Tag Archives: Teens

Vaping In The News – October 12th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.

Changes in E-Cigarette Use Behaviors and Dependence in Long-term E-Cigarette Users ~ A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy ~ The CDC and Vaping: A Perfect Storm ~ CDC Recognizes THC in Lung Injury Outbreak, But Teen Marijuana Use Ignored ~ US lawmaker introduces bill cutting nicotine in e-cigarettes amid teen vaping epidemic ~ #Hashtag Alert ~ Promoting the rule of law through improved agency guidance documents ~ Ecig vapour and cancer in mice ~ Marewa Glover Gets an Apology ~ Understanding A “Temporary” Vaping Ban ~ Hamilton vape shop owner promises legal action over governor’s ban on flavored e-cigarettes

Changes in E-Cigarette Use Behaviors and Dependence in Long-term E-Cigarette Users

“Findings suggest that the risk of relapse to cigarette smoking is low, and e-cigarette-related dependence remains stable in long-term e-cigarette users.”

Changes in E-Cigarette Use Behaviors and Dependence in Long-term E-Cigarette Users

A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy

The e-cigarette group reported greater declines in the incidence of cough and phlegm production from baseline to 52 weeks than did the nicotine-replacement group NOTE: Funded by the National Institute for Health Research and Cancer Research UK.

A Randomized Trial of E-Cigarettes versus Nicotine-Replacement Therapy

The CDC and Vaping: A Perfect Storm

“When is it appropriate for the government to misinform drug users? In light of the rash of severe lung injuries caused by almost exclusively illicit vape products, anti-vaping sentiments are building upon a perfect storm.”

The CDC and Vaping: A Perfect Storm

CDC Recognizes THC in Lung Injury Outbreak, But Teen Marijuana Use Ignored

Well, Dr. Rodu explains it.

CDC Recognizes THC in Lung Injury Outbreak, But Teen Marijuana Use Ignored

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA?

Have you added your testimony here?

US lawmaker introduces bill cutting nicotine in e-cigarettes amid teen vaping epidemic

Don’t think for one second lowering nicotine in vaping products does not have a direct mental bias illness with “lower nicotine” in cigarettes.

US lawmaker introduces bill cutting nicotine in e-cigarettes amid teen vaping epidemic


Careful what we – wish for. Remember, limiting is limiting adult consumer choice, whether it be cigarettes or e-liquid. Another link: lower nicotine – higher consumption.

I’ll expand: Because the new “cutting nicotine” bill above is being introduced, my Scooby-Doo, or Spidey senses tells me this New hashtag alert: #NicSick, is proof the “lower nicotinemovement propaganda is now in full force.

I ponder: How many cigarettes I’ll have to smoke to overdose.

Will misinformation kill people?

I ponder: Can you overdose?


Promoting the rule of law through improved agency guidance documents

While this looks good on paper, I’m more confused now – and hope you are too.

Promoting the rule of law through improved agency guidance documents

Ecig vapour and cancer in mice

In less than 24 hours, a response to “that” above – (nope, not gonna link it), was this. (NOTE: Vapers are not four legged little people with tails. Public health officials, on the other hand… )

Ecig vapour and cancer in mice

Related: Spurious Correlations is a great website to link “this” to “that” found here: Spurious Correlations.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

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Now, you can watch FORMER FDA Commissioner wiggle like a fish out of water backpedal about nicotine (and the above link) in a thread below.

Like we have for years.

Marewa Glover Gets an Apology

“They want to silence me.” ~ Dr. Glover.

This woman is important to YOU. As consumers, we are very fortunate in the internet age to have the opportunity to engage with professionals.

While *most* professionals feel the *gasp* the public, is beneath them, we are, as consumers, very lucky to have some who will engage.

They face much heavier scrutiny from their peers (rightly so), BUT this shows, among other things, the risks those professionals are taking, and the results of telling the truth about harm reduction.

Thank you for standing UP, Dr. Marewa Glover.

Marewa Glover Gets an Apology

Understanding A “Temporary” Vaping Ban

“When it comes to prohibition, temporary truly never means temporary and protecting public health means stigmatizing at-risk populations.”

Understanding A “Temporary” Vaping Ban

Author, Former Respiratory Therapist, Mother to five, and consumer, explains her position.

Hamilton vape shop owner promises legal action over governor’s ban on flavored e-cigarettes

The Marshall’s have been doing this a while.

Hamilton vape shop owner promises legal action over governor’s ban on flavored e-cigarettes

The results are in:

This one didn’t look good from the start.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

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Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives




Vape Radio

Smoke Free Radio

VAEP : Vaping Education

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – August 17th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.

The Science of Nicotine and Weight Loss ~ Juul Nearly Kills Teen From Lung Collapse: A Story Full Of Smoke ~ Vaping risk compared to smoking ~ A Teacher supplying contraband ~ US vapers get both barrels from the FDA as Berkeley bans flavours ~ Vaping Industry Sues FDA Over 10-Month PMTA Deadline ~ Vapor Technology Association Files Lawsuit Against FDA ~ FDA Sued by Vape Industry Over New PMTA Deadline ~ Health Concerns Unlikely ~ Smoke Free Radio

The Science of Nicotine and Weight Loss

I was referred to this by the #CrankyOldBroad. Not only does it discuss the possibility nicotine and weight loss, it clearly states:

It’s interesting to note that while tobacco is addictive, pure nicotine actually is not. It is the monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) in tobacco that leads to addiction, so people taking nicotine who are not exposed to monoamine oxidase inhibitors do not necessarily suffer addiction and withdrawal from the substance

That is interesting to note

The Science of Nicotine and Weight Loss

(Weight loss was mentioned in my survey here.)

Juul Nearly Kills Teen From Lung Collapse: A Story Full Of Smoke

Lungs collapse. Fables live forever.

Juul Nearly Kills Teen From Lung Collapse: A Story Full Of Smoke

Vaping risk compared to smoking

Clive Bates takes Professor “Puff-N-Stuff” to task.

Vaping risk compared to smoking: challenging a false and dangerous claim by Professor Stanton Glantz

Former Martinsburg High teacher surrenders teaching certificate after ‘partying’ allegations

I was under the impression U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams had a clear and unmistakable message – talking to adults, teachers, school administrators.

I must be *gasp* wrong.

Former Martinsburg High teacher surrenders teaching certificate after ‘partying’ allegations

US vapers get both barrels from the FDA as Berkeley bans flavours

I’ve been wondering where THE Fergus Mason has been hiding. He’s still adding a ‘u’ to his words, I see. 🙂

US vapers get both barrels from the FDA as Berkeley bans flavours

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

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There is a LOT of information for the lawsuit filed this week.

Vaping Industry Sues FDA Over 10-Month PMTA Deadline

Regulator Watch:

Vaping Industry Sues FDA Over 10-Month PMTA Deadline

Vapor Technology Association Files Lawsuit Against FDA

Here is the VTA press release:

Vapor Technology Association Files Lawsuit Against FDA

FDA Sued by Vape Industry Over New PMTA Deadline

Jim McDonald takes the “explain it to Kevin” approach.

FDA Sued by Vape Industry Over New PMTA Deadline

Here is the full PDF of the filing:

Here’s just a few blogs where I’ve mentioned the industry, FDA and “regulations”.

2015 Regulate, restrict, tax, ban

2016: National Tobacco Day.

2017: The FDA can’t prove nicotine addiction or gateways exist.

2018: E-cigarettes and the FDA.

2019: Vaping Industry Trade Associations

Health Concerns Unlikely

Because no one wants to talk about it. Dave Cross does.

Health Concerns Unlikely

Expert reaction to study looking at e-cigarette use and marijuana use in young people

Vaping products aren’t making it “easier” for kids to use marijuana. Blaming vaping products makes it easier to blame use on something else besides experimentation.

Expert reaction to study looking at e-cigarette use and marijuana use in young people

Land Of The Free

Here’s how you increase profit for pharmaceutical test kits:

Land Of The Free

Smoke Free Radio

Bucky’s Vape Shop talks about the lawsuit filed this week.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives




Vape Radio

Smoke Free Radio

VAEP : Vaping Education

Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – June 8th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

Is There a Role for E-Cigarettes in Smoking Cessation for Patients With Cancer? ~ The E-Cigarette Debate: What Counts as Evidence? ~ RCM Supports Vaping ~ Teen vapers are using eBay to dodge age restrictions – And cigarettes, too ~ How Big Is the So-Called Teen Vaping Epidemic? ~ The American Liars Association ~ Gang Related ~ Flavor Bans Are Good for Smoking

Is There a Role for E-Cigarettes in Smoking Cessation for Patients With Cancer?

I’d like to ask the question: Is there a reason this is a question?

Is There a Role for E-Cigarettes in Smoking Cessation for Patients With Cancer?

The E-Cigarette Debate: What Counts as Evidence?

I’ll quote our friend, the great Alan Beard concerning this next one:

Very fair and detailed analysis here regarding the differing approaches in the US and the UK

Clearly pointed out : “…competing priorities determined what counted as evidence…

The E-Cigarette Debate: What Counts as Evidence?

RCM Supports Vaping

I was glad to see the “Support to Quit Smoking in Pregnancy” report come out. I was gladder to see Dave’s take on it.

RCM Supports Vaping

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

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Teen vapers are using eBay to dodge age restrictions – And cigarettes, too

Imagine the ability of children™ to illegally obtain things they are not legally allowed to possess purchase. We can’t blame eBay alone, I’m sure there are parents who are unaware of secret groups and sites all over the internet to gain access to illegal things. Illegally.

Teen vapers are using eBay to dodge age restrictions – And cigarettes, too

How Big Is the So-Called Teen Vaping Epidemic?

This isn’t the Surgeon General, certainly it is not the Food and Drug Administration explaining the “epidemic”. Instead, Dr Rodu does. Again.

How Big Is the So-Called Teen Vaping Epidemic?

The American Liars Association

I adore the play on telling the truth with words.

The American Liars Association

Gang Related

While much more troubling issues are in schools, people choose to forget “reefer madness” or choose to ignore it.

Gang Related

If you want to scare parents, think of Elvis. Loretta Lynn. George Carlin. The PMRC. When parents look for an excuse – any scapegoat is acceptable, really, except the children™ . Except the parents. When looking to change perceptions, you arm yourselves with children™ , duck behind them and aim directly toward anyone willing to be shocked and dismayed.

DON’T blame the children™ – and whatever you do, don’t blame the parents. {Insert other smart-ass comments from me here}.

Flavor Bans Are Good for Smoking

When someone stops smoking, food not only tastes better, sense of smell improves. The olfactory nerves from taste to smell are in overdrive within a few days. 

You could take my word for it, or see their examples they themselves ignore:

Flavor Bans Are Good for Smoking

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – May 18th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

The 2018 American Teen Vaping Epidemic, Recalculated ~ There is No ‘Epidemic’ of Youth Vaping, Only a Moral Panic ~ Drugs And The Surgeon General ~ The potential frivolity of the Juul class actions is alarming ~ FDA “Performance Measures” ~ Paper Links E-Cigarette Use To Child Abuse ~ The 15 Sexiest People In Vape ~ Less smoking is concerning for at least 6 “health” groups ~ Let Teens Vape ~ Nicotine and Brain Damage ~ 43 People Indicted for Bank Fraud, $30M in Cigarette Trafficking in Virginia ~ Federal Judge Strikes Down FDA’s Postponed PMTA Deadlines ~ New York Times Runs Stealth Anti-Vaping Ad as Op-ed ~ Vaping Harm Reduction ~ A Comparison of Flavorless Electronic Cigarette-Generated Aerosol and Conventional Cigarette Smoke

The 2018 American Teen Vaping Epidemic, Recalculated

A breakdown with Brad Rodu

The 2018 American Teen Vaping Epidemic, Recalculated

There is No ‘Epidemic’ of Youth Vaping, Only a Moral Panic

From Sherwin Mena. Need I say more?

There is No ‘Epidemic’ of Youth Vaping, Only a Moral Panic

Drugs And The Surgeon General

Dave did it again.

Drugs And The Surgeon General

The potential frivolity of the Juul class actions is alarming

I’ve said it before, if I see Michael McGrady, so shall you.

The potential frivolity of the Juul class actions is alarming

FDA Performance Measures

Smoking is a government-run business. You people need to stop quitting smoking before they go out of business.

Click to enlarge

The U.S. FDA’s “keep smoking we need the money” train involves predictions and profit.

So far, government, public “health” groups, researchers, tobacco “control” & other funded “experts” have record losses totalling $72.96 Billion dollars in 11 short years.

Performance Measures

Click to enlarge, steal away.

Paper Links E-Cigarette Use To Child Abuse

Imagine if you will, a chance to use research to improve… oh never mind. “Non-Profit” groups abusing children as pawns in anti-ecig propaganda is child abuse.

The link to this idiotic article below uses a (recommended) “do not link” to prevent (it) from improving their websites’ position in search engines.

Paper Links E-Cigarette Use To Child Abuse

The 15 Sexiest People In Vape

You know you can’t help yourself. Grab your favorite beverage.

The 15 Sexiest People In Vape

Less smoking is concerning for at least 6 “health” groups

It seems “less smoking” is a concern – and an investigation is warranted. Of course…

Their problem? The “unauthorized” claims that the company’s e-cigarettes help users stop smoking. I remember one of the brilliant ads showing “Quit. Start smoking again“. Thirty times. Why? Because it’s truthful on the average number of times smokers try to quit (here). Brilliant. That you’ve allegedly pissed off your secret partners with Tobacco-Free Kids? Even though I despise you, well done, Juul.

These groups aren’t going after the companies making “authorized” government “approved” claims of patches or gums being “helpful” to smokers, unethically, and more specifically, from themselves? They’ve known these facts since at least 2002.

Even Stan “Stuff & Puff” Glantz “believes” nicotine replacement therapy “should only be available if the smoker commits to regular counseling to use it properly”. He states in the same article “The tobacco companies are generally 20 or 30 years ahead of the public health community in their thinking about their issues”… which gives me a whole lot of nope trusting an alleged “expert” with 30+ years playing one around the country.

I don’t use the “do not link” for this one – because I want them to know where this hit comes from. I also enjoy it when I get hits from them on occasion. (“Hi, Matt!”)

Less smoking is concerning for at least 6 “health” groups

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

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Let Teens Vape

I’ll ask again: At what age is a “smoker” considered a “smoker”?

Let Teens Vape

Click to enlarge

Nicotine and Brain Damage

LOTS of “nicotine” “can hurt” the “adolescent brain” lately… up to 25 years old I’ve seen, heard, read about 7,000 times.

“Wait a second. . . . Nicotine does not interfere with cognitive ability.” ~ Dr. Nora Volkow of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in 2014.

While I don’t normally tweet or blog about pot – (nothing against it, I’m an old former stoner from the 80’s) – this one – liner gem was hidden in this 2014 article.

The myths of smoking pot

43 People Indicted for Bank Fraud, $30M in Cigarette Trafficking in Virginia

Imagine buying a legal product, and reselling the same legal product in another state. The government doesn’t like you stealing the money they’re already trying to steal. Oh, and there is no black market.

43 People Indicted for Bank Fraud, $30M in Cigarette Trafficking in Virginia

Federal Judge Strikes Down FDA’s Postponed PMTA Deadlines

Jim McDonald.

Federal Judge Strikes Down FDA’s Postponed PMTA Deadlines

New York Times Runs Stealth Anti-Vaping Ad as Op-ed

Corruption? Disclosures? Imagine that. Via Michelle Minton:

New York Times Runs Stealth Anti-Vaping Ad as Op-ed

E-cigarettes have no place in pharmacy

They’re not tobacco products, either.

E-cigarettes have no place in pharmacy

Vaping Harm Reduction

Dave did it, again – this time explaing the eloquent ~ebb & flow~ of “expertise” tightly wrapped up inside the… oh never mind this is a family tweet. GO READ DAVE’S STUFF NOW!!!

Vaping Harm Reduction

A Comparison of Flavorless Electronic Cigarette-Generated Aerosol and Conventional Cigarette Smoke

I’m still looking for research, good or bad. I’ll assume you are as well.

A Comparison of Flavorless Electronic Cigarette-Generated Aerosol and Conventional Cigarette Smoke

Next week, I’ll mark myself safe from the Ohio Vapor Trade Association (OHVTA) conference with James Jarvis.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – May 4th, 2019

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

An Obscure Safety Rule Could Shut Down the Vaping Industry ~ Indiana e-cigarette tax dies on last day of legislature ~ Altria’s stock drops after earnings, revenue fall more than expected ~ If You Try to Quit the Habit, We’ll Tax You ~ Truth Telling about Tobacco and Nicotine ~ MAKING AN EPIDEMIC (PART 1). ~ New study finds 98% of FDA rules over 17 years are unconstitutional ~ Wall Street Journal: Career civil servants illegitimately rule America ~ Smoking is still killing Tennesseans: Why take away a powerful cessation tool? Vape Laws Cause Teen Smoking ~ Rack·et·eer·ing ~ THR4Life ~

An Obscure Safety Rule Could Shut Down the Vaping Industry

With Jim McDonald… imagine the loopholes… because things like this – can keep people smoking… are you paying attention?

An Obscure Safety Rule Could Shut Down the Vaping Industry

Indiana e-cigarette tax dies on last day of legislature

Speaking of Amy… and how working towards…

Indiana e-cigarette tax dies on last day of legislature

Altria’s stock drops after earnings, revenue fall more than expected

“Public Health” “experts”: “Ecigs don’t work.”

Me: “Huh”. 👇

“Smokeable products revenue fell 8.8% to $4.94 billion, as cigarette volume fell 14.3% and Marlboro volume fell 13.5%.”

Altria’s stock drops after earnings, revenue fall more than expected

If You Try to Quit the Habit, We’ll Tax You

Oh, you QUIT smoking? How DARE you. We will still take your money because we can’t budget our budget.

I’ll file this in the #KeepSmokingWeNeedTheMoney and #QuitSmokingWeNeedTheMoney files…

If You Try to Quit the Habit, We’ll Tax You

Truth Telling about Tobacco and Nicotine

This includes an exhaustive list of government of any type, public health, non-profits and “experts”.

“Regardless of one’s stance on harm reduction, it should go without saying that public health representatives are committed to sharing accurate information.”

Truth Telling about Tobacco and Nicotine

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90


I covered, among other things, “snippets and narratives” before. Fellow Ohioan Bo McCoy, MBA – does the same.

  • Without publication the study could be used and interpreted in any way the reader sees fit. It has been said, numbers don’t lie; but sometimes numbers don’t tell you the whole truth either.
  • Getting advance copies of a study gives agencies a clear advantage in preparing the use of the information against or sway legislation in favor or a prejudicial interpretation. 
  • Finally, keeping the study in close-knit circles precludes any opposition from using the study.


New study finds 98% of FDA rules over 17 years are unconstitutional

WHERE are the vaping industry ambulance chasers?

New study finds 98% of FDA rules over 17 years are unconstitutional

Wall Street Journal: Career civil servants illegitimately rule America

This one is with our friend, Kimberly Manor.

Wall Street Journal: Career civil servants illegitimately rule America

Smoking is still killing Tennesseans: Why take away a powerful cessation tool?

Via our friend, Dimitris Agrafiotis:

Smoking is still killing Tennesseans: Why take away a powerful cessation tool?

Vape Laws Cause Teen Smoking

Because there are rules.

Vape Laws Cause Teen Smoking


[ˌrakəˈtiriNG] NOUN. Dishonest and fraudulent business dealings.

From candy flavored amphetamines for children – to – yes – OxyContin for children as young as 11 – to CVS filling fraudulent prescriptions – and of COURSE a $930 million funding opportunity to combat the opioid crisis

JUST like tobacco “control“, “public health“, “nicotine replacement therapy” and government deliberately keeping people smoking for profit.


Opioid company executives found guilty of racketeering


FREE THR4Life NO T21 T-SHIRTS!! If you are 18-20 years old, we want a short video of you telling us your story about how Tobacco Harm Reduction has changed your life. If you are chosen, we will send you one of our NO T21 T-SHIRTS. Absolutely free!! Two winners EVERY WEEK! What are you waiting for? Don’t be camera shy, we want to hear your story! Go here!

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – April 6th, 2019

See the source image

Vaping In The News covers nicotine, smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, harm reduction, tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies & more worldwide.

Some FDA Claims About Teen Vaping Confirmed, Others Evaporate ~ Changing Perceptions ~ Unfair advantage ~ Vaping Taxes Do Not Deter Youth Use of E-Cigarettes ~ FDA’s Fake E-cigarette News ~ Bye, Felicia: Gottlieb Leaves FDA After Bizarre Seizure Warning ~ School district randomly testing for vaping paraphernalia ~ Wrestling with Curiosity and Fear About Nicotine ~ Dimi Rant

Some FDA Claims About Teen Vaping Confirmed, Others Evaporate

Brad Rodu slaps some things around, including support of “Tobacco 21”.

Some FDA Claims About Teen Vaping Confirmed, Others Evaporate

Changing Perceptions

I’ve talked about, and James Jarvis has talked about how Scientific, Public Health and Government sectors (Seeya, Gottlieb) have continuously publicly and purposefully encouraged & promoted more smoking with manipulation, narrative, and snippets.

Changing Perceptions of Harm of e-Cigarette vs Cigarette Use

Unfair advantage

Amy Netherton breaks down the… well… Indiana government broke the industry.

Unfair advantage

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Simply use “vapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Please visit my proud sponsor

Lunar Rover thumbnail_624x90

Vaping Taxes Do Not Deter Youth Use of E-Cigarettes

Lindsey tells us something we’ve they’ve known all along about cigarettes, and now vaping products.

Vaping Taxes Do Not Deter Youth Use of E-Cigarettes

Speaking Of Seizures:

FDA’s Fake E-cigarette News

Michelle Minton:

FDA’s Fake E-cigarette News

Bye, Felicia: Gottlieb Leaves FDA After Bizarre Seizure Warning

Jim McDonald:

Bye, Felicia: Gottlieb Leaves FDA After Bizarre Seizure Warning

Goodbye GottLIEb

Of all things… I can’t imagine the forced irony of this tweet from GottLIEB on his last day holding his position. For the record, I think he did it on purpose just to piss us off.

Here’s a reminder (from me) of Gottlieb’s interim replacement, Dr. Ned Sharpless.

“Treating cancer and preventing cancer” with combustible cigarettes

School district randomly testing for vaping paraphernalia

“I don’t believe that it’s an invasion of privacy because I believe it’s to protect them all in the long run.”

Good thing metal detectors can’t find cigarettes.

School district randomly testing for vaping paraphernalia

Wrestling with Curiosity and Fear About Nicotine

Via Joe Gitchell. He knows I like him even when I’m cantankerous.

Wrestling with Curiosity and Fear About Nicotine

Dimi Rant

I can’t imagine Dimi talking about politicians, legacies, or tobacco… but he did. Also, there’s a bit of math involved because he’s multi-talented. He explains how to talk with politicians – educate politicians, how to piss off Juul, the South American cartel connection, and is well worth the watch.


Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid.

Check them out!

They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

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Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


I proudly joined David Goerlitz on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that! #FundTheFuture!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics

You Don’t Know Nicotine

A Billion Lives



Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome at the bottom this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – January 19th, 2019


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

E-cigarettes OK to Quit Smoking ~ Vaping is Much Safer Than Smoking ~ NYU: “Substantially Less Harmful Than Cigarettes”. ~ Vaping and the Mic ~ A Harm Reduction Guide for Parents of Teens Who Vape ~ What do cigarette smokers think of vapers who are against tobacco? ~ Solution Announced for Vaping Cessation ~ Alternative Nicotine Delivery Options ~ Health, Science, & Technology Requests for Proposals ~ Clowns ~ Let’s Change The Conversation

E-Cigarettes OK to Quit Smoking

Imagine my surprise when our friend Ed West linked this from 2018.
Inside it says “researcher Thomas Brandon, Ph.D., director of Moffitt’s Tobacco Research and Intervention Program” says the fear of vaping being as harmful as smoking is a “broadly held misconception”.

Ask your public health and elected officials why this has been buried for almost a year.

E-Cigarettes OK to Quit Smoking

Vaping is Much Safer Than Smoking, So Why Don’t People Know It?

Lee asks a great question.

Vaping is Much Safer Than Smoking, So Why Don’t People Know It?

NYU Publishes Article Supporting Vaping As “Substantially Less Harmful Than Cigarettes”.

Dr. David Abrams of New York University agrees with Public Health England’s 2015 report. According to this article, he knows vaping products are “substantially less harmful than cigarettes“:

NYU Publishes Article Supporting Vaping As “Substantially Less Harmful Than Cigarettes”.

Lunar Rover

This blog is sponsored by LUNAR ROVER|Premium eLiquid. They not only produce cocktail and fruit flavors, they also have a range of tobacco flavors ranging from 0-18 strength.

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

Lunar Rover thumbnail_300x90

Have you joined CASAA? Add your testimony here!

Vaping and the Mic

I was proudly a guest on Vaping and the Mic with Mike Peterson on Smoke-Free Radio. We had a little chat about… things…

A Harm Reduction Guide for Parents of Teens Who Vape

I did an inquisition of sorts of the ‘epidemic’ of teen vaping with the fraudulent claim the Surgeon General has approved here.

Helen Redmond has this to say:

“The survey produced large-seeming percentages by asking teens if they’d vaped in the past month, the past year, or ever, but omitted to ask about the most frequent use, which you’d think would be the cause of most concern.”

A Harm Reduction Guide for Parents of Teens Who Vape

With a little help from my friend:

What do cigarette smokers think of vapers who are against tobacco?

Great question!

What do cigarette smokers think of vapers who are against tobacco?

Ongoing Poll:

Solution Announced for Vaping Cessation

Well, if there’s no other… I suppose this would… oh, never mind. Now the Surgeon General has no excuses. The answer to the epidemic is here!

Solution Announced for Vaping Cessation

Definitive Agreement Marks Milestone for Alternative Nicotine Delivery Options

I can almost hear the slapping of palms on foreheads in California. Either way, tobacco companies are progressing forward with less harm in spite, or… well.

Definitive Agreement Marks Milestone for Alternative Nicotine Delivery Options

Health, Science, & Technology Requests for Proposals  

Here’s where research funding is available, yet – some researchers won’t apply. I know why.

Health, Science, & Technology Requests for Proposals  

Two from me:

With clowns to the left of me, research to the right, on average, I trust I can reach my goal. This was fun:

Clowns To The Left Of Me, Research To The Right

Let’s change the conversation. It’s time.

Nicotine and Vaping: Let’s Change The Conversation

Please visit my proud sponsor

LUNAR ROVER | Premium eLiquid

Here’s a great deal from Lunar Rover!

Simply usevapinglinks” at checkout for 15% off your entire cart!

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Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk?


I proudly joined David Georlitz on his latest podcast:David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life?

Are you familiar with GONZO GIVES?  VapeTithing? Do that!

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Keep up with the latest here with the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



Ecigarette Research

Dr. Konstantinos E Farsalinos (Research)

E-Research Foundation


E-Cigarette Politics

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Dear Family, Friends, Parents, Educators and Medical Professionals: “The Real Cost”.

warning exist

Dear Family, Friends, Parents, Educators and Medical Professionals:

I consider you all intelligent and capable of thinking for yourselves. Each of you have the power of many that I cannot have alone. I consider the depth and importance you hold with your personal and professional lives.  I also consider that YOU have a responsibility, response, and an ability – with the vast outreach you have – to make a difference. I’m going with the theory that we’re all only within “six degrees of separation”.

I understand in order to ask for support, you need facts.

Years ago, Dad had a motto for his business. “Know for a fact”. I’ve adopted that for this very personal message. I hope to briefly educate and enlighten you in the following few minutes of your our lives. 

Pardon The Intrusion

I do not like my family and friends being misinformed lied to.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made what I normally kick, scream and rant about on my Twitter account, my other Facebook page, and here on my blog, much, MUCH more personal. It’s about informed public consumer choices. It’s about rights. It is about you.

“When tobacco use decreases, less smoking occurs.”

Those Damn Kids


Are you a parent?  I’ll let you decide if trusted “non-profit” groups like “Tobacco-Free Kids”  (created by Johnson & Johnson, makers of smoking “cessation” products and then secretly negotiated with tobacco giant Philip Morris) are marketing cigarettes and e-cigarettes to children here.  Or  trustworthy. (I’ll wait.)

Remember when the public health community and media claimed e-cigarettes were a “gateway” TO smoking? Huh.

Think about the statement Dr. Gottlieb has made about “marketing to children”. Are you able to exercise your parenting skills? Dr. Scott Gottlieb of the FDA doesn’t think so. Like cigarettes, the law states anyone underage (18 or 21) cannot purchase these NON-tobacco products legally.

What you aren’t being told is these restrictions could lead teenagers back to smoking. The FDA wants to convince the world (whether they smoke or not) using rhetoric, proof by assertion, pseudoscience sound bytes and the ever-popular “Think of the children™ that e-cigarettes are “just as dangerous” as smoking. They’re not. While I’ll try not to bore you, there is data, science and research (and links within this blog). There is no doubt.


By the way, while Dr. Gottlieb pretends “nicotine” is the problem, something he can’t prove, he is encouraging more smoking with the help of front groups and other officials.


Pfizer, maker of the “FDA Approved” drug Chantix (once black-boxed due to thousands of attempted and over 500 suicides ) was given to “adolescents” in the United States ages 12-16. They failed.

The struggle is real

Why aren’t “approved” nicotine patches and gums being passed out to teens like candy? I’m saying, and I’ll keep saying it: “If “children” are already smoking, they’re smokers regardless of age.” I’ll direct you to Shiela Vakharia’s statement below.


Smoking or not

If you’re a smoker, I’m not telling you to stop smoking. (Smokers can go here.) Because vaping businesses are no longer allowed to tell you, I’m telling you e-cigarettes are a safer, healthier, smoke-free choice. It is an alternative for smokers who want to quit.  Nothing more, nothing less. I’m telling you the FDA is trying to take away a choice that has worked for millions. A choice that works. This choice is being threatened.

I was told “stop smoking” since I was old enough to get caught smoking! I was told it was “nicotine“. It’s not. Have you ever caught a child stealing nicotine patches to feed their “addiction”?

Whiteboard nicotine lie
It wasn’t so easy. “Government approved” patches and gums didn’t work for me, but I didn’t know why. I never thought to ask about the 93% failure rates. I was told it was willpower. It’s not. I was told I wasn’t trying hard enough. I wasn’t, but I didn’t know smokers average 30 attempts before they quit. I was told a lot of things. I’ve been lied to before, but not to this grand scale. They call it a sin tax. They’re addicted to taxing smokers.

msa lucrative

I didn’t realize the discrimination and hatred against smokers is completely perpetuated by money. To call the anti-smoking movement “brainwashing” is an understatement. It is professional bullying. I didn’t realize it was a billion dollar industry – funded BY smoking. If this scale of hate was directed at any other group, there would be riots in the streets. Leave smokers alone.

Can you imagine

FDA will always promote science based decision making…”

~Dr. Scott Gottlieb

Cognitive dissonance is the mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.

Here’s Dr. Gottlieb and his sidekick Mitch “Zippy” Zeller – of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration exerting their arrogance mental “cognitive dissonance” disorder.

Gottlieb and Zeller large

In the process of regulation, restrictions, taxes and bans, Dr. Gottlieb is going to encumber 10 Million smokers, and millions more who may choose to purchase them as an alternative to smoking based on “attitudes, beliefs and intentions“.

The Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration…. what?

gottlieb belief....JPG


Dr. GottLIEb feels the need to use the word “convincingly”.

gottlieb convincingly

I’ve got another word: Manipulation.


Added November 8th, 2018:

So much for an “epidemic” via the retail sector.

“During this past summer, 96.7% of the retailers passed FDA-sponsored compliance checks by not selling an e-cigarette to an underage youth.”

This is 16.7% ABOVE federal guidelines.👇

The Synar Amendment “requires” an 80% compliance rate.

NATO Responds to FDA’s Potential E-Cigarette Sales Restrictions


As a “professional smoker” for about 35 years, I found, by accident, an amazing product. An e-cigarette. Within 48 hours, it worked. It also worked for Janice. It has worked for some of you reading this, my family and friends. Sometimes it doesn’t. One son (23) does both and the other (20) still chooses to smoke.

For a while… I walked around happy I wasn’t smoking. My cough – a constant companion most of my life, had abandoned me in about a week. I was breathing better and felt better. I thought – well, it can’t be worse than smoking. I was both uncaring and blind to the issues and the controversy surrounding “e-cigarettes”. On the news, as you’ve all seen, I saw (a) report of “dangers” and I thought, no, you bastards – you are lying. You’re not telling the whole story.

david quote

On a cold winter night, I found David Goerlitz’ blog. He is the “Former Winston man”. In his blog, he explains the corruption from ANTI-tobacco groups (Body Parts™ groups – Heart, Lung, Cancer Associations) he WORKED for. These “non-profits” are funded by smoking. David FIRED me UP.

david with gottlieb.jpg

I read anything and everything. I started a blog. I joined Twitter. (Turns out, scientists, researchers and experts who don’t lie are real and on Twitter.) I joined Facebook groups to learn more.

Dave fired me up. At that point, I was on a mission to change the world. Without knowing better – within days – on December 17th, 2014 – I created a survey to show what others like me already knew to show YOU and others – our experiences… 7,238 people took it around the world. Around the world. Proudly, It’s been used and quoted in a few places. My mission for that survey was to tell other smokers there is another option. A place they could read about what others doing it – said. Reducing or eliminating asthma medications, lower blood pressure – and much, much more.

I found quickly – the experts, media, and (no surprise) government do not care about the truth. They don’t care about facts. Wait. They care about manipulating the facts. I don’t like you not knowing for a fact.

“The Real Cost”

Fear is a lack of knowledge. Knowledge is power.

The Food and Drug Administration will be spending money placing propaganda in your minds called “The Real Cost“. They” want to regulate, restrict, tax and ban a choice by using “children” as a ploy.

taxes ecigs.jpg

Here’s where you come in. I’d like you to consider how you can help, and it won’t cost you a dime. I’m asking you to stand up. Raise your hand. Question those in authority. Engage. If you have doubts, questions, concerns, thoughts… ask me. If you have friends, colleagues, associates, family, medical professionals… direct them to me. If I do not know the answer, I’ll ask someone else.

Please consider a *free* membership by joining the consumer group CASAA.

They released this comprehensive explanation today:

“We believe that even if youth use were increasing, it is still a public health benefit – provided that use of smoking products continues to fall.”

“Epidemic?” A Perspective of Youth Vaping & Tobacco Use Trends

It isn’t just me. Oliver Kershaw also explains it here:

“Treating the symptom, not the cause – is never an effective outcome.”
You are my friends and family. I wouldn’t want you thinking funding is the root of the created opioid epidemic, either.
Turns out, in my mission to change the world, the world has changed me.
Each of you have the power of many that I cannot have alone. I consider you all intelligent and able to think for yourselves, and I thank you for your time.

This, from Diane Caruana – goes right along with what I said above.

Added 9/22/16:
I must be getting on someone’s nerves… Good.

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


I proudly joined David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA? Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Vaping In The News – September 15th, 2018


Vaping In The News covers media stories on smoking, vaping, snus, heat not burn, e-cigarettes, exposing tobacco control, public health, government, regulations, policies and more worldwide.

“The largest threat to Public Health is an informed consumer.”

FDA Hands Vaping a Blow, Sends Tobacco a Save ~ FDA Ought to Reconsider Stance on Youth Vaping ~ Scott Gottlieb ~ Vaping, Vultures and Cars ~ Steps to address a non-existent problem ~ All people like better products. Teenagers are people ~ Vapor Technology Association (VTA) Response ~ American Vaping Association (AVA) Response ~ Fontem Ventures respond to FDA statement ~ Tobacco Stocks ~ Survey ~ Hand Check

Make no mistake, Dr. Gottlieb has threatened consumers who have found a healthier, smoke-free, safer alternative to smoking.

Consumers, and the entire industry ARE at risk.

Along with “experts” in public health, politicians, “health” groups and media, Tobacco-Free Kids has manipulated the public campaign (and the market) for months.

Dr. Gottlieb finally responded in their favor by saying “The FDA has unpublished preliminary data that shows a 75 percent increase in e-cigarette use among high school students this year compared with 2017″ and threatening (primarily) Vuse, Blu, JUUL, MarkTen XL, and Logic.

These brands specifically are – evidently – keeping “youth” from smoking cigarettes.

FDA Hands Vaping a Blow, Sends Tobacco a Save

Consumer group Tobacco Harm Reduction 4 Life  is questioning the integrity of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Dr. Gottleib – or lack thereof.  Here is that respons to Dr. Gottlieb’s ultimatum.

(Full disclosure: I am a member of the board of THR4Life.)

FDA Hands Vaping a Blow, Sends Tobacco a Save

FDA Ought to Reconsider Stance on Youth Vaping

Lindsay Stroud:

FDA Ought to Reconsider Stance on Youth Vaping

Scott Gottlieb:

What Gottlieb is portraying to the public is:

Cigarettes are safe and have no time limit.

Combustible cigarettes are not a problem.



Vaping, Vultures and Cars

Our friend, Alan, has an explanation:

Vaping, Vultures and Cars

Steps to address a non-existent problem

Our friend, Paul – also has an explanation to the problem that doesn’t exist.

Steps to address a non-existent problem

All people like better products.

As a father of two (20 & 23 year olds) I remember my sons teenage years… like it was just a few years ago.

Carl makes a bold statement: Teenagers are people. Therefore….

“discouraging teenage vaping probably encourages teenage smoking”

All people like better products. Teenagers are people. Therefore…

Vapor Technology Association (VTA) Response

“Unfortunately, FDA and Commissioner Gottlieb took a giant step backwards against the best interest of public health. By threatening an industry – and technology that millions of adult smokers are successfully using to reduce or quit smoking deadly cigarettes–FDA is venturing into dangerous territory.”

Vapor Technology Association (VTA) Responds to FDA’s Announcement

American Vaping Association (AVA) Response

“It is absolutely absurd and a perversion of how regulatory agencies are supposed to approach their work.”

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s Threats on Vaping Send Tobacco Stocks Surging

Fontem Ventures, owner of blu, responds to FDA

Expected response:

Fontem Ventures, owner of blu, responds to FDA statement on Youth Access Prevention

Tobacco Stock

Since the FDA announcement above, here’s what happened to the tobacco market – immediately.




My friend Broony has made this quick and easy survey!

To Vape And Smoke

Hand Check

Last week my wife and I spent a bit of time at my first ever vape convention with Fig RamseyJulie Woessner David Goerlitz, James Jarvis, Amy Netherton, Jessica and Kevin Lacy, and many more great people trying to help both consumers and the industry in Bowling Green, Kentucky at Vapor Mania Expo.

I had a chance to see, learn, understand and listen to some of the best in the country.

Here are my hand checks from that event.


As you can tell, I’m pretty proud.

Have you met my OUR friends at vapers.org.uk? 


I proudly join David on his latest podcast: David G Model Citizen.

You can find me here trying to be cordial on Facebook

You can find me here being a bit more evil on Twitter

You can find me learning here on Instagram

You can also find me on LinkedIn

It’s FREE, have you joined CASAA?

Have you added your testimony here?

Are you familiar with Tobacco Harm Reduction For Life

Are you familiar with VAPE TITHING

Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog. There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.


Smoking and E-cig use among teens is down, again – (Don’t tell Stan)


Smoking and e-cigarette use is down again. It’s a long standing whine from inefficient tobacco control “experts”, “those damn kids”.

Wait a minute…

Forgive me, I don’t know where my head was at by typing “those damn kids”.

It’s Think Of The Children ™ .

Future income for tobacco control.

There. Clear conscience. I hope we both feel better.

This graphic is just to make you laugh before we can move on.

I’ll wait.

glantz tweet

All set?

Moving on.

Smoking and E-cigarette use is dropping

The last chart I saw (from 2015) showing tobacco use among middle and high school students is below, and smoking rates at the bottom was going DOWN.


Seems in the chart on the bottom, the significant decrease in cigarettes use… was – well, ignored. Instead, it added in in the “overall useage”of tobacco.

Huh. Seems in the chart at the TOP, it increased. That made progress “No significant change”.

Well, after National Tobacco Day, that chart is accurate according to the arbitrary law.

I believe this grapic was made during the Surgeon General’s propaganda tour when I snipped this, so I apologize in advance on the source.

I’m sure they were made by someone much more important than I am before I put my remarks and drivel all over theirs.

I think the source is somewhere, if you can bear to go, in here.

lie kids rates.JPG



I’d like to believe the children surveyed in the latest findings are telling the truth to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I’d also like to believe those organizations were truthful in relaying that information to the public. Not sure. You?

Not sure. You? Haven’t seen Puff-N-Stuff metanalyze it yet… for all I know this is cause for children to pick their noses…I’ll move on.

Either way, smoking is down, e-cigarette use (now called tobacco) is down.

  • Down 20% for “any tobacco product”.
  • Down 20% for “any combustible tobacco product”.
  • Down 26% for any “two (dual use) tobacco products”.
  • Down 29% for “e-cigarette use”.
  • Down 33% for “hookah use”.

Imagine taking away e-cigarettes as a choice.

Would any of the other categories have gone down?

I think not.

Between 2013 and 2015, e-cigarette use rose substantially, and then it dropped in 2016…while “experts” were claiming, screaming, yelling and making a general ass of themselves that they are a gateway to smoking. Yeah. About that…  They’ll be making an ass of themselves and taking credit for the lower rates… any minute now.

kids youth smoking drops again low.jpg

Fool me once… keep babbling…. I’ll make it clearer.

Stop that – you’re starting to look silly.

Youth Tobacco Use in the U.S.

Meanwhile, the Tobacco 21 crowd gears up and wants to restrict tobacco from 18-20 year olds from having that choice. (E-cigarettes). From Adults.

Now look back up at that chart.

Now look without giggling at this graphic tweet from “well respected” our National Tobacco Control Professor, Stanton “Puff-N-Stuff” Glantz, again. It’s like he’s trying to be convincing and all…

You know you want to.

glantz tweet

Added 8/26/17

“The implications of the rapid rise in electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use remain unknown.”

Huh. Unknown. Maybe knowing they’re much less dangerous than conventional cigarettes is a start?

Nicotine dependence is not a significant mechanism for e-cigarettes’ purported effect on heavier future conventional smoking among young adults.

Evaluating the Mutual Pathways among Electronic Cigarette Use, Conventional Smoking, and Nicotine Dependence.

“most e-cigarette experimentation does not turn into regular use, and levels of regular use in young people who have never smoked remain very low.”


Cumulatively these surveys collected data from over 60,000 young people.

Young People’s Use of E-Cigarettes across the United Kingdom: Findings from Five Surveys 2015–2017

“When tobacco use decreases, less smoking occurs.”

“If “children” are *already smoking, they’re *smokers regardless of age.

Legislators who say 18-year-olds are not adults are hypocrites



Clive Bates has been saying the same thing since 2013.

We need to talk about the children – the gateway effect examined

It’s also here from the Capital Research Center and Dr. Steve Allen:

Oh, and here:

Vaping Rates Are Falling For Teens Despite Alleged ‘Gateway’ Effect To Smoking

I’ve covered it, among other places, here:

The FDA can’t prove nicotine addiction or gateways exist.

And Dr. Cranfield, who did this

has covered the gatway theory in this video. Well worth the listen

Added 8/26/17

My Data Driven Meta-Analysis: E-cigarettes Cause Less Smoking

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You can also find me on LinkedIn

Have you met our friends at vapers.org.uk?


Medical, Research, Science Professionals:



E-Cigarette Politics 

A Billion Lives

A Billion Lives


Your comments are NEVER filtered, always encouraged and welcome on this blog.


There is definitely more to come.

Keep ON #Vaping On.








