Tag Archives: E-cigarette News

Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Teen Smoking Drops, Popular Gateway Closes, Unicorns Unemployed

Teen Smoking Drops, Gateway Closes

Teen smoking rates dropped again despite the ever-popular assessment that e-cigarettes “could be” a gateway to smoking. Even this year, stories continue to manipulate public perception with titles like “heavier teen tobacco use” and content to conjure images of a pack of 8-year-olds smoking like it’s going out of style. I’ll get to the unicorn sightings, I know that’s why you’re here.

Also noteworthy, and no surprise, e-cigarette use is going up. Well, hang on to your hats. If e-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking… where are the new smokers? You ponder that question, I’ll keep typing.

They’re wrong, No Gateway

With the confidence of a unicorn herder, always good for a laugh ever-so-credible Stanton Glantz just below boasts “even non-nicotine #ecigarettes are a strong gateway to cigarettes…” and he’s wrong. He uses the word “are”.  Not only is he wrong, he’s wrong at least twice.

glantz tweet

If he were correct in his hypothesis, this would be a different blog. I trust grandstanding filled with babbling and buffoonery is forthcoming from Stan about how wrong he isn’t.  (Blatantly obnoxious and wrong.) He’ll stroke his beard,  fidget in his chair, participate in some pesky deposition, but won’t admit wrong, he and others have been wrong, and will continue to be wrong. With reports of youth smoking rates dropping to all-time lows, thousands of gateway enthusiasts like Stanton “Puff-N-Stuff” Glantz, are… well, I am happy to report as I did in August here, and here, wrong.

Teen smoking drops again

Teen Nicotine and tobacco use (smoking rates) dropped again according to the latest report from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)  called “Monitoring The Future Survey”.

Use of traditional cigarettes has continued to decline to the lowest levels in the survey’s history.

Significant five-year declines-by more than half for daily use and for use of one-half pack or more per day-were reported by all grades.

Daily cigarette use was reported by 0.6 percent of 8th graders

2.2 percent of 10th graders

4.2 percent of 12th graders in 2017.

This was down from peaks of 10.4 percent and 18.3 percent among 8th and 10th graders in 1996 and a peak of 24.6 percent of 12th graders in 1997.


Expert Integrity In Question

Gateway Enthusiasts and Unicorns are out of work

Despite the valiant efforts of “experts”, despite an uncanny desire to invest in tactics like this to keep kids smoking, they’re smoking less. Now, due to cause and effect, the country has countless unicorns displaced and unemployed. Gateway enthusiasts and Unicorns are looking for work. Kids sure don’t smoke like they used to. Do what you can to save the unicorns, continue to question the integrity of experts.

Since the definition of nicotine is now tobacco, tobacco USE rates/funding are in jeopardy. (I predict next year the “tobacco use” will be put together with vaping in this survey, with or without nicotine). To my knowledge, not one city has made an effort to focus on the intended target: children. Instead of focusing on pre-teen and teen smoking (what I would consider 8-15 year-old juveniles), to educate that age group on tobacco use, so-called “experts” are insistent, despite the lowest smoking rates in history, on half-assed efforts and a lot of money aimed at raising the age of purchasing tobacco and e-cigs to 21.

Teens Are Smoking Less

While I was writing this blog, this came across my eye. (Thanks, Jenny!)

While all the “Tobacco 21” enthusiasts are running around feeling good about themselves, the teen smokers they should be spending energy on are already smoking. In this, it states the desire to raise the age to 21. Well. The paragraph above I stated 8-15 as the age range to educate, where (bold emphasis is mine) this study says:

“The mean age for the first puff on a cigarette was 11.7 years (n = 66). Youths who had stolen tobacco from a parent reported a mean age for the first puff (11.3 years), one year earlier than youths who had never stolen tobacco from a parent (12.3 years, n = 66, p = 0.05)”

Focus time on efforts, not control

11 year olds. 12 year olds. Why are they worrying about restricting 18-20-year-old adults again? Why are they not worried about pre-teen and teen tobacco use? Oh, that’s right, they’re experts. It’s pretty obvious a quick check with my untrained eye on the target age of when children first initiate smoking *in their own study* isn’t their expertise.  Maybe no one noticed.

You would think efforts focusing on pre-teen smoking education before a potential problem occurs would be more fruitful, and the obvious primary focus. Instead, restrict adults from doing something that “they might do” as adults has become the idiotic trend.

As far as my personal view, I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

On teens: “If “children” are *already smoking, they’re *smokers regardless of age. Think of the children™.”

If these people worked on the…. they might work themselves right out …. of… a …. job . . . wait a minute….

This was added 12/19/17.


Added 01/18/17:

1.7 Million High Schoolers Vaped in 2016, As Both Vaping and Smoking Declined

Added 06/14/2018:

Still not smoking.

The elusive ‘epidemic’ of teen vaping

Added 8/18:

Interesting to note on 9/05/18:

Truth Initiative claims a gateway on August 6th claiming:


a twenty-one % drop from 18-24….

From 2019:

“The percentage of adolescent daily smokers who smoked one or more packs of cigarettes per day was not reported for 2019 due to low
statistical precision.”

That’s here:

Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States

Added 7/16/2022

From the tweet above:

“Among adolescent never cigarette smokers, those who had ever used e-cigarettes at baseline, compared with never e-cigarette users, exhibited modest or non-significant increases in subsequent past 12-month or past 30-day smoking when adjusting for behavioral risk factors.”

Other related links of interest:

Electronic Cigarette Age Restrictions May Drive Teens to Traditional Cigarettes

US survey: Youth smoking rates reach historic lows despite e-cig popularity

Adolescent Smoking Rates Reach Historic Lows, Despite Vaping’s Popularity

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.

Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Vaping In The News.

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™ ~ The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz ~ Paint me green and hear me roar! ~ FDA Responds to Cigar Groups ~ Up In Smoke ~ VAEP ~ We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems ~ Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking ~ In Other News

This is Vaping In The News – December 16th, 2017


Now, I’d like for you to break the internet.

Sharing is caring, giving is #FundingTheFuture

#VapesGiving™ offers the opportunity not only for you to donate to a spectrum of organizations, but to see your donation doubled thanks to the support of Naked 100 (up to $190,000!).

AVA Announces the Start of #VapesGiving!™!

The academic scandal: Stanton Glantz

This one’s VERY good. SO good, it was copy/pasted on a Canadian blog and barely noted that Carl V. Phillips wrote it.

The academic scandal hiding within the Stanton Glantz sexual harassment scandal

Paint me green and hear me roar!

Do you know Skip? Skip reveals much more than her real name in this one. Must read.

Paint me green and hear me roar! Confessions of an e-liquid mixologist.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups

See, pay attention.

FDA Responds to Cigar Groups Motion for Summary Judgement


Self-explanatory title, obvious outcomes and another subject I love to see tossed at me by my “hey, look at this” dealer…

Up In Smoke: What Happened to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Money?


Out of Canada, Kellie Forbes (Vaping The-Truth) has this

VAEPology Learning Center

We Don’t need The Government To Solve Smoking Problems

I urge you to read what Brian Fojtik has to say:

We Don’t Need The Government To Solve Smoking Problem

Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

Like shaming adults, this tactic doesn’t work. Imagine my surprise.

Showing Adolescents Graphic Anti-Smoking Posters May Encourage Some to Try Smoking

In other news

Battery Safety. Stop trying to set yourselves on fire:

Battery Safety: E-cigarettes

My take on tobacco control – on Dr. Siegels take – on tobacco control “efforts”.

Tobacco Control: Fueding, fussing, fighting, fear & funding

Every Try Counts

“MedNicotine” was within the hashtags on Twitter, I found out ~why~.

FDA launches “Every Try Counts” campaign to manipulate smokers

Smoking Is Preferred

More on the “Smoke-Free” world and efforts by public health to desecrate it despite itself after an email went out to hundreds of “leaders”.

Smoking Is Preferred According To Public Health Leaders

What We Know

It looks like I may have found the “what we know about e-cigarettes” master draft journalists are using

What We Know About E-Cigarettes: Data and Science Is Available

Keller and Heckman is pleased to announce its 2nd annual E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium. If you’re interested in attending, please click on the graphic below!

Symposium.JPG 2018 E-Vapor and Tobacco Law Symposium

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives

There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.



The “Vaping Truth Survey” Final Analysis.


The “Vaping Truth Survey”.

The Vaping Truth Survey ran from Wednesday, December 17th of 2014 until Saturday, January 24th, 2015.

Seventy Two Countries.

OVER 7,000 WORLDWIDE participants!

From the beginning this survey was a vision to get a truthful view on vaping from vapers to counter the worldwide negative Public Health, Anti-tobacco (you would think with no combustion/no tobacco, ANTI-tobacco crowds would not be in this list), Departments of Public Health around the world, W.H.O. (World Health Organization), FDA, CDC & other major entities engage the media with, releasing an onslaught of false and misleading statements.

Those entities are rarely retracting any disparities that I’ve seen. They trust you trust them, and they use that to their advantage. Bans are happening as well. BANS.

With that, they are deterring and preventing people who might want to try or are successfully using this powerful and disruptive technology with those fore-mentioned bans, taxes, regulations and more.

FEW reports have shown the positive sides of vaping and what vapers experience exist, but they are starting to emerge. Science has answers. Truthful answers. Science has already BEEN working on this. Links are at the end of this report. They exist, they just don’t get equal time.

WE are here to help change that for you below.

Vaping, as an extremely viable choice to stop smoking as the survey will show below, is changing the world & is changing and saving lives by both reducing and eliminating tobacco from our very lives.

Some don’t like that, and they’re doing anything they can to deter this change. We, as vapers, do not know everything. We know what we experience. We know vaping is not smoking. That’s what we’re here to tell you.

Other goals for this survey were to see what other vapers thought, to have an idea of how it works, to see how long it took for them and other questions within the survey/poll that were important for the world to see.

Among other things, it was to create a place to point if there is someone that is contemplating vaping as an alternative to smoking to get some answers. Our answers. Vaping’s view if you will, of what we think. Having them then explain their answer afterwards was also the key! They have done so worldwide.

With a very hopeful original goal of 100,000 as a number as a mark to reach for in total participants, I tweeted as much as this “amateur” survey maker could.

The undeniable support from the Twitter & Facebook communities was essential in this, and very appreciated. It could never have gotten to over 7,200 people worldwide without YOU. Fourteen questions were posed, and a comment section was available at the end.

Each section had a place to answer why they chose “other” and a “Please help us understand why you selected this answer” after the question. A few weren’t fond of that, and most left a comment. I’ll post a few from each one below the graphs. In this journey I learned many things.

I hope the information is useful to you. Thank you to all for the Twitter retweets & Facebook shares. Below the results are a few other factors about this survey. You can click on any graph to enlarge it. Thank you ALL. Lets get to it. The Vaping Truth Survey:

Question One: How many years did you smoke cigarettes, pipes or cigars?


With 20 or more years experience at the top, 83% of the answers were 20 or more years of experience with tobacco use. With that much combined experience it is simple to see these users / participants are adults. Noted, “40 or more years” for this question: That group is presumably in their 60’s, are not present on the internet to take the survey nearly as much as what is presumed to be younger participants.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• Math

• ill-health

• I started smoking at age 14. I was 31 when I was finally able to quit.

• I smoked for about 33 years

• thats when i quit smoking cigs and started vaping

• Because i smoked for 22 years

• I smoked for almost 35 years before I started vaping.

• 35 years

• Because I smoked for this time? What a question is this?

• Because that’s how long I was smoking.

• It’s just the math!

• I started smoking in 1978.

Question Two: How many years have you vaped?


With 1+ years at the top, less than one year right behind, the new users accounted for 63.4% of the top answers. The technology is advancing fast, the success rate with vaping is becoming very clear as opposed to other nicotine reduction methods approved by the FDA. Vaping has yet to be approved as a smoking cessation “device”, but certainly in clear survey style, vapers voice their truth of this, and will be covered (in part) with answers from questions 5, 7, 8 & 10 below.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• Stopped smoking entirely once I began vaping.

• Been vaping 3 1/2 years

• two month

• This helped me quit smoking.

• Vaping has simply saved my life

• I have been vaping for 2 months.

• My vape anniversary is Feb 1st a little more then a week shy wont hurt the servery especially since its closer to a year then not.

• 1 year was 1 19 2015 without a cigarette.

• I first tried vaping over a year ago, did it for a while then fell off the wagon. Got a decent set-up and started again 4 months ago.

Question Three: What strength nicotine do you use most?

3 The nicotine question, with 68% saying 1-12 mg nicotine strength is what they use. NO nicotine is only 3 percent, while 36mg strength is “0”, comments during the survey discovered higher powered devices (cloud blowers) use very low strength and the higher the nicotine strength relates to a stronger throat hit for the user. (discovered two weeks into the survey, the answer “12-16” was in the choices twice and left alone).

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• I started vaping at 18mg but my goal was always to get rid of my addiction to ANYTHING; so I slowly reduced my nicotine level over 2 years until I reached 0mg. I still love vaping but it’s a relief to know I don’t physically need it and that I can put it down at any time.

• 6MG

• I started at 24mg and have now moved down to 6mg.

• I don’t need to be constantly using my PV like a pacifier at 36mg

• I mostly use 3 mg

• Anything more than 8 makes me jittery. I haven’t tried going lower yet. I did start at 12. When that didn’t seem to be quite enough (I got headaches the first couple weeks) I went up to 18. Then back to 12, then 9, then found a flavor I love (heaven help ’em if they stop making it!) and it only comes in 8, 12, and probably higher. It’s been perfect. I’m sure I could go lower, but I’m not really bothered about the nicotine.

• Most common strength to start with from what I’ve been told

• 18-24 depending on throat hit

• Cause I drip or use my aspire Atlantis so big clouds low nic….personal pref.

• It varies

• Working my way to 0

Question Four: Do you smoke and vape?

4 Dual use as it’s commonly referred to in the media and public health arena, participants could choose more than one answer if desired. “Other” answers mostly commented that they never smoked, while “I quit smoking” and “I haven’t smoked cigarettes since I started vaping” were the same answer. Please note, the smoking cigars, pipes, using snus or dip/chew use only made up for 13% still using tobacco once they started vaping. Answers below this graph speak for themselves as vaping is a viable alternative to tobacco.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• Still enjoy cigar on golf course

•I’ve been known to have a cigarette when I was having issues with my PV (flooding, too cold, etc.)

• The day I bought my starter kit was the day I quit smoking. EXCEPT for four cigarettes in the first two weeks because I had some “technical difficulties” with my e-cig.

• Use 0 nic to help weight loss.

• Im still trying to cut down on my smokes

• Only when I drink or run out of juice late at night

• That why I vape

• I’ve had maybe… two when since I first started on Dec 25.

• Haven’t wanted or needed a cigarette since the time I started.

• Straight swap, no crossover.

• Well that 1st week I might have smoked a few cigs but they had me on like 12mg nic. and that just wasn’t strong enough after I switched to 24mg I haven’t touched a cig since.

• Because I quit smoking.

• Slowly quitting

• I smoked for the first 20 days that I vaped. Still felt I needed that smoke before bed. One cigarette a day. When the pack was empty, I was able to quit completely.

Question Five: How long did you try vaping before you stopped smoking?

5 Noted is the 2% saying it did not work, powerful evidence from vapers themselves show that ONE DAY is all it took at 42%. This is a very important figure to note. In total, 75% said vaping stopped them from smoking within a MONTH. Trial and error is probably the main reason with this 1 day figure not being higher. This can help a reader conclude that nicotine strength, taste & backups are the key to success with vaping. Later on question 10, we’ll show what doesn’t work.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• Using too low of nicotine. Tried stopping at 6mg

• Same time I started vaping I automatically stopped smoking.

• took will power but it works for me

• I began vaping to just cut down the number of cigarettes, within one week I was not smoking any cigarettes and have not had one since.

• Replaced smoking with Vaping and never picked up another cigarette. That was my Goal and even though tough for the first week, it worked.

• I vastly preferred the taste of vaping from my first puff and never got nicotine cravings despite having smoked 2 1/2 packs of cigarettes a day.

• in the process of quiting but it’s hard when everyone around you smokes cigarettes and your only allowed to vape in designated areas alongside other smokers who have no regard for you or the fact your trying to quit

• true

• Quit cigarettes day 1 of vaping.

• Stopped smoking as soon as I started vaping.

• Made the switch from smoking a pack a day to vaping. No more cigarettes from that day forward.

• I told myself I was gonna quit and used my vape instead.

• After the first day I never wanted another cigarette. Absolutely no desire to see, sme

• Gave away 4 fresh packs within a week of stopping.

• After the first day I never wanted another cigarette. Absolutely no desire to see, smell, or taste one.

• The pen wasn’t enough got a mvp and kicked smoking

• Pros & Con’s ???!!!obvious

Question Six: Is vaping in your opinion, a gateway to smoking for anyone?

6 Noted up front, 15 percent said yes. One of the battle cries of many organizations is that vaping is a gateway to smoking. Vapers, who are former smokers with many years experience and should know, say no by 83%. “Other” was a combination of unsure, possibly, maybe and other words & phrases similar and made up 2% of the answer.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• It seems a ludicrous option. I do not know of anyone who transitioned from cigarettes to vaping. YUCK!

• If you’ve tried vaping and you’ve tried a cigarette, there’s just no comparison. I can’t imagine anyone choosing smoking over vaping. Cigarettes are expensive, dangerous (deadly!), smelly, and they make you a social pariah.

• Why would someone want to go from yummy to ash?

• it is possible however very improbable that someone would move on to a more expensive habit that tastes bad and smells so strong . But without ecigs these same people would just go straight to cigarettes. I started smoking when I was 14 and that too was illegal and surly wasn’t influenced by ecig’s.

• I just don’t see it

• I suppose it COULD be, but it also could prevent people from even starting.

• Because people who don’t smoke don’t WANT to vape. Vaping replaces smoking.

• cig taste horrible compared to vaping. no one would ever go from a great flavor to the flavor of a cig

• It taste absolutely nothing like a cigarette. In my opinion, if kids start vaping they may be the same kids that previously would have been teen smokers. No one has to tell me vaping would be preferrable.

• No, if kids want to smoke they will buy cigarettes, vaping is totally different.

• Vaping you aren’t getting all the cardigans, tar, and I can breath better and taste stuff a lot better.

• I’ve never known a vapor that wasn’t an ex smoker.

• Can’t predict everyone’s actions.

• Vaping tastes betting than smoking with less side effects

• I don’t know why it would be? Most use it to quit smoking. Even if someone who didn’t smoke started vaping they would more than likely choose a juice with 0 nicotine. The nic level in juices make the flavors taste different and give a “throat hit” that none smokers probably wouldn’t care for.

• I feel the opposite. After vaping, who would want the nasty taste of a cigarette?

• After vaping, I can’t stand the taste of cigarettes anymore. I doubt anyone would vape and the start smoking.

• Because there is no way that is possible. Having different flavor options creates a negative association with cigarette smoke and the smell and taste of traditional tobacco products.

• Those that want to smoke will do so, regardless of vaping.

Question Seven: Health benefits you’ve noticed since vaping?

7 (You can pick more than one if you like). This one, without splitting the percent within the percent-multiple answers, is very clear. “No” benefits is noted at 2% and that 1% said they HAD health issues they believed were from vaping. That people are being listed on medical charts as a non-smoker on their medical charts is very important, because SOME Doctors acknowledge the difference.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

I added quite a few of the comments left in this section, it is important that these participants had a voice to their experiences with vaping and are just examples of the last few of the hundreds of comments left on this survey.

The testimonies of participants is very powerful in explaining the way they feel.

• overall i feel better

• All positive, no negative effects, like smoking had.

• My asthma has decreased.

• my overall health pysical and mental has greatly iroved

• I’m back to swimming as far underwater as I could at 16

• My skin is clearer and has more colour. My sense of taste and my appetite have improved and I have gained weight. This may not seem like good news for some, but I needed it! 🙂 I am a healthier weight now and not too thin.

• still too early to tell

• As a non smoker, since i began vaping i have noticed a decline in my fitness, and phlegm on my lungs, i can see i would benefit if i was a smoker.

• I have started to notice playing with my children has become much easier because im not out of breath.

• Bronchitis symptoms disappeared within a week of transitioning. My allergies have been virtually nonexistent. And the nicotine helps prevent my migraines without prescription medication.

• I was diagnosed with asthma after smoking for 30 years. I attempted yet again to stop smoking using all of the approved NRT methods and again failed miserably. 6 months after my last cigarette, my doctor confirmed that my asthma is gone. No more inhalers, and I can climb mountains again.

• Many tests confirm health improvement

• About 2 weeks after I started vaping and stopped smoking I felt much better, and I noticed it first in my lung capacity.

• No chest rattles Much better breathing Faster recovery from heavy exertion

• ive began to notice that after vaping for a bit things tastes better. After a cigarette my vape has an off taste that I assumed was the vape itself at first. But after a cigarette one day I decided to brush my teeth for the second time that day and with a cig breath free mouth my vape really shined!

• true

• I can smell.better taste better and just feel.better.

• I chain smoked. Pack – 2 packs a day. Since quitting smoking and now vapor, my breathing is definitely great. No more wheeze, no more cough. Haven’t had bronchitis or cold in almost 3 years. More energy. Even my skin looks better. I now do treadmill 2-3 miles a day. 🙂 I don’t smell like stale smoke. My family will have me around for a long time.

• All around I FEEL 200% better than when I smoked cigarettes and my physical capabilities are like they were 10-15 years ago, rather than being limited like they were at the end of my smoking days.

• Discovered a PG allergy when started vaping

• I play football(soccer) once a week and used to struggle with getting short of breath, I can noticeably go much longer periods in games without the need of a “breather”

• I can breathe! I started bike riding. I can walk, ride, climb a hill, and even hold a conversation while doing so! I feel so liberated!

• While I am enjoying feeling better, such as no smokers cough, returning flavor of foods etc, I worry if I didn’t wait too late to stop. • Improvements in my health across the board.

• Like I said I was in the middle of a lot of medical problems and the told me that smoking cigs slows down the healing process so I talked to my Dr. and he said vaping was much better than smoking.

• Pg….gives me cramps in my legs. I switched to 100% vg..solved it. Nothing big.

• Because they are the ones that fit.

• May not be health benefit, but my sense of smell and taste is stronger than it was before. I’m also less hungry most of the time. • It just is…

• I don’t get out of breath as easily as I used to

• Because it’s true.

• Mainly down to breathing and less lethargic.

• Not yet but I only changed 3 weeks ago.

• Overall health, skin, cardiac and pulmonary systems have improved.

• I felt as smoking no restrictions. But while jogging, I noticed that breathing was better.

• When my roommate quit smoking my asthma (which is exercise induced) was a controlled normal peak flow volume averaging 225 liters per hour at rest, because he was smoking over a pack a day in my presence. When he quit my peak flow volume average increased to 340 liters per hour at rest. When I started vaping my peak flow volume increased again to an average of 455 Liters per hour at rest. I still have asthma, but it’s not exacerbated by being around tobacco smoke every day. All measurements are using a portable peak flow meter, which I use to determine if I’m having an asthma attack and need to medicate. I have not had to use my rescue inhaler at any point since starting vaping other than when I was sick with an upper respiratory infection in which my lungs were infected.

• I had been sick with URIs at least 4 times a year in each of the previous 10 years living with smokers. This last year I’ve only had one cold and it was a sinus infection and not bronchitis as all the others had been. Much better breathing overall. As my asthma is exercise induced I still have asthma, but I can do more even while exercising, than I could when I lived with a smoker instead of a vaper, and when I wasn’t vaping myself.

• I walk a lot at work. I used to get winded very fast. Now I don’t get winded.

• I had asthma and I smoked (stupid I know) after i quit about 3 months I can breath again I have not used my rescue inhaler for a while

• excess of mucus(especially irritable when vaping)

• No unusual side effects since I started vaping.

• Still smoking

Question Eight: What real risk do you believe vaping has on your body?

8 Only 12% think there may be “some”, 11% care and 75% answered less concerned, none and “feel better and don’t care”. These answers come from people with experience with vaping. As with the other questions, some comments are below.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• Absolutely none, and if I catch a cold now, it is by far less all consuming, it does not lead to brochitis and worse, lingering on for weeks. A common cold lasts a few days at most.

• I want more studies!

• Harm reduction

• I vape at high power on custard based flavours. As far as I’m aware, diacityl is the only concern I have.

• I’m sure it’s way less dangerous than smoking, but long-term studies are needed and will be done in years to come.

• I feel so much better! My house and my car and I don’t stink! My lungs are clearing up and I have not gained a bunch of weight like I did when I quit before. I’m not coughing and hacking up gunk anymore….

• I just had a surgery and past plus oxygen level stay above 98% and was vaping while was recovering in the hospital

• Could still lead do cardiovascular issues if the person has underlying conditions due to the nicotine content

• i would like to know the truth

• I dont feel like i used to get headaches all the time and i can breath.

• If studies were published by the vape community, that tested the concentrates used and found that in a real world application specific flavors or the base fluids have a negative impact on your health, and the specific conditions under which they become harmful, I would make an effort to avoid using those products.

• I think that any risk associated with vaping will come from the flavorings used. More testing is needed.

• Comparing with tobacco I really feel much better vaping than smoking. I can´t say vaping has no real risk on my body because It means I have all the information about the effects of vaping on the future and that is not true.

• still recieving Nic.. but when i am at omg will continue to vape because i enjoy it

• At my age and Positive results well out weigh using Tobacco products. Vaping may not be 100% safe or healthy but little in life is. Those seeking perfection are seeking extinction without realization.

• Current science shows vaping as having nearly negligible risk. I’ve always vaped low power, no diketone juice and am now using temperature control which I feel reduces risk even more.

• true

• Not worried.

• I know by how I feel and how much I vape that I am so much better. I feel like this has given me more quality of life and a longer life too. I don’t require it as much as I did when I chain smoked.

• Very little concern but I DO watch studies and I’m certainly open to the possibilities that vaping is not 100% safe. However, I will be shocked if vaping isn’t proven DRAMATICALLY safer than smoking cigarettes.

• I actively support research that helps us understand how we can continue to reduce risks.

• The long-term effects aren’t known yet. I pray there aren’t any. Regardless, I know how vaping makes me feel as opposed to smoking. I don’t believe e-cigs are 100% harmless, but I KNOW they’re a damn sight less harmful than cigarettes.

Question Nine: Government regulations you would like to see.

9 Obviously 18+ is a concern to the vaping community. Childproof caps and liquid safety as well. 1% said they’d like to see bans like cigarettes. Zero % say they want to see a tax.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• Dangers for me seem to be impurities, battery fires and explosions venting i think vapestore staff should be more careul or provide information to less experienced vapours wishing to jump straight into sub ohming n super subohming without expeience and i think cildproof caps are ridiculous vapers soud know how to store liquid safely and definatly no sales to minors

• Quality control, Age restriction and child safety are what I want to see enforced

• As nicotine is a poison the public should be aware to keep this away from children! We don’t want to glorify it in front of them, we just want to live longer to enjoy them (the children)

• I should clarify that I would have absolutely no objection to minor sale bans or childproof caps either, it’s just that it’s not something I would explicitly “like” to see (as your question is phrased) since I have no children to worry about personally. The one other thing I would say, regarding childproof caps, is that there’s a danger they will give some vapers a false sense of security (they also won’t protect pets). The best idea, in my opinion, is to simply keep all of your gear out of the reach of children and pets – whether you believe it’s safely “confined” or not. I’ve never understood why some people seem to find this so very difficult.

• Based on the impact Government has on every single element that it touches in that Government regulations typically create inflated prices, regulations that are NOT always based in unbiased, informed realism and generally mass confusion with insane lobbying practices from various special interest groups, I see absolutely no good nor beneficial reason why Government should be involved with vaping. The arguments I have heard from soundbites and read in articles quoting members of Congress are so far out of touch with reality that I shudder to think anyone in Government believes they are qualified to make decisions about the vaping industry.

• its an industry that needs regulation. for the sake of safety

• I do think some regulations are fine but not to the extent they r trying to take it.

• Well, normally when Goverment regulate something it becomes more expensive and not necessary better. But it would be helpful a way to be sure that batteries, liquids..etc are safe and with good quality (I don´t know if Goverment can guarantee that). About sales, I think is good 18- can´t get access to products containing nicotine.

• Minimal Invasion. I see No need for Vapors to bear Sin tax due to BT tax losses. Government thievery! Child proof caps okay but then will come regulation on each and every available piece of equipment. Unacceptable to have a hand full of people dictating the lives of millions.

• The government fails to even keep food safe and the FDA has proven itself to be nothing more than a taxpayer supported handmaiden to big pharma and corporate profits for health care. Worse than useless.

• true

• I don’t want them controlling most stuff it will take away freedom of it.

• I think the vaping community does a very good job self regulating. I do not buy vaping supplies from an unknown source. I research through internet, people and forums.

• I want nicotine kept away from kids until they are 18 but, by-in-large, I think self regulation has been doing a terrific job. I don’t see a real need for federal regulation but I do think it’s inevitable. In today’s world it’s really unthinkable to have the US government allow any industry to self-regulate.

• statutory warnings on sub ohm vaping devices. manufactured devices don’t always contain info on battery safety. they should be required to do this by law.

Question Ten: What other methods did you try that didn’t work to stop smoking before you stopped with vaping?

(More than one could be chosen)

10 What didn’t work? Well. See the results. The struggle to stop smoking has been around since the adverse effects have been felt. Overwhelmingly, cold turkey was number one in the total answes, but Nicotine Reduction Therapy like the “patch” & gum were included in this survey and were the highest chosen. The most advertised forms of “FDA” approved ways to stop smoking with other products INCLUDING prescription drugs are overwhelmingly ineffective and NOT helping smokers quit like vaping does according to participants.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

(Author note: Again, to help others considering using vaping as an alternative, there are plenty of answers below to guide you in making your decision) Vapers have a voice.

• I was going crazy with Champix. My wife told me to stop taking them!!!

• All of these methods failed. • I really wanted to give up cigs but felt helpless till vaping

• I never wanted to quit until that day.

• I did once stop smoking after hypnosis. It DID work. I stopped for over a year and felt fine – not fighting cravings, just fine. But after a year I was at a party, had been drinking and had a stupid “Oh, I’ll just have one cigarette” moment and subsequently relapsed. But this was entirely my own stupidity, I was reckless and paid the price.

• I tried hypnosis again with a different practitioner many years later. This time I didn’t stop smoking but afterwards I decided to stop smoking in my flat and either went outside or smoked out of the window. I kept this up for years. I felt that this was a partial success of the hypnosis and I only had one session. At the time I felt that if I could have had more sessions it might well have worked, but I couldn’t afford it. I found hypnosis good overall and wouldn’t discount it as a helpful tool for stopping smoking.

• these things worked temporarily

• None of them worked at all

• Nothing worked until I discovered vaping!

• Hypnotherapy, worked for me first time, not smoked since

• The drugs made me psycho and i still purchased packs of cigs with the patch then i only went three days cold tyrkey before i lost it.

• The patch caused skin irritation and nughtmares. The gum caused digestive issues. Cold turkey worked for a short time because I was pregnant. And Chantix caused horrible nausea and nightmares.

• None. The time I´ve been no smoking was without any ot these methods, just awareness and a bag of sweets.

• I tried a bunch and it just didnt work..

• Fail Fail Fail

• true

• None of it worked because I didn’t have an alternative that was going to help. Most smokers it’s just the habits of smoking.

• Chantix was awful. It messed with how I felt and caused anxiety. Gum def didn’t work. Patch burned my skin, gave me super weird dreams. Vaping, has had no negative side effects.

• when I originally stopped smoking I successfully used nicotine patches but it was really tough and took months. when I have an issue with my vape or run out of eliquid etc the cravings aren’t nearly as bad as I remember cig cravings to be. I think it would be a lot easier to stop vaping than stop smoking tobacco.

• I vape to enjoy dessert without actually eating dessert therefore I dont take in unwanted calories. And since I started vaping I can laugh without going into a coughing fit my breathing has improved.

• I didn’t try acupuncture but I did try auriculotherapy. Zyban worked the best, but after 18 months quit I started again and was up to a pack-a-day again within three days… as if I’d never quit! None of the other methods I tried worked for more than a few days at most. You have to want to quit SO badly and have some serious willpower and motivation… otherwise, nothing will be effective. Vaping replaces not only the nicotine, but the hand-to-mouth action. That was critical to my success.

• Use 0 nic to help weight loss.

• Only vaping worked ,satisfied my urge

• Still on the drug Zyban (Wellbutrin)

• The patch at any strength was delivering too high nicotine level, therefore, nausea. Zyban helped me cut back, but only for a week or two. I quit cold turkey with all 3 pregnancies because it made me sick. I quit cold turkey for 6 years once didn’t stick.

• None of them worked!

• Nothing else worked.

• I had never tried to quit before.

• Tried all the above nothing worked vapeing has helped me put down the cigarettes

• I didnt really intend on quitting…we went into a vape shop on a whim…and when we tried it, we decided it would be a great way to save some money as ciggs were getting expensive.

Question Eleven: Bonus troll question/comment.

11 This was the “Troll” question. If there were any people against vaping taking this survey, I noticed only a few “odd” answers, and they were not taken out. In total, I’ll give a 1% possibility that a few tobacco / anti-tobacco or public health officials had nothing better to do than take this survey to try to “hurt” the outcome. I did this survey as an amateur, but did put a “little” thought into it.  It is completely noted that “Vaping Doesn’t Work” was chosen by 20 people with this survey, “I still crave cigarettes” was at 1%.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• I wish vaping had been around 30 years sooner, my Mother could have had a longer life.

• I do get sick of people telling me there is antifreeze in my juice or 10x amount of formaldehyde its just igorant

• I feel like this is working and will continue to work

• Vaping saved my life!

• But when I do, I just vape!

• i gave up smoking 8 years ago

• It works and i think more science needs to come out before people start making conclusions.

• Anyone I know who smokes and shows an interest in quitting, I recommend vaping to.

• For me and until now (about 1 year) it is really working.

• went from smoking 2packs a day to smoking sometimes 5 cigs a week or less

• If this worked for me it can work for just about anyone, with a little discipline and help.

• I have had no desire for a cigarette since I started vaping.

• true

• Cigarettes are nasty to me now

• There were many times if I didn’t have e cigarette, I know I would have picked up a cigarette. It works and is positive life changing way to quit.

• Vaping gives me nicotine and seems to satisfy my oral cravings.

• Vaping works as a smoking cessation product as well as a smoking substitute. How well it works, like any other product, depends on the willingness and determination of the individual.

• I have no desire to try tobacco and would never consider it in the event of having no vaping products available. I have bought stopgap vaping products instead of tobacco when I had problems with equipment. I am getting into rebuildable products in case there is European legislation limiting availability of products. they can’t ban wire and mesh. next step is mixing my own liquids in case they limit what can be sold. I don’t want to buy sealed carts of fixed strength nicotine.

• vaping works if you want it to work. sometimes you start off with the vape pens and it works for awhile and then most people either go back to cigarettes or upgrade to better mods. i tried the pens for awhile and they worked for awhile, then i went back to cigarettes. then i got better mods and quit cigarettes all together

• Unless my government makes it impossible for small businesses to manufacture and sell equipment and e-liquid, I will never go back to smoking. I can breathe, I don’t stink, I don’t feel self-conscious, I don’t feel like I’m doing something wrong, I don’t feel like an outcast, I don’t annoy or disgust people by subjecting them to smoke or the smell that used to hang on me, my clothes, and my car. I could go on and on and on…

• Vaping is the best way to assist in quitting smoking unless cold turkey that’s the best I enjoy vaping

• Because now, I have a chance to live. Before I didn’t!

• I’m done with cigarettes!

• I do believe vaping works better than other methods, but you still have to have a strong desire to quit.

• My sense of taste and smell have improved to the point where I can tell a smoker from a non smoker from 6′ away. I can not believe I smelled like that for 20+ years and no one said a thing. It smells so bad, there is no way I would put my loved ones through that again.

• I just enjoy vaping. And I’m not an ‘I’ve gotta have that new mod/atty’ kind of person, so it saves me money

• I am a firm believer that vaping will help people quit smoking and be healthier


• It works PERIOD

• Maybe if someone offered me the world’s most expensive cigar. But then again I can just make ejuice out of it.

Question Twelve: Age Group.

12 The age group each participant said they were in! Noted that 34 people said they were under 18, not condoned.

Most answered why they chose this answer as “because that’s how old I am” or math. 

Question 13: Flavors.

13 Along with children wanting to use e-cigs, flavors is their reason they say these are dangerous. Vapers WANT flavors. Flavors are very important. In the age group above, these people chose flavors at an extremely high rate, showing they want to stay away from the 4% who use tobacco flavor only. Really, it’s getting AWAY from tobacco and it’s taste.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• as they say “variety is the spice of life”

• I like sweet flavors!

• I work for a small juice company so i like to check out co,petition plus olfactory fatigue (vapers tongue) its est to rotate flavours

• I have two firm favourite flavours, but try others too.

• I started out with tobacco flavor only for the first couple months

• I like fruity flavors.

• I usually stick to a few different flavors but I always try more.

• curious

• I mix my own e-juices, and I’m always coming up with some new flavor.

• I mix my own now..

• I have 4 tanks I rotate through each day with different flavors. Some sort of cream in the morning, fruity during the day, dessert-style in the evening, and menthol before bed.

• DIY!!! I Love experimenting I Love Flavors I love CHOICE I swap flavors 10+ times a day Variety is what Works for me. Note: I use NO tobacco Flavors and will not accept such nonsense in Regulation! •

My tastebuds bore quickly with the same flavor so I enjoy changing flavors frequently throughout the day.

• I’m still relatively new to vaping and there are some many wonderful flavors out there from reputable companies I’ve yet to try

• true

• Love multiple flavors

• I found one e liquid that works for me. Not everyone sticks to one flavor. What works for one person is not what will work for another. Flavors are important for this reason.

• Experimenting with different flavors is half the fun!

• I dislike tobacco flavours.

• although i ve got a couple of juices i like best and i vape all the time i tend to try something different from time to time • I am DIY

• I never smoked therefore I vape zero nicotine and enjoy the flavor of sweets and dessert without the calories for me its worked wonderfully in helping me lose weight and keep it off!

• Blackberry is my favorite!

•Mainly dessert and fruit but I try lots of flavors in those categories.

• But my favorite is van. Custard 6 mg.

• Many, many different flavors.

• i love all the different fruits

Question Fourteen: Since becoming a vaper I am concerned about:

14 THE number one answer? False studies & reports via the media is the biggest concern. They’re all concerns. Part of the responsibility of this survey is for you to SEE what vapers SAY about vaping. Make an informed decision. LOOK for some real answers. There will be a few links at the end of this report to add to the 72 countries and over 7000 participants words for it.

Please help us understand why you selected this answer:

• just a worry wart

• That vaping is being scape-goated for the money made by Master Settlement Agreement, which is based on questionable science re: secondhand smoke from combustible cigarettes.

• How about an actual unbiased study where on vaping scientists actually conduct realistic studies ratherthan dry burning ce5’s at 5 volts

• i would like to know the harm i am doing to myself

• I want for all the negative news not true to stop and the government to stop pushing so much regulation.

• I selected all because I am convinced that in this like in many other things money is the most important factor.

• I am Concerned there is an Agenda out there that has more to do with LOOKS LIKE than anything else.

• In my view powerful monied interests are fighting as hard as they can to hang onto their ill-gotten gains by doing everything they can to keep smokers from using an effective method of quitting.

• true

• I don’t want them to take.away my freedom of it.

• While I DO think there’s plenty of bad studies and anti-vaping propaganda out there, I think the vaping community is totally unwilling to consider the possibilities that there are risks associated with vaping. It’s as if some vapers believe that vaping is akin to some health food. Simply being “better” than smoking (which I believe it is) DOES NOT make it “good” for you – a concept that seems to be lost on many in the vaping community.

• Illogical decisions made/championed by biased/uninformed people. Many institutions I used to trust are now revealed as manipulative self-interested and disingenuous about their stated motives.

• Local and state governments have stated loss of tax revenues as one of their biggest (I’d bet THE biggest) reason they want to control or outright ban e-cigarettes. Pharmaceutical companies want the same because their ineffective quit smoking aids won’t be needed and their expensive medications that treat all the ailments caused by smoking won’t be needed. Tobacco companies want the same restrictions on e-cigs and on cigarettes – i.e., taxes, no flavors – because they’re already losing money to vapers.

• Like to know health risk

• Unrealistic studies are scaring new vapers and discouraging smokers from trying vaping to stop smoking. Scare tactics started by tobacco companies who are losing a fortune by losing smokers. I would stop vaping altogether before I bought cigalikes made by tobacco companies who have lied to people for decades.

• See comments on other line

• Big tobacco doesnt like it, they are losing a lot of their profits from vapers..

• Self explanatory.

• The media is suddenly releasing tons of information to the general public with bunk reports about the chemicals involved in vaping. They are not giving full facts that e-cigs and vaping are two totally different things. Nor are they releasing all the facts related to their studies, such as the “gross amounts of formaldehyde” that is released being from a dry hit at a temperature that none of us would use for way longer than the button would even stay on!

• Hype hurts. If there IS something wrong, we’ll hear about.

• These are real issues.

• Far too much false science and others with a different agenda.

• I’m concerned about misinformation ( the tobacco industry has lots of money for lobbying )

• Pretty much sums it up Media can kill it without full knowledge Pretty much each vaper finds a person who wants t quit smoking and helps them convert on a daily basis.

• The pharmaceutical and tobacco industries fear vaping because it draws money away from their accounts.

• Too many people will give bad information via word of mouth, or will try to talk other people into gear they don’t need simply because they feel everyone should have the same experience they do. To-each-their-own.

• All of the above most studies that have proven vape is not bad for you have come from other countries and most coming out of the states have been using false claims or biased research ( yea we noticed )

• Las farmacéuticas necesitan fumadores que enfermen y se conviertan en consumidores crónicos de sus productos , las farmacéuticas ganan dinero con sus parches que no sirven para nada , las tabaqueras no quieren perder su cuota de mercado y los políticos en España no valoran la salud de las personas , solo el dinero que pueden ganar , el cigarrillo electrónico supone uno de los mayores avances en la ayuda para superar la drogadicción del tabaco , su mayor dificultad consiste en que no enriquece a los que han ganado dinero con la venta de tabaco y han hecho negocio con la enfermedad de los fumadores, cada día mueren miles de fumadores , pero no enferman los vapeadores , el citado electrónico CURA

• I used to read that smoking cost the NHS too much. Now surely that has to be a good thing, unless they lied and don’t want to lose the revenue on smoking.

• I don’t have a problem with real regulations and even taxation if it helps provide solid science in understanding the long term health impacts and limiting unsafe ingredients (popcorn lung from diacetyl, for example)

• Those are the main issues that concern me.

• I think that if the government or pharmaceutical controlled vaping they would completely do away with it. I think that other smokers should have the choice to switch to vaping to try and stop smoking telling them lies is just a bunch of scare tactics that would not help save lives.

Question 15:

Any other comments? Suggestions? Thanks for taking this survey!

These were the last six left on #15 of over 700.

• Saw your survey on “Ma cigarette.com” Excuse my English, I’m French speaking

• I am so thankful for vaping. My clothes & fingers don’t smell like cigarettes anymore. I’m not risking my family’s health with second hand smoke. I spend so much less money. I love making my own juice I know exactly whats in it. Vape on!!

• Vaping has saved my life.

• Thanks for asking 🙂 I hope some of my answers weren’t too long. It’s great to be able to tell my vaping experiences.

• For once I have some control over this addiction to cigarettes for the first time since I was 10 years old. At 37 I do not appreciate the Government attempting to intervene in the name of safety, health or any other reason when I believe in my heart Government is only acting on behalf of the people who stand to lose money if vaping replaces smoking and medical smoking cessation products (pharmaceutical companies and big tobacco). I believe the public is being lied to and over-medicated. Government can spend my tax money on far better things than regulating yet another industry. The disinfo surrounding vaping is scary, and even more frightening is how fast this disinfo was put out to the media, spread to the four corners of the country and picked up by the most absorbent of the easily-swayed population. New regulations are more and more looking like another way for Government to legislate morality and keep the money machine working in favor of the giant corporations. It makes me so very sad and angry.

• I tried patches, gum, chantix, we’ll but in & cold turkey. Nothing made me quit smoking until I discovered vaping. I feel so much healthier l. I don’t cough anymore or cough up nasty phlegm. I don’t get short of breath. I feel like I can breath. I smell and taste so much better. Best of all, I don’t stunk like an ashtray anymore. Vaping saved my life!

When I started this survey, I had no “plan”. I had no experience, I had no contacts. I wasn’t in any facebook groups. I wasn’t active in vaping forums. The results above are what they are. The truth about vaping, from vapers. Here’s some fun facts & links to others who I’ve met along the way.

Here are the countries who participated in the “Vaping Truth Survey”

Please note, although the United States was the top in participants at 2,447, the rest of the WORLD was the remainder of participants at 4,791!

Final: United States 2,447 34%

United Kingdom 984 14%

Germany 684 9%

Canada 409 6%

France 291 4%

Poland 263 4%

Australia 242 3%

Spain 238 3%

Netherlands 226 3%

Finland 191 3%

Norway 186 3%

Unknown 141 2%

Hungary 123 2%

Portugal 119 2%

Sweden 75 1%

Austria 75 1%

Romania 66 1%

Denmark 63 1%

South Africa 59 1%

Belgium 40 1%

Cyprus 36 <1%

Switzerland 29 <1%

Ireland 26 <1%

Italy 25 <1%

Greece 24 <1%

Thailand 17 <1%

Luxembourg 13 <1%

Iceland 10 <1%

Puerto Rico 10 <1%

Brazil 9 <1%

Czech Republic 9 <1%

Argentina 9 <1%

Slovenia 8 <1%

New Zealand 7 <1%

Mexico 7 <1%

Philippines 6 <1%

Croatia 6 <1%

Japan 6 <1%

Morocco 5 <1%

Israel 4 <1%

Taiwan 3 <1%

Singapore 3 <1%

Malaysia 3 <1%

Colombia 3 <1%

Latvia 2 <1%

Peru 2 <1%

Zimbabwe 2 <1%

Unknown 2 <1%

Jamaica 2 <1%

Chile 2 <1%

Estonia 2 <1%

Ecuador 2 <1%

Guam 2 <1%

Panama 1 <1%

Martinique 1 <1%

Reunion 1 <1%

Sri Lanka 1 <1%

Turkey 1 <1%

Trinidad and Tobago 1 <1%

Kuwait 1 <1%

Solomon Islands 1 <1%

Russia 1 <1%

Unknown 1 <1%

Egypt 1 <1%

Bulgaria 1 <1%

Afghanistan 1 <1%

Gibraltar 1 <1%

Guadeloupe 1 <1%

India 1 <1%

Indonesia 1 <1%

Honduras 1 <1%

Kenya 1 <1%

The vapers.org.uk organization was instrumental in going worldwide. They introduced the survey to their audience. I don’t remember how it came across my eye, but I saw they had it on their site, and this is the post, and my response Posted on 27th December 2014 by Alan Beard (Thank you, Alan!)

Here was what I posted and they published: My letter to Vapers.org.uk

With the UK promoting it, (thank you!) the introduction to EVUN was next: EVUN – European Vapers United Network, who inspired me to add the translator.

That brought real worldwide participation from 72 countries. Hazel Mamamia, ( Thank you, Hazel! ) for inspiring that and ME!!!

In a few comments, there was the word “anecdotal”. Others had mentioned that it was “biased”. Well, yes, yes it was. Quickly, an article came streaming across my eye and gave me more hope! (Thank you, Norbert!) Beneficial Bias

Finally, again, Twitter & Facebook were the ultimate two pushing from individuals to forums, groups, pages and much more than I’m probably ever going to find or be aware of.

The truest form of positive interaction in vaping is sharing information. Continue to do that within your networks of fellow vapers! We should all be very proud of these results.

Vaping The Truth By Kellie Forbes BScN RN, Member of the above mentioned organization  M.O.V.E.

has prepared an IN DEPTH look at tobacco harm reduction.

Vaping The Truth USA version

Thank you again to Twitter & Facebook friends, you know who you are! A few of you behind the scenes who have supported me and helped me learn things along the way are SO appreciated!

Those wishing to remain anonymous are awesome. You ALL have done the world a service by helping this take on a life of its own. WE should be proud of the answers from this survey.

The answers above are not really a complete surprise to any of us who vape, but an eye opening visual interpretation of what vaping IS. No fluff. Our Voices.

The Vaping Truth. If one person realizes or understands the weight in this, it has done its job.

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.
