in India are facing the fight of their lives

Derek Yach Calls For Cooperation Over Skepticism

I don’t have ONE problem with this….

“The truth of the matter is that PMI is primarily interested in promoting their own iQOS product. But it’s equally valid that the best way to prove vaping is really less dangerous than traditional smoking…. the bottom line is that for once what’s best for the health of the public is also what’s best for the future of PMI and other big tobacco companies.”

Derek Yach Calls For Cooperation Over Skepticism


Tara said this would make a great poll… 🙂

Who would you trust more with a billion dollars?

View Survey

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


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You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – December 30th, 2017


Vaping In The News.

Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes, snus, tobacco control, public health, government regulations and more.

This week in the news:

Clive Bates: Regulating e-liquid flavors ~ Global calls to switch to smoke-free tobacco products gaining ground ~ Missouri Law Separates Vapor Products From Tobacco ~ Colorado is using pot tax money to save programs funded by big tobacco settlement ~ Will the FDA’s New Tobacco Strategy Be a Game Changer? ~ PureCircle partners with U.S. tobacco farmers ~ Tobacco truth top ten ~ Science Lesson: New Year’s Resolutions And Ways To Quit Smoking ~ Can e-cigarettes help smokers quit? ~ 1st Annual “Please Keep Smoking” Poll

This is Vaping In The News – December 30th, 2017

Clive Bates: Regulating e-liquid flavors

The Food and Drug Administration are imposing regulations on things they do not understand. Good thing they’re being regulated.

Regulating e-liquid flavors – is the U.S. regulator more likely to do harm than good and how would it know?

Global calls to switch to smoke-free tobacco products gaining ground

Slowly boiling the frog for regulations, restrictions, taxes and bans

Global calls to switch to smoke-free tobacco products gaining ground

Missouri Law Separates Vapor Products From Tobacco


Missouri Law Separates Vapor Products From Tobacco

Related from Carl V. Phillips: Science Lesson:

The Optimal Tax Rate For Vapor Products Is Zero

Related from Broony Saint, the “Thunder From Down Under”:

Nicotine is not tobacco

Related from me: The FDA can’t prove…

Speaking of tobacco money…

Funding and greed… it’s why I’m here.

Colorado is using pot tax money to save programs funded by big tobacco settlement

Ummm related again…think this isn’t about more smokers? More money? Please

Up In Smoke: What Happened to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Money?

Will the FDA’s New Tobacco Strategy Be a Game Changer?

I’ve covered this here, and where more smoking is promoted here.

Another in favor of the growing popularity in the “please keep smoking” campaign from Dr. Gottlieb.

“Looking at ways to reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes (….) is a cornerstone of our new and more comprehensive approach to effective tobacco regulation,” Gottlieb said in a speech to announce his plan.

Here’s where his, and others like Robin Koval, Stanton Glantz, Matt Myers and the other apes like Mitch Zeller walk around with their knuckles dragging the ground:

Will the FDA’s New Tobacco Strategy Be a Game Changer?

Advertise with YOUR text link or banner!

PureCircle partners with U.S. tobacco farmers

Let it grow, let it grow… let it grow…

PureCircle partners with U.S. tobacco farmers

Tobacco truth top ten

Brad Rodu. He’s got a top ten.

Tobacco truth top ten

Science Lesson: New Year’s Resolutions And Ways To Quit Smoking

Carl V. Phillips, again…

Science Lesson: New Year’s Resolutions And Ways To Quit Smoking

Can e-cigarettes help smokers quit?

Of course, they can.

Can e-cigarettes help smokers quit?

Please vote for the nominee who deserves it most!marlboro nominees.jpg

I’d like to present the top four nominees for the coveted

1st Annual “Please Keep Smoking” Award for 2017!

They’ve all worked hard in their respective fields.

Nominees are in order of no particular importance:

Bill de Blasio:

(Mayor, New York City)

It’s Official: A Pack Of Cigarettes Now Costs $13 In NYC

Scott Gottlieb, M.D.

(23rd Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration)

Will the FDA’s New Tobacco Strategy Be a Game Changer?

Mary Jo Daley:

(Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 148th Legislative District)

Honored to have earned the Distinguished Advocacy Award from @ACSCANPA for working to minimize use of e-cigarettes…

Daley earns ‘Distinguished Advocacy Award’ from American Cancer Society

Malia Cohen:

(Member, San Francisco Board of Supervisors.)


Please choose the candidate you believe deserves the 1st official “Please Keep Smoking” award for 2017!

Poll closes Jan. 1st at 4P.M. – once you vote, you’ll see current results. Please vote and share this now!

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

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Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Teen Smoking Drops, Popular Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes

Teen smoking rates dropped again despite the ever-popular assessment that e-cigarettes “could be” a gateway to smoking. Even this year, stories continue to manipulate public perception with titles like “heavier teen tobacco use” and content to conjure images of a pack of 8-year-olds smoking like it’s going out of style. I’ll get to the unicorn sightings, I know that’s why you’re here.

Also noteworthy, and no surprise, e-cigarette use is going up. Well, hang on to your hats. If e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking… where are the new smokers? You ponder that question, I’ll keep typing.

They’re wrong, No Gateway

With the confidence of a unicorn herder, always good for a laugh ever-so-credible Stanton Glantz just below boasts “even non-nicotine #ecigarettes are a strong gateway to cigarettes…” and he’s wrong. He uses the word “are”.  Not only is he wrong, he’s wrong at least twice.

glantz tweet

If he were correct in his hypothesis, this would be a different blog. I trust grandstanding filled with babbling and buffoonery is forthcoming from Stan about how wrong he isn’t.  (Blatantly obnoxious and wrong.) He’ll stroke his beard,  fidget in his chair, participate in some pesky deposition, but won’t admit wrong, he and others have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong. With reports of youth smoking rates dropping to all-time lows, thousands of gateway enthusiasts like Stanton “Puff-N-Stuff” Glantz, are… well, I am happy to report as I did in August here, and here, wrong.

Teen smoking drops again

Teen Nicotine and tobacco use (smoking rates) dropped again according to the latest report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)  called “Monitoring The Future Survey”.

Use of traditional cigarettes has continued to decline to the lowest levels in the survey’s history.

Significant five-year declines-by more than half for daily use and for use of one-half pack or more per day-were reported by all grades.

Daily cigarette use was reported by 0.6 percent of 8th graders

2.2 percent of 10th graders

4.2 percent of 12th graders in 2017.

This was down from peaks of 10.4 percent and 18.3 percent among 8th and 10th graders in 1996 and a peak of 24.6 percent of 12th graders in 1997.


Expert Integrity In Question

Gateway Enthusiasts and Unicorns are out of work

Despite the valiant efforts of “experts”, despite an uncanny desire to invest in tactics like this to keep kids smoking, they’re smoking less. Now, due to cause and effect, the country has countless unicorns displaced and unemployed. Gateway enthusiasts and Unicorns are looking for work. Kids sure don’t smoke like they used to. Do what you can to save the unicorns, continue to question the integrity of experts.

Since the definition of nicotine is now tobacco, tobacco USE rates/funding are in jeopardy. (I predict next year the “tobacco use” will be put together with vaping in this survey, with or without nicotine). To my knowledge, not one city has made an effort to focus on the intended target: children. Instead of focusing on pre-teen and teen smoking (what I would consider 8-15 year-old juveniles), to educate that age group on tobacco use, so-called “experts” are insistent, despite the lowest smoking rates in history, on half-assed efforts and a lot of money aimed at raising the age of purchasing tobacco and e-cigs to 21.

Teens Are Smoking Less

While I was writing this blog, this came across my eye. (Thanks, Jenny!)

While all the “Tobacco 21” enthusiasts are running around feeling good about themselves, the teen smokers they should be spending energy on are already smoking. In this, it states the desire to raise the age to 21. Well. The paragraph above I stated 8-15 as the age range to educate, where (bold emphasis is mine) this study says:

“The mean age for the first puff on a cigarette was 11.7 years (n = 66). Youths who had stolen tobacco from a parent reported a mean age for the first puff (11.3 years), one year earlier than youths who had never stolen tobacco from a parent (12.3 years, n = 66, p = 0.05)”

Focus time on efforts, not control

11 year olds. 12 year olds. Why are they worrying about restricting 18-20-year-old adults again? Why are they not worried about pre-teen and teen tobacco use? Oh, that’s right, they’re experts. It’s pretty obvious a quick check with my untrained eye on the target age of when children first initiate smoking *in their own study* isn’t their expertise.  Maybe no one noticed.

You would think efforts focusing on pre-teen smoking education before a potential problem occurs would be more fruitful, and the obvious primary focus. Instead, restrict adults from doing something that “they might do” as adults has become the idiotic trend.

As far as my personal view, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

On teens: “If “children” are *already smoking, they’re *smokers regardless of age. Think of the children™.”

If these people worked on the…. they might work themselves right out …. of… a …. job . . . wait a minute….

This was added 12/19/17.


Added 01/18/17:

1.7 Million High Schoolers Vaped in 2016, As Both Vaping and Smoking Declined

Added 06/14/2018:

Still not smoking.

The elusive ‘epidemic’ of teen vaping

Added 8/18:

Interesting to note on 9/05/18:

Truth Initiative claims a gateway on August 6th claiming:


a twenty-one % drop from 18-24….

From 2019:

“The percentage of adolescent daily smokers who smoked one or more packs of cigarettes per day was not reported for 2019 due to low
statistical precision.”

That’s here:

Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States

Added 7/16/2022

From the tweet above:

“Among adolescent never cigarette smokers, those who had ever used e-cigarettes at baseline, compared with never e-cigarette users, exhibited modest or non-significant increases in subsequent past 12-month or past 30-day smoking when adjusting for behavioral risk factors.”

Other related links of interest:

Electronic Cigarette Age Restrictions May Drive Teens to Traditional Cigarettes

US survey: Youth smoking rates reach historic lows despite e-cig popularity

Adolescent Smoking Rates Reach Historic Lows, Despite Vaping’s Popularity

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Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Vaping In The News.

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™ ~ The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz ~ Paint me green and hear me roar! ~ FDA Responds to Cigar Groups ~ Up In Smoke ~ VAEP ~ We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems ~ Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking ~ In Other News

This is Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Now, I’d like for you to break the internet.

Sharing is caring, giving is #FundingTheFuture

#VapesGiving™ offers the opportunity not only for you to donate to a spectrum of organizations, but to see your donation doubled thanks to the support of Naked 100 (up to $190,000!).

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™!

The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz

This one’s VERY good. SO good, it was copy/pasted on a Canadian blog and barely noted that Carl V. Phillips wrote it.

The academic scandal hiding within the Stanton Glantz sexual harassment scandal

Paint me green and hear me roar!

Do you know Skip? Skip reveals much more than her real name in this one. Must read.

Paint me green and hear me roar! Confessions of an e-liquid mixologist.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups

See, pay attention.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups Motion for Summary Judgement


Self-explanatory title, obvious outcomes and another subject I love to see tossed at me by my “hey, look at this” dealer…

Up In Smoke: What Happened to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Money?


Out of Canada, Kellie Forbes (Vaping The-Truth) has this

VAEPology Learning Center

We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems

I urge you to read what Brian Fojtik has to say:

We Don’t Need The Government To Solve Smoking Problem

Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

Like shaming adults, this tactic doesn’t work. Imagine my surprise.

Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

In other news

Battery Safety. Stop trying to set yourselves on fire:

Battery Safety: E-cigarettes

My take on tobacco control – on Dr. Siegels take – on tobacco control “efforts”.

Tobacco Control: Fueding, fussing, fighting, fear & funding

Every Try Counts

“MedNicotine” was within the hashtags on Twitter, I found out ~why~.

FDA launches “Every Try Counts” campaign to manipulate smokers

Smoking Is Preferred

More on the “Smoke-Free” world and efforts by public health to desecrate it despite itself after an email went out to hundreds of “leaders”.

Smoking Is Preferred According To Public Health Leaders

What We Know

It looks like I may have found the “what we know about e-cigarettes” master draft journalists are using

What We Know About E-Cigarettes: Data and Science Is Available

Keller and Heckman is pleased to announce its 2nd annual E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium. If you’re interested in attending, please click on the graphic below!

Symposium.JPG 2018 E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.
